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Akademik Yayınlar (Türkiye)

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  • Ulusal Tez Merkezi için: "sistem düşüncesi", "systems thinking", "sistem dinamikleri", "system dynamics", "sistemsel düşünme", "sistemik düşünme", "sistemsel düşünce", "sistemik düşünce"
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Son güncelleme: 01/01/2025 07:09

Yıl Yayın Adı Yazar Türü Konu Yayın No
2024 High School Students' Motivation Regarding an Integrated STEM Food System Project Sarah L. J. Thies; Neil A. Knobloch; Hui-Hui Wang; Bryanna J. Nelson Makale - EJ1450327
2024 'Good Rain Nurtures Things Silently': A Longitudinal Study of EFL Teacher Emotion and Identity Learning in Curriculum Reform Shanshan Yang; Hongbiao Yin Makale - EJ1450287
2024 Age-Related Differences in the Interplay of Fluency and Complexity in Chinese-Speaking Seniors' Oral Narratives Minli Wang; Min Wang Makale - EJ1449568
2024 Competency Model Development: The Backbone of Successful Stealth Assessments Seyedahmad Rahimi; Russell Almond; Andrea Ramírez-Salgado; Christine Wusylko; Lauren Weisberg; Yukyeong Song; Jie Lu; Ted Myers; Bowen Wang; Xiaomaon Wang; Marc Francois; Jennifer Moses; Eric Wright Makale - EJ1448386
2024 Teaching Systems Thinking for Sustainable Development in Business Schools: A Hands-On Project Using the Online News Cameron Guthrie Makale - EJ1447492
2024 Promoting Sustainability Literacy for Students in Thai Higher Education Institution: A Case of Siam University Chanita Rukspollmuang; Tachagorn Chansema Makale - EJ1447452
2024 Development of Assessment Instrument Business Proposal for Students' Systems Thinking Skills on Business Model Canvas in Bioentrepreneurship Course Lulu Desia Mutiani Rahmayuni; Siti Sriyatib; Diah Kusumawaty Makale - EJ1446902
2024 Anticipating the Side Effects of Educational Reform Using System Dynamics Modeling David R. Keith; Aishwarya Yadama; Ellen O'Neill; Saras Chung Makale - EJ1446734
2024 Analyzing the Finnish University Funding System through System-Based Simulation Miia Rissanen; Jyrki Savolainen; Mikael Collan Makale - EJ1444780
2024 Reimagining Social Work Education: A Systems-Thinking Approach to a BSW/MSW Program for Community College Students Lissette M. Piedra; Christine Escobar-Sawicki; Carol Wilson Smith Makale - EJ1443411
2024 Aligning Evaluation Approaches with Context: Reductionism, System Thinking, and Pragmatic Synthesis Huey T. Chen; Liliana Morosanu; Victor H. Chen Makale - EJ1443101
2024 Designing for Learning across Disciplines: Leveraging Graphs to Improve Knowledge Integration in Science Phillip A. Boda; Shruti Bathia; Libby Gerard; Marcia C. Linn Makale - EJ1440865
2024 Navigating Complexity: A Multifaceted Approach to Teaching Climate Change in Middle School Benzegul Durak; Mustafa Sami Topçu Makale - EJ1440860
2024 Fostering Students' Systems Thinking through Futures Education Iina Hyyppä; Tapio Rasa; Antti Laherto Makale - EJ1438320
2024 Systems Thinking (ST) on Complex Health Issues: The Application of the One Health (OH) Approach Inés Martinez Pena; Blanca Puig; Araitz Uskola Makale - EJ1438038
2024 Elementary Students' Use of Mechanistic Reasoning to Explain Community-Connected Engineering Design Solutions Mustafa Sami Topçu; Kristen Bethke Wendell; Chelsea Joy Andrews Makale - EJ1436341
2024 Metacognition and Its Relationship with Some Cognitive Variables among Secondary School Students Majed Mustapha Alia Makale - EJ1434507
2024 The Connections Matter: Bi-Directional Learning in Program Evaluation and Practice-Oriented Research Susan Douglas; Andrew C. Page; Christian Moltu; Michael Kyron; Tim Satterthwaite Makale - EJ1434371
2024 Devising an Early Childhood Engineering Habits of Mind Scale Ahmet Erol; Mustafa Erol Makale - EJ1433209
2024 What's Yours and What's Mine: Rural Education Governance Elizabeth S. Wargo; Ivan Lorentzen; William P. McCaw Makale - EJ1432760
2024 Undergraduate Students' Engineering Systems Thinking in Synthetic Biology Design: A Qualitative Descriptive Study Ruben D. Lopez-Parra; Tamara J. Moore Makale - EJ1432309
2024 Challenging Greek Primary Students' Knowledge of Ocean Acidification Using the Carbon Cycle Context Theodora Boubonari; Despoina-Niovi Papazoglou; Athanasios Mogias; Theodoros Kevrekidis Makale - EJ1430293
2024 The Effect of Using Analogies to Integrate System Dynamics Concepts in Accounting Education Luís Baptista; Isabel Lourenço; Eduardo Simões Makale - EJ1429769
2024 'Why Don't They Just Move Closer?': Adolescent Critical Consciousness Development in YPAR about Food Security Amy J. Anderson; Hannah Carson Baggett; Carey E. Andrzejewski; Sean A. Forbes Makale - EJ1427832
2024 Assessing Engineering Students' Systems Thinking and Modeling Based on Their Online Learning Roee Peretz; Natali Levi-Soskin; Dov Dori; Yehudit Judy Dori Makale - EJ1426753
2024 A Systems Thinking Approach to Capture the Complexity of Effective Routes to Teaching Alma J. Kuijpers; Michiel Dam; Fred J. J. M. Janssen Makale - EJ1425307
2024 Enhancing Junior High School Students' System Thinking Competency through Water Treatment with Plant Modification: A Focus on Environmental Pollution Mariah Syifa Salsabila; Yayan Sanjaya; Eliyawati Eliyawati; Witsanu Suttiwan Makale - EJ1424997
2024 Enhancing DevOps Engineering Education through System-Based Learning Approach Mohammad Zarour; Mohammed Akour; Mamdouh Alenezi Makale - EJ1423832
2024 Fostering Sustainable Agriculture in Burundi: Which Competencies for Change-Agents Should Vocational Agriculture Education Prioritize? Jean Claude Nyamweru; Willy Marcel Ndayitwayeko; Aad Kessler; Harm Biemans Makale - EJ1423797
2024 STEM Learning Design to Train Student's System Thinking Skills on Climate Change Anis Shofatun; Elly Herniani; Dinny Mardiani Makale - EJ1422857
2024 Formation of Sustainable Development Competencies in Ukrainian English for Specific Purposes Students Hanna Chaikovska; Iryna Levchyk; Zoriana Adamska; Oleksandra Yankovych Makale - EJ1422101
2024 Semantic Gaps in the Theory and the Practice of Physical and Sports Education in the Italian Context Pietro Luigi Invernizzi; Raffaele Scurati; Gabriele Signorini; Franco Mauro; Marta Rigon; Francesca D'Elia; Gaetano Raiola Makale - EJ1421891
2024 From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Story of an Ordinarily Extraordinary Generation Z L2 Student Abroad Aurore Mroz; Julia Gorham Makale - EJ1421230
2024 A Learning Organization in Action: Applying Senge's Five Disciplines to a Collections Diversity Audit Kaitlin Springmier; Catherine Fonseca; Laura Krier; Rita Premo; Hilary Smith; Mary Wegmann Makale - EJ1420863
2024 Education for the Circular Economy in Higher Education: An Overview of the Current State Sanna-Mari Renfors Makale - EJ1419751
2024 Using Multiple Strategies in Deepening the Understanding of the Digestive System Araitz Uskola; Teresa Zamalloa; Ainara Achurra Makale - EJ1418403
2024 A Systems-Thinking Approach to Evaluating a University Professional Development Programme Youmen Chaaban; Hessa Al-Thani; Xiangyun Du Makale - EJ1417002
2024 A Multi-Dimensional Framework for Characterizing the Role of Writing System Variation in Literacy Learning: A Case Study in Malayalam Nirmala Vasudevan; Mithun Haridas; Prema Nedungadi; Raghu Raman; Peter T. Daniels; David L. Share Makale - EJ1416876
2024 An Analysis of the Concept of Water in Secondary School Biology Textbooks Musa Dikmenli; Vedat Kadir Ozkan; Selda Kilic; Osman Cardak Makale - EJ1416375
2024 Research Trends on Systems Thinking Approach in Science Education Ulku Seher Budak; Gaye Defne Ceyhan Makale - EJ1416296
2024 Exploring Co-Adaptation in an Ecosystem of Dyadic Interaction Ashley Beccia; Wai Man Adrienne Lew; ZhaoHong Han Makale - EJ1415589
2024 Design Considerations for a Multiple-Choice Assessment of Socio-Scientific Systems Thinking Eric A. Kirk; Troy D. Sadler; Li Ke; Laura A. Zangori Makale - EJ1414898
2024 Biological Connections: A Classroom Activity to Visualize Complex Systems Kevin J. Krajcir; Emily K. Field; Bradley Fultz; Robin Buff; Jim Gann; Lorin A. Neuman-Lee Makale - EJ1412700
2024 University Language Students' Evaluations of Ecological, Social, Cultural and Economic Sustainability and Their Importance in Language Teaching Salla-Riikka Kuusalu; Päivi Laine; Minna Maijala; Maarit Mutta; Mareen Patzelt Makale - EJ1412161
2024 Tracing System Thinking Skills in Science Curricula: A Case Study from Turkey Güliz Karaarslan Semiz; Gaye Teksöz Makale - EJ1410920
2024 Thinking in Terms of Change over Time: Opportunities and Challenges of Using System Dynamics Models Emil Eidin; Tom Bielik; Israel Touitou; Jonathan Bowers; Cynthia McIntyre; Dan Damelin; Joseph Krajcik Makale - EJ1409596
2024 Engineering Praxis Ethos: Designing Experiences to Support Curricular and Instructional Improvement in STEM Education Oscar H. Salcedo; David J. Carrejo; Sergio Luna Makale - EJ1408845
2024 Alignment among Environmental Programs in Higher Education: What Food-Energy-Water Nexus Concepts Are Covered in Introductory Courses? Lydia Horne; Amanda Manzanares; Nicholas Babin; Emily A. Royse; Lee Arakawa; Eunice Blavascunas; Lisa Doner; Daniel Druckenbrod; Ennea Fairchild; Meghann Jarchow; Barry R. Muchnick; Prajjwal Panday; Denielle Perry; Rebecca Thomas; Anne Toomey; Brian H. Tucker; Camille Washington-Ottombre; Shirley Vincent; Steven W. Anderson; Chelsie Romulo Makale - EJ1408385
2024 Sustainability Competences in Primary School Education -- A Systematic Literature Review Marjo Vesterinen; Ilkka Ratinen Makale - EJ1407073
2024 Barriers to Children's Outdoor Time: Teachers' and Principals' Experiences in Elementary Schools Amie K. Patchen; Donald A. Rakow; Nancy M. Wells; Samantha Hillson; Genevive R. Meredith Makale - EJ1407027
2024 Leveraging a Comprehensive Systems Thinking Framework to Analyze Engineer Complex Problem-Solving Approaches Kelley E. Dugan; Erika A. Mosyjowski; Shanna R. Daly; Lisa R. Lattuca Makale - EJ1406657
2024 Applying Systems Thinking for Designing Immersive Virtual Reality Learning Experiences in Education Victoria L. Lowell; Weijian Yan Makale - EJ1406316
2024 The Influence of Systems Thinking on Immersive Learning Design Decisions Jill Stefaniak; Lauren Bagdy; Liangke Yang Makale - EJ1406314
2024 Don't Put the Cart before the Horse: Self-Study on Using VR in Education Lauren Eutsler; Christopher Sean Long Makale - EJ1406312
2024 The Implementation of Virtual Reality in Organizational Learning: Attitudes, Challenges, Side Effects, and Affordances Mohan Yang; Courtney Miller; Helen Crompton; Zilong Pan; Noah Glaser Makale - EJ1406288
2024 Exploring Artificial Intelligence Tools and Their Potential Impact to Instructional Design Workflows and Organizational Systems Alexis Danielle Bolick; Rafael Leonardo da Silva Makale - EJ1406286
2024 Game-Based Learning and Systems Thinking: An Innovative Instructional Approach for the 21st Century Benjamin Emihovich Makale - EJ1406274
2024 Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education and Its Implications for Assessment Jin Mao; Baiyun Chen; Juhong Christie Liu Makale - EJ1406264
2024 Comparison as a Social Practice in the Analysis of Chaotic Phenomena: The Case of the Double Pendulum Jesús E. Hernández-Zavaleta; Armando Paulino Preciado Babb; Ricardo Cantoral Makale - EJ1405833
2024 Preservice science teachers system thinking skills and conceptual understanding for water cycle - Fen bilimleri öğretmen adaylarının su döngüsü bağlamında sistemsel düşünme becerileri ve kavramsal anlamaları BEYZA MERCAN Yüksek Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 900677
2024 Eğitimde sistem düşüncesi yaklaşımına yönelik öğretmen deneyimlerinin incelenmesi - Examining teacher experiences towards system thinking approach in education KÜBRA YAVUZKURT EKER Yüksek Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 897557
2024 Exploring the inclusion of the systems thinking approach in the turkish middle school science curriculum and textbooks - Türk ortaokulu fen müfredatı ve ders kitaplarında sistem düşüncesi yaklaşımının yer almasının incelenmesi MELİKE HANEDAR GÖKÇE Yüksek Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 886806
2024 Sistem düşüncesi çerçevesinde öğretmenlerin öğretim programı okuryazarlık düzeylerinin geliştirilmesi - Enhancing teachers curriculum literacy levels within the framework of systems thinking HATİCE GÜLÇİN SEVEN Yüksek Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 884759
2024 Development and implementation of the sustainable development goals unit: Exploring students systems thinking skills and ethical reasoning - Sürdürülebilir kalkınma amaçları ünitesinin geliştirilmesi ve uygulanması: Öğrencilerin sistemsel düşünme becerilerinin ve etik muhakemelerinin incelenmesi ASLI KOÇULU Doktora Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 883004
2024 The effect of solving environmental problems with systems thinking tools on eighth-grade students linear equations achievement and systems thinking comprehension - Çevre problemlerini sistem dinamikleri ile çözmenin sekizinci sınıf öğrencilerinin doğrusal denklemleri çözme başarısı ve sistem dinamiklerini anlamalarına etkisi ECE ÜNSAL Yüksek Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 876387
2024 Matematik başarısını artırma stratejilerinin sistem dinamikleri yaklaşımıyla belirlenmesi - Determining strategies to increase mathematics achievement with the system dynamics approach MEHMET AKİF AKSOY Doktora Ekonometri = Econometrics 873869
2024 Sistem dinamikleri araçları ile sera etkisi konusunun ortaokulöğrencilerine öğretilmesinin farklı değişkenler açısından etkisininincelenmesi - Examining the effect of teaching greenhouse effect to secondaryschool students with system dynamics tools in terms of differentvariables MELDA DEMİRTAŞ Yüksek Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 872957
2024 Sürdürülebilirlik ve STEM eğitimi bağlamında üstün yetenekli öğrencilerin sistemsel düşünme becerilerinin gelişimi - Development of systems thinking skills of gifted students in the context of sustainability and STEM education DİLARA NECCAR TEZCAN Doktora Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 871542
2024 Sistem düşüncesi temelli çevre eğitiminin eleştirel düşünme, üstbilişsel farkındalık ve problem çözme beceri algıları üzerindeki etkisi - The effect of systems thinking based environmental education on critical thinking, metacognitive awareness and problem solving skill perceptions ARZU DERYA TAŞÇI Doktora Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 867639
2023 Cyberbiosecurity Workforce Preparation: Education at the Convergence of Cybersecurity and Biosecurity Samson O. Adeoye; Heather Lindberg; B. Bagby; Anne M. Brown; Feras A. Batarseh; Eric K. Kaufman Makale - EJ1450173
2023 Ameliorating the Special Education Teacher Crisis: Systems Thinking and Innovative Approaches Marcia L. Rock; Lisa A. Dieker; Rebecca Hines; Bonnie Billingsley; Timara Davis; Sacha Cartagena; Amanda Lannan; Annette Romualdo Makale - EJ1445999
2023 Systems Thinking in Chemistry and Chemical Education: A Framework for Meaningful Conceptual Learning and Competence in Chemistry Halil Tu¨may Makale - EJ1445425
2023 Conceptual Modeling Enables Systems Thinking in Sustainable Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Leonie E. Krab-Hu¨sken; Linlin Pei; Pepijn G. de Vries; Saskia Lindhoud; Jos M. J. Paulusse; Pascal Jonkheijm; Albert S. Y. Wong Makale - EJ1445106
2023 Development of an Infographic Assignment for an Introductory Chemistry Laboratory Curriculum Viki Kumar Prasad; Tamara K. Freeman Makale - EJ1444424
2023 Identifying Chemistry Students' Baseline Systems Thinking Skills When Constructing System Maps for a Topic on Climate Change Alisha R. Szozda; Peter G. Mahaffy; Alison B. Flynn Makale - EJ1443302
2023 Teaching and Assessing Systems Thinking in First-Year Chemistry Micke Reynders; Lynne A. Pilcher; Marietjie Potgieter Makale - EJ1443127
2023 Green Chemistry, Life Cycle Assessment, and Systems Thinking: An Integrated Comparative-Complementary Chemical Decision-Making Approach Kyle M. D. Reyes; Kyla Bruce; Shegufta Shetranjiwalla Makale - EJ1442691
2023 Characterising the Literature on the Teaching and Learning of System Thinking and Complexity in STEM Education: A Bibliometric Analysis and Research Synthesis Tom Bielik; Ibrahim Delen; Moritz Krell; Orit Ben Zvi Assaraf Makale - EJ1420694
2023 Systems Thinking as an Approach to Technology Integration at the K-12 School Level Gustavo Loor; Catherine DiMartino Makale - EJ1419976
2023 An Educational Exploration of Generation Z's Systems Thinking Tendencies and Green Consumer Values Allison Byrd; Kristin Gibson; Catherine Sanders; Rachel Corry; Kevan Lamm; Alexa Lamm Makale - EJ1415205
2023 Exploring Systems Thinking in School Principals' Educational Technology Leadership in Yunnan Province, PRC Dai Hongwu; Dennis Cheek; Tian Li Makale - EJ1410336
2023 Conversations about Complex Issues Suzanne Trask; Erica D'Souza; Boyd Swinburn; Jacquie Bay Makale - EJ1409824
2023 Dynamic Fluctuations in Foreign Language Enjoyment during Cognitively Simple and Complex Interactive Speaking Tasks Tzu-Hua Chen Makale - EJ1409761
2023 A Bibliometric Analysis of Systems Thinking Research in Science Education 1991-2022 Erkan Bozkurt Makale - EJ1409704
2023 Exploring Lower-Secondary School Students' Systems Thinking Performance in Ecological Issues Ruying Li; Gaofeng Li Makale - EJ1409590
2023 Rethinking, Re-Storying, and Reclaiming Narratives of Aging in Music Education Research Tuulikki Laes Makale - EJ1408503
2023 Examining Undergraduate Students' Systems Thinking Competency through a Problem Scenario in the Context of Climate Change Education Shu-Chiu Liu Makale - EJ1405640
2023 (Re)Searching from Within: Arriving at a Scholarly Approach to Social Innovation in Higher Education Samantha Wehbi; Melanie Panitch; Jocelyn Courneya; Rina Fraticelli; Afrah Idrees; Jessica Machado; Olivia Boonstra Makale - EJ1404136
2023 A Simple Model of Smart Learning Environment Rosmansyah, Yusep; Putro, Budi Laksono; Putri, Atina; Utomo, Nur Budi; Suhardi Makale - EJ1403035
2023 Integrating Education for Sustainable Development in Physical Education: Fostering Critical and Systemic Thinking Baena-Morales, Salvador; Merma-Molina, Gladys; Ferriz-Valero, Alberto Makale - EJ1401691
2023 'Everything's Connected': Using Systems Maps for Inquiry Learning Goode, Gretchen S.; MacGillivray, Laurie Makale - EJ1400961
2023 Comparing Self-Report Assessments and Scenario-Based Assessments of Systems Thinking Competence Davis, Kirsten A.; Grote, Dustin; Mahmoudi, Hesam; Perry, Logan; Ghaffarzadegan, Navid; Grohs, Jacob; Hosseinichimeh, Niyousha; Knight, David B.; Triantis, Konstantinos Makale - EJ1400593
2023 Ways of Thinking in STEM-Based Problem Solving English, Lyn D. Makale - EJ1399931
2023 Facilitating Sustainable Development of Preschools: A System Thinking Training Project in Taiwan Cheng, Ching-Ching; Huang, Kuo-Hung; Lin, Yi-Kai Makale - EJ1399074
2023 An Ecological Perspective on Classroom-Based Assessment Chong, Sin Wang; Isaacs, Talia Makale - EJ1399028
2023 The Construction of Systems Thinking Pedagogy during a Professional Development Institute Goode, Gretchen S.; MacGillivray, Laurie Makale - EJ1397903
2023 Here Is the Biology, Now What Is the Mechanism? Investigating Biology Undergraduates' Mechanistic Reasoning within the Context of Biofilm Development Flowers, Sharleen; Holder, Kal H.; Gardnera, Stephanie M. Makale - EJ1397029
2023 Addressing the Challenges of Preparing Teachers to Teach about the Climate Crisis Beach, Richard Makale - EJ1395553
2023 Exploring the Limits of 21st Century Educational Change Discourses Low, Bronwen; Farmer, Frédérick; Levitan, Joseph; Butler Kisber, Lynn; Rosenberg, Aron; Maccannell, Ellen; Gold, Vanessa; Starr, Lisa Makale - EJ1394243
2023 Learning by Modeling Systems in Chemistry and Physics with a Universal Programing Platform Saba, Janan; Hel-Or, Hagit; Levy, Sharona T. Makale - EJ1394135
2023 Mathematical Thinking about Systems -- Students Modeling a Biometrics Identity Verification System Baioa, Ana Margarida; Carreira, Susana Makale - EJ1394066
2023 Children's Hypothetical Reasoning about Complex and Dynamic Systems Nyhout, Angela; Sweatman, Hilary; Ganea, Patricia A. Makale - EJ1393908
2023 Systems Thinking and Modeling: From Butterfly Posture to Artificial Intelligence Murphy, Michelle Pauley; Hung, Woei Makale - EJ1393317
2023 Pre-Service Biology Teachers' Perceptions of the Concepts of 'System' and 'Biological System' Tasdelen, Özlem; Güven, Turan Makale - EJ1392116
2023 Self-Regulated Learning and Digital Literacy: Relationship with Conceptual Understanding of Excretory System Rusdi; Ristanto, Rizhal Hendi; Prabowo, Gabriellia Oktaviani; Sarwono, Edi Makale - EJ1391385
2023 An Intelligent Tutoring System for Adult Literacy Learners: Lessons for Practitioners Greenberg, Daphne; Miller, Christine; Graesser, Arthur C. Makale - EJ1389896
2023 Designing a Curriculum for the Networked Knowledge Facet of Systems Thinking in Secondary Biology Courses: A Pragmatic Framework Moore-Anderson, Christian Makale - EJ1388973
2023 Practice-Crosscutting Concept Pairs of the NGSS and Ways of Knowing in the Earth & Space Sciences Price, Nancy A. Makale - EJ1387484
2023 Developing System Thinking Skills through Project-Based Learning Loaded with Education for Sustainable Development Ekselsa, Ria Anita; Purwianingsih, Widi; Anggraeni, Sri; Wicaksono, Azizul Ghofar Candra Makale - EJ1386918
2023 Teachers and Students Use of Systems Thinking about Their Participation in School Environmental Clubs Beach, Richard Makale - EJ1386141
2023 Commercial City Building Games as Pedagogical Tools: What Have We Learned? Bereitschaft, Bradley Makale - EJ1385754
2023 Preparing Engineering Students for the Challenges of the SDGs: What Competences Are Required? Beagon, Una; Kövesi, Klara; Tabas, Brad; Nørgaard, Bente; Lehtinen, Riitta; Bowe, Brian; Gillet, Christiane; Spliid, Claus Monrad Makale - EJ1385745
2023 Development of Systems and Futures Thinking Skills by Primary Pre-Service Teachers for Addressing Epidemics Uskola, Araitz; Puig, Blanca Makale - EJ1384144
2023 Examining Student Testing and Debugging within a Computational Systems Modeling Context Bowers, Jonathan; Eidin, Emanuel; Stephens, Lynn; Brennan, Linsey Makale - EJ1381929
2023 Refined Teaching Methods, Systems Thinking, and Experiential Approaches Enhanced Students Learning through COVID-19 Ortez, Osler; Hall, Alyssa; Sindelar, Meghan Makale - EJ1381619
2023 Systems Thinking for Systems Leadership: Promoting Competency Development for Graduate Students in Sustainability Studies Talley, Emily K.; Hull, R. Bruce Makale - EJ1378068
2023 Fostering Engineering and Science Students' and Teachers' Systems Thinking and Conceptual Modeling Skills Peretz, Roee; Tal, Marina; Akiri, Effrat; Dori, Dov; Dori, Yehudit Judy Makale - EJ1377201
2023 Fostering Students' Systems Thinking Competence for Sustainability by Using Multiple Real-World Learning Approaches Demssie, Yared Nigussie; Biemans, Harm J. A.; Wesselink, Renate; Mulder, Martin Makale - EJ1374091
2023 Exploring the Use of Futures, Values, Systems, and Strategic Thinking among Engineering Education Research Collaborators Dalal, Medha; Carberry, Adam; Archambault, Leanna Makale - EJ1373592
2023 Principals' Systems Thinking and Teachers' Withdrawal Behaviours: The Intervening Role of School Structure and Principal-Teacher Gender (Dis)Similarity Nadav, Nechama; Benoliel, Pascale; Schechter, Chen Makale - EJ1372754
2023 Chinese School Principals Explore the Fifth Discipline Fostering a Learning Community in a High School in Beijing Zhang, Wei Makale - EJ1355789
2023 Science teachers understanding of systems and systems thinking skills, and their views on implementing a systems thinking approach in the classroom - Fen öğretmenlerinin sistem ve sistem düşüncesi becerilerinin anlaşılmasi ve sistem düşüncesi yaklaşımının sınıflarda uygulanmasına ilişkin görüşleri BÜŞRA KARGA Yüksek Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 852962
2023 7.sınıf öğrencilerinin su okuryazarlığının geliştirilmesinde sürdürülebilir kalkınma için eğitim bağlamında sistem düşüncesi becerilerinin kullanımı - Use of systems thinking skills to develop water literacy of 7th grade student through ESD MERVE HAZIR Yüksek Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 828776
2023 Ortaokul öğrencilerinin çevre bağlamında sistemsel düşünme becerilerine yönelik bir ölçek geliştirme çalışması - A scale development study on the systems thinking skills of middle school students in the context of the environment ENGİN ÖZEL Yüksek Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 827771
2022 An Interactive Planetary Boundaries Systems Thinking Learning Tool to Integrate Sustainability into the Chemistry Curriculum Robert P. MacDonald; Anna N. Pattison; Sarah E. Cornell; Ashley K. Elgersma; Sarah N. Greidanus; Sydney N. Visser; Melanie Hoffman; Peter G. Mahaffy Makale - EJ1442794
2022 A Greener Synthesis of the Antidepressant Bupropion Hydrochloride Oliver B. Andrew; James Sherwood; Glenn A. Hurst Makale - EJ1442161
2022 Tie-Dyeing with Foraged Acorns and Rust: A Workshop Connecting Green Chemistry and Environmental Science Christian Machado; Anton O. Oliynyk; Julian R. Silverman Makale - EJ1442073
2022 Investigating Educators' Perspectives toward Systems Thinking in Chemistry Education from International Contexts Alisha R. Szozda; Kathryn Bruyere; Hayley Lee; Peter G. Mahaffy; Alison B. Flynn Makale - EJ1441625
2022 Development and Validation of a Concept Inventory for Earth System Thinking Skills Nicholas Andrew Soltis; Karen S. McNeal Makale - EJ1420758
2022 Mapping as a Way of Understanding Complexity Davis, Rhonda Makale - EJ1395977
2022 Antecedents in Creating a Learning Organization: Experiences among Principals at Three Native Rural Schools Sanchez, Jafeth; Lash, Cristina; Usinger, Janet Makale - EJ1379922
2022 The Role of Feedback Literacy in Written Corrective Feedback Research: From Feedback Information to Feedback Ecology Chong, Sin Wang Makale - EJ1379401
2022 Applying Systems Principles to Achieve Greater Integration of Student Support at a Decentralised Institution Sithaldeen, Riashna; van Pletzen, Ermien Makale - EJ1376023
2022 Earth System Science Education and the Australian Curriculum: The Way Forward to Sustainability -- Part III: Pedagogical Recommendations Skamp, Keith; Green, Jodie Makale - EJ1373230
2022 Teaching Systems Thinking in Higher Education Elsawah, Sondoss; Ho, Allen Tim Luen; Ryan, Michael J. Makale - EJ1372360
2022 Revision as an Essential Step in Modeling to Support Predicting, Observing, and Explaining Cellular Respiration System Dynamics Lucas, Lyrica; Helikar, Tomáš; Dauer, Joseph Makale - EJ1370861
2022 Feedback Loop Reasoning in Physiological Contexts Wellmanns, Andrea; Schmiemann, Philipp Makale - EJ1369526
2022 Multiagent Intelligent Tutoring System for Financial Literacy Marin, Rafael; Notargiacomo, Pollyana Makale - EJ1368050
2022 Conceptualization and Application of a Healthcare Systems Thinking Model for an Educational System Selvik, Jon T.; Abrahamsen, Eirik B.; Moen, Vegard Makale - EJ1367416
2022 Revision and Manipulation of Physical Models as Tools for Developing the Aquifer Model by Preservice Elementary Teachers Seijas, Nahia; Uskola, Araitz Makale - EJ1367213
2022 Teaching Systems Thinking Concepts with Hypothetical Case Scenarios: An Exploration in Agricultural Education Catherine E. Sanders; Allison R. Fortner; Kristin E. Gibson; Kevan W. Lamm; Alexa J. Lamm Makale - EJ1367013
2022 Early Childhood Teachers' Perceptions of Environmental Sustainability: A Phenomenographic Investigation Spiteri, Jane Makale - EJ1365515
2022 Interdisciplinary STEM Program on Authentic Aerosol Science Research and Students' Systems Thinking Approach in Problem-Solving Melton, Jeremy W.; Ali Saiful, Jepri; Pat Shein, Paichi Makale - EJ1364042
2022 Developing a Systems-Based Approach to Research Use in Education Maxwell, Bronwen; Sharples, Jonathan; Coldwell, Mike Makale - EJ1359890
2022 Understanding Homeostatic Regulation: The Role of Relationships and Conditions in Feedback Loop Reasoning Kiesewetter, Andrea; Schmiemann, Philipp Makale - EJ1358973
2022 Earth System Science Education and the Australian Curriculum: The Way Forward to Sustainability -- Part II: Curriculum Implications Skamp, Keith; Green, Jodie Makale - EJ1355521
2022 Using Systems Perspectives in Evidence Synthesis: A Methodological Mapping Review Hong, Quan Nha; Bangpan, Mukdarut; Stansfield, Claire; Kneale, Dylan; O'Mara-Eves, Alison; Grootel, Leonie; Thomas, James Makale - EJ1355086
2022 A Framework for Supporting Systems Thinking and Computational Thinking through Constructing Models Shin, Namsoo; Bowers, Jonathan; Roderick, Steve; McIntyre, Cynthia; Stephens, A. Lynn; Eidin, Emil; Krajcik, Joseph; Damelin, Daniel Makale - EJ1354909
2022 Strategic, Operations, and Evaluation Planning for Higher Education Distance Education Warren, Scott J.; Churchill, Christina Makale - EJ1352782
2022 Connecting Digital Literacy in Higher Education to the 21st Century Workforce Khan, Nasreen; Sarwar, Abdullah; Chen, Tan Booi; Khan, Shereen Makale - EJ1348223
2022 Anticolonial Theory of Reading and Ontology of the Lesser: Analytical-Methodological Assumptions González, Aldo Ocampo; Naranjo, Genoveva Ponce Makale - EJ1346798
2022 Using Systems and Systems Thinking to Unify Biology Education Momsen, Jennifer; Bray Speth, Elena; Wyse, Sara; Long, Tammy Makale - EJ1346760
2022 Earth System Science Education and the Australian Curriculum: The Way Forward to Sustainability -- Part I: Key Earth System Science Ideas Skamp, Keith; Green, Jodie Makale - EJ1346071
2022 A Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) in Biology: Developing Systems Thinking through Field Experiences in Restoration Ecology Stanfield, Erin; Slown, Corin D.; Sedlacek, Quentin; Worcester, Suzanne E. Makale - EJ1345777
2022 A Topic for Integrated Teaching of Mathematics and Biology: The Parabola of Chaos in Tumour Cell Aneuploidy Salinas, Dino G.; Gallardo, Mauricio O. Makale - EJ1345742
2022 'I Now Deeply Care about the Effects Humans Are Having on the World': Cultivating Ecological Care and Responsibility through Complex Systems Modelling and Investigations McGowan, Veronica Cassone; Bell, Philip Makale - EJ1345563
2022 Concept Map as a Tool to Assess and Enhance Students' System Thinking Skills Khajeloo, Mojtaba; Siegel, Marcelle A. Makale - EJ1342000
2022 'I Am a Parrot': Literacy Ideologies and Rote Learning Bhattacharya, Usree Makale - EJ1341979
2022 A Systems Perspective on Early Childhood Development Education in South Africa Venter, Lieschen Makale - EJ1340262
2022 Planting Food Sustainability Thinking and Practice through STEM in the Garden Turner, Angela; Logan, Marianne; Wilks, Judith Makale - EJ1340231
2022 Keeping Cool with SageModeler: Engaging Students in Systems Thinking and Computational Thinking through Modeling Bowers, Jonathan; Eidin, Emanuel; Damelin, Daniel; McIntyre, Cynthia Makale - EJ1339950
2022 Facilitating Transformative Science Education through Futures Thinking Laherto, Antti; Rasa, Tapio Makale - EJ1339091
2022 Pre-Schoolers as Systems Thinkers: Testing the Water Feriver, Sebnem Makale - EJ1338205
2022 Teaching Physical Education in Early Years: Focusing on Teachers' Practices Tsangaridou, Niki; Pieroua, Mikaela; Kyriakides, Ermis; Charalambous, Charalambos Y. Makale - EJ1337166
2022 Using Systems Perspectives to Develop Underlying Principles for Educational Reform Kenny, John; Cirkony, Connie Makale - EJ1336733
2022 Primary Preservice Teachers' Perspectives of Their Literacy Mentoring Experiences during Professional Placement James, Sarah Margaret; Hudson, Suzanne M.; Lasczik, Alexandra Makale - EJ1336172
2022 Increasing Student Engagement and Comprehension of the Global Water Cycle through Game-Based Learning in Undergraduate Courses Robertson, Wendy M. Makale - EJ1336108
2022 Learning Outcomes of the Educational Board Game 'Taphonomy: Dead and Fossilized,' Evaluated with High School Learners in a Summertime Program Salgado-Jauregui, Estefanía; Martindale, Rowan C.; Ellins, Katherine; Reyes, Enrique; Weiss, Anna Makale - EJ1335661
2022 Supporting Student System Modelling Practice through Curriculum and Technology Design Bielik, Tom; Stephens, Lynn; McIntyre, Cynthia; Damelin, Daniel; Krajcik, Joseph S. Makale - EJ1329904
2022 Building a Computational Model of Food Webs: Impacts on Middle School Students' Computational and Systems Thinking Skills Rachmatullah, Arif; Wiebe, Eric N. Makale - EJ1327962
2022 Young Students' Reasoning about Ecosystems: The Role of Systems Thinking, Knowledge, Conceptions, and Representation Mambrey, Sophia; Schreiber, Nico; Schmiemann, Philipp Makale - EJ1327467
2022 The Use of System Dynamics for Energy and Environmental Education Strapasson, Alexandre; Ferreira, Marcello; Cruz-Cano, Diego; Woods, Jeremy; do Nascimento Maia Soares, Marco Paulo; da Silva Filho, Olavo Leopoldino Makale - EJ1324293
2022 A system dynamics model of pandemics: Fluctuating course of covid-19 - Pandemilerin sistem dinamiği modeli: Covid-19un dalgalanan seyri MOUAAZ MALLA RASOUL Yüksek Lisans Endüstri ve Endüstri Mühendisliği = Industrial and Industrial Engineering 799843
2022 Türk dili ve edebiyatı dersinde eğitimde sistem düşüncesi araçlarının kullanılmasının eser analizinde derin okumaya etkisi - The effect of using system thinking tools in education in Turkish language and literature course on deep reading in work analysis AYSUN ÇELİKTEN Yüksek Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 725825
2021 Are We on the Same Page: A DyadicAnalysis of Parental Stress, Support, and Family Quality of Life on Raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Songtian Zeng; Hongxia Zhao; Xiaoyi Hu; James D. Lee; Angela K. Stone-MacDonald; Zachary W. Price Makale - EJ1430605
2021 Simulating Work-Family Conflict Impact on Performance among Language Teachers: System Dynamics Modelling Mohammadi, Moloud; Faskhodi, Arefe Amini Makale - EJ1325972
2021 Enhancing System Thinking -- A Superintendent and Three Principals Reflecting with a Critical Friend Henriksen, Øyvind H.; Aas, Marit Makale - EJ1324558
2021 Exploring School Principals' Systems Thinking Activities Nadav, Nechama; Benoliel, Pascale; Shaked, Haim; Schechter, Chen Makale - EJ1323899
2021 Exploring Opportunities to Incorporate Systems Thinking into Secondary and Tertiary Chemistry Education through Practitioner Perspectives Delaney, Seamus; Ferguson, Joseph Paul; Schultz, Madeleine Makale - EJ1319391
2021 Interrelations between Systems Thinking and Abstract Thinking: The Case of High-School Electronics Students Gero, Aharon; Shekh-Abed, Aziz; Hazzan, Orit Makale - EJ1318106
2021 The Blame-Game: Pre-Service Teachers Views on Who Is Responsible and What Needs to Be Done to Mitigate Climate Change Tolppanen, Sakari; Kärkkäinen, Sirpa Makale - EJ1316775
2021 The NEET Ways of Thinking: Implementing Them at MIT and Assessing Their Efficacy Lavi, Rea; Bathe, Mark; Hosoi, Anette; Mitra, Amitava; Crawley, Ed Makale - EJ1316272
2021 Case Study Evaluation: PIEER Internship Program and Its Impact on Interns' Self-Reported Attitudes and Behaviors Regarding Environmental Health Equity Williams, Dionna; Zeman, Catherine Makale - EJ1316019
2021 Board Game Design: An Educational Tool for Understanding Environmental Issues Parekh, Priyanka; Gee, Elisabeth; Tran, Kelly; Aguilera, Earl; Pérez Cortés, Luis E.; Kessner, Taylor; Siyahhan, Sinem Makale - EJ1314433
2021 Characterizing Student Proficiency in Software Modeling in Terms of Functions, Structures, and Behaviors Thomas, Paul J.; Patel, Devang; Magana, Alejandra J. Makale - EJ1314293
2021 Impact of Informal Physics Programs on University Student Development: Creating a Physicist Rethman, Callie; Perry, Jonathan; Donaldson, Jonan Phillip; Choi, Daniel; Erukhimova, Tatiana Makale - EJ1313946
2021 Teachers' Conceptions of Mathematics and the Use of Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Calculators, Dynamic Geometry Software and Desmos in the Classroom Glaze, Andrew; Moyer-Packenham, Patricia; Longhurst, Max Makale - EJ1313941
2021 An Empirical Study on Chinese University Students' English Language Classroom Anxiety with the Idiodynamic Approach He, Xiang; Zhou, Dandan; Zhang, Xiaofei Makale - EJ1313664
2021 Trauma-Informed Integral Leadership: Leading School Communities with a Systems-Aware Approach Greig, Jack; Bailey, Brendan; Abbott, Leonie; Brunzell, Tom Makale - EJ1313336
2021 Topics Amenable to a Systems Thinking Approach: Secondary and Tertiary Perspectives Schultz, Madeleine; Lai, Jerry; Ferguson, Joseph P.; Delaney, Seamus Makale - EJ1312980
2021 'Learning for Resilience' as the Climate Changes: Discussing Flooding, Adaptation and Agency with Children Williams, Sara; McEwen, Lindsey Makale - EJ1311857
2021 Fostering Students' Understanding of Complex Biological Systems Gilissen, Melde G. R.; Knippels, Marie-Christine P. J.; van Joolingen, Wouter R. Makale - EJ1311348
2021 Stories of West African and House Dance Pedagogies: 4E Cognition Meet Rhythmic Virtuosity Cruz Banks, Ojeya Makale - EJ1311063
2021 Connectivity in Support of Student Co-Design of Innovative Mathematics Curriculum Trajectories Pepin, Birgit Makale - EJ1310973
2021 Utilizing School-Based, Professional Learning Communities to Enhance Physical Education Programs and Facilitate Systems Change (Part 1) Beddoes, Zack; Prusak, Keven; Beighle, Aaron; Pennington, Todd Makale - EJ1310702
2021 Utilizing School-Based, Professional Learning Communities to Enhance Physical Education Programs and Facilitate Systems Change (Part 2) Beddoes, Zack; Prusak, Keven; Beighle, Aaron; Pennington, Todd Makale - EJ1310700
2021 Understanding Emotion in Physical Education Teaching: A Conceptual Framework for Research and Practice Simonton, Kelly L.; Richards, K. Andrew R.; Washburn, Nicholas Makale - EJ1310692
2021 Faculty Perspectives Regarding the Integration of Systems Thinking into Chemistry Education Jackson, Alice; Hurst, Glenn A. Makale - EJ1310373
2021 Assessing Quantitative Modelling Practices, Metamodelling, and Capability Confidence of Biology Undergraduate Students Dauer, Joseph; Mayes, Robert; Rittschof, Kent; Gallant, Bryon Makale - EJ1310217
2021 Towards an Ecological-Dynamics Design Framework for Embodied-Interaction Conceptual Learning: The Case of Dynamic Mathematics Environments Abrahamson, Dor; Abdu, Rotem Makale - EJ1310149
2021 Fostering Pedagogical Reasoning and Dynamic Decision-Making Practices: A Conceptual Framework to Support Learning Design in a Digital Age Stefaniak, Jill; Luo, Tian; Xu, Meimei Makale - EJ1310147
2021 Revival and Resurgence of Our Lost GEM -- The Ancient Indian Education System Jain, Sonali Bhandari; Choudhary, Surabhi; Philip, Joanna Makale - EJ1309706
2021 Teachers' Perspectives on Sustainable Development: The Implications for Education for Sustainable Development Ferguson, Therese; Roofe, Carmel; Cook, Loraine D. Makale - EJ1308414
2021 Advancing SDG Competencies in Higher Education: Exploring an Interdisciplinary Pedagogical Approach Alm, Karin; Melén, Maria; Aggestam-Pontoppidan, Caroline Makale - EJ1308065
2021 In the Face of Sociopolitical and Cultural Challenges: Educational Leaders' Strategic Thinking Skills Da'as, Rima'a; 'Ali, Nohad Makale - EJ1308011
2021 Professional Learning in Physical Education in Brazil: Issues and Challenges of a Complex System Tani, Go; Bastos, Flávio Henrique; Silveira, Sérgio Roberto; Basso, Luciano; Corrêa, Umberto Cesar Makale - EJ1306802
2021 Understanding Undergraduate Student Conceptions about Biogeochemical Cycles and the Earth System Soltis, Nicholas A.; McNeal, Karen S.; Schnittka, Christine G. Makale - EJ1306599
2021 GENERATE: The Game of Energy Choices -- Promoting Energy Literacy While Cultivating Systems Thinking Refvem, Emma; Haine, Dana Makale - EJ1306489
2021 Dynamic Linguistic Interconnectedness and Variability in Toddlers Petinou, Kakia; Taxitari, Loukia; Phinikettos, Ioannis; Theodorou, Eleni Makale - EJ1305983
2021 Selection and Framing of Briefs for Educational Circular Design Projects Bakirlioglu, Yekta; Terzioglu, Nazli; Celik, Sine; Ulan, Ainur; Segalas, Jordi Makale - EJ1305078
2021 Integrating Arts with STEM to Foster Systems Thinking Grace, Elizabeth; Kelton, Molly L.; Owen, Jeb P.; Diaz Martinez, AnaMaria; White, Alison; Danielson, Robert W.; Butterfield, Patricia; Fallon, Michaela; Schafer Medina, Georgia Makale - EJ1305022
2021 Fostering System Thinking Learning by Combining Problem-Based Learning and Simulation-Based Learning Approaches do Amaral , João Alberto Arantes; Fregni, Felipe Makale - EJ1304695
2021 Critical Realism: What You Should Know and How to Apply It Lawani, Ama Makale - EJ1304035
2021 Effective Communication in Schools Salamondra, Tracey Makale - EJ1303981
2021 K12 Practitioners' Perceptions of Learning from Failure, Creativity, and Systems Thinking: A Collective Case Study Arrington, T. Logan; Moore, Alison L.; Bagdy, Lauren M. Makale - EJ1302861
2021 Simulating the Dynamics of Self-Regulation, Emotion, Grit, and Student Performance in Cyber-Learning Environments Kooken, Janice W.; Zaini, Raafat; Arroyo, Ivon Makale - EJ1302732
2021 The Role of Theory in Empirical L2 Research on Task-Based Language Teaching for Young L2 Learners Beccia, Ashley Makale - EJ1302093
2021 Identifying Opportunities to Promote Systems Thinking in Catalysis Education Ravi, Manoj; Puente-Urbina, Allen; van Bokhoven, Jeroen A. Makale - EJ1301195
2021 The Wheel of Fortune as a Novel Support for Constructive Alignment and Transformative Sustainability Learning in Higher Education Noy, Sue; Capetola, Teresa; Patrick, Rebecca Makale - EJ1300185
2021 Are Spatial and Systems Thinking Skills Identified in Turkish Primary Science Curriculum Enough for Geography Education? Sahingöz, Selçuk Makale - EJ1298284
2021 Fixed and Dynamic Predictors of Willingness to Communicate in L2: A Review on New Paradigms of Individual Differences Akdemir, Ahmet Selçuk Makale - EJ1297669
2021 How to Bring about Change -- A Literature Review about Education and Learning Activities for Sustainable Development Algurén, Beatrix Makale - EJ1297041
2021 Visualising Mechanics: Washing Machine Dynamics Cumber, Peter Makale - EJ1296418
2021 Secondary Science Teachers' Understandings of the Epistemic Nature of Science Practices Kite, Vance; Park, Soonhye; McCance, Katherine; Seung, Elsun Makale - EJ1292086
2021 Impact of Computer Modeling on Learning and Teaching Systems Thinking Nguyen, Ha; Santagata, Rossella Makale - EJ1291764
2021 Development Trajectories and Complex Systems--Informed Theories of Change Zazueta, Aaron Eduardo; Le, Thuy Thu; Bahramalian, Nima Makale - EJ1290146
2021 Cognitive and Socioaffective Predictors of L2 Microdevelopment in Late Adulthood: A Longitudinal Intervention Study Kliesch, Maria; Pfenninger, Simone E. Makale - EJ1289997
2021 Teaching Metabolism in Upper-Division Undergraduate Biochemistry Courses Using Online Computational Systems and Dynamical Models Improves Student Performance Booth, Christine S.; Song, Changsoo; Howell, Michelle E.; Rasquinha, Achilles; Saska, Aleš; Helikar, Resa; Sikich, Sharmin M.; Couch, Brian A.; van Dijk, Karin; Roston, Rebecca L.; Helikar, Tomáš Makale - EJ1288171
2021 Exploring Systems Thinking in Schools: Mental Models of School Management Teams Chen-Levi, Tamar; Schechter, Chen; Buskila, Yaffa Makale - EJ1287995
2021 Land as Interlocutor: A Study of Ojibwe Learner Language in Interaction on and with Naturally Occurring 'Materials' Engman, Mel M.; Hermes, Mary Makale - EJ1287870
2021 Housemates Analogy for Membrane Potential Davidyan, Arik Makale - EJ1287690
2021 The Learning Disciplines for Support Personnel to Build a Learning Organization of Ramkhamhaeng University Chancharoen, Duangduen; Cruthaka, Chomsupak Makale - EJ1287635
2021 Complexity in Multilingualism (Research) Beisbart, Claus Makale - EJ1286755
2021 The Extraordinary Ordinary: Re-Engineering Multilingualism as a Natural Category Berthele, Raphael Makale - EJ1286690
2021 Activation of the Multicontext Model in a Field-Based Program for Traditionally Underserved Students Pfeifer, Lily S.; Soreghan, Michael J.; Feille, Kelly K.; Soreghan, Gerilyn S.; Weissmann, Gary S.; Ibarra, Robert A.; Stroud, Wesley A. Makale - EJ1285117
2021 Comparing Desired Workforce Skills and Reported Teaching Practices to Model Students' Experiences in Undergraduate Geoscience Programs Viskupic, Karen; Egger, Anne E.; McFadden, Rory R.; Schmitz, Mark D. Makale - EJ1284875
2021 Using Collaborative Conceptual Modelling as a Tool for Transdisciplinarity Neely, Kate; Bortz, Martin; Bice, Sara Makale - EJ1284668
2021 Mission Cognition: Fifth-Grade Students Undertake a Mission to Mars Rinehart, Ronald W.; Olsen, Benjamin D.; Freese, Lisa; Kuhn, Mason Makale - EJ1283856
2021 Approaches to Incorporating Green Chemistry and Safety into Laboratory Culture O'Neil, Natalie J.; Scott, Star; Relph, Rachael; Ponnusamy, Ettigounder Makale - EJ1283490
2021 Creating Successful and Unique Schools: Leadership, Context and Systems Thinking Perspectives Gurr, David; Longmuir, Fiona; Reed, Christopher Makale - EJ1283301
2021 Undoing Systems of Exclusion: Exploring Inclusive Leadership and Systems Thinking in Two Inclusive Elementary Schools DeMatthews, David Makale - EJ1283300
2021 Systems Thinking in School Organizations -- Perspectives from Various Leadership Levels Norqvist, Lars; Ärlestig, Helene Makale - EJ1283298
2021 Principals' Systems Thinking Attribute: Exploring a Principal-Middle Leader Relational Demography Perspective Benoliel, Pascale; Shaked, Haim; Nadav, Nehama; Schechter, Chen Makale - EJ1283276
2021 Hiding in Plain Sight: Systems Thinking and School Organization Kruse, Sharon D. Makale - EJ1283188
2021 Going Left or Right? A Study of the Policy Rationale of the Chilean Center-Left Coalition 'Concertación' in Education Falabella, Alejandra Makale - EJ1282581
2021 The Relationship between Incommensurable Emotions and Willingness to Communicate in English as a Foreign Language: A Multiple Case Study Dewaele, Jean-Marc; Pavelescu, Liana Maria Makale - EJ1282520
2021 Working Together: Integrating Computational Modeling Approaches to Investigate Complex Phenomena Bielik, Tom; Fonio, Ehud; Feinerman, Ofer; Duncan, Ravit Golan; Levy, Sharona T. Makale - EJ1280503
2021 Funding Community Sustainable Development Using Zero Energy Buildings Wubah, Daniel; Steuer, Chris; Brown, Guilbert; Rice, Karen Makale - EJ1280443
2021 Understanding Dominant Language Constellations through Analysis of visual Linguistic Autobiographies by Foreign Language Student Teachers in Germany Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer Makale - ED660757
2021 Maximizing the Potential of Transparent Simulations by Combining Performance Goals with Learning Goals and Exploratory Guidance in a Dynamically Complex Task Capelo, Carlos; Pereira, Renato Makale - ED621564
2021 The Adaptive Features of an Intelligent Tutoring System for Adult Literacy Shi, Genghu; Wang, Lijia; Zhang, Liang; Shubeck, Keith; Peng, Shun; Hu, Xiangen; Graesser, Arthur C. Makale - ED619931
2021 Addressing the Impact of Informal Language Learning Practices in Digital Wilds on the Development of L2 Digital Literacies Zadorozhnyy, Artem; Yu, Baohua Makale - ED617968
2021 Exploring middle school students systems literacy within the context of water system - Su sistemi bağlamında ortaokul öğrencilerinin sistem okuryazarlıkları üzerine bir inceleme SİNEM DEMİRCİ Doktora Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 660466
2021 Global understanding of complex systems problems can start in pre-college education Fisher, D.M. Makale - -
2021 Technology and mathematical modeling: addressing challenges, opening doors Galbraith, P.; & Fisher, D.M. Makale - -
2020 Translating Theory to Practice: Applying Systems Thinking to the Design of Professional Development Regenold, Tracey A.; Murphy, Sheila E. Makale - EJ1302910
2020 What Works? What's Missing? An Evaluation Model for Science Curricula That Analyses Learning Outcomes through Five Lenses Raycroft, Mark A. R.; Flynn, Alison B. Makale - EJ1299912
2020 Chapter 11: Indicators to Assist in Addressing Equity through Policy Adoption Connolly, Faith; Durant, Tracey L.; Durham, Rachel E. Makale - EJ1294049
2020 Successful Implementation of E-Learning in Self-Financed Higher Education: Experience from Hong Kong Ng, Emily Makale - EJ1293914
2020 On the Fractal Nature of Complex Syntax and the Timescale Problem Evans, D. Reid Makale - EJ1288934
2020 Unpacking Reading Text Complexity: A Dynamic Language and Content Approach Sun, Haimei Makale - EJ1288716
2020 STEAM as a Factor of Individual Systems Thinking Development for Students of Electronics Specialty Yakymenko, Yuriy; Poplavko, Yuriy; Lavrysh, Yuliana Makale - EJ1287440
2020 Unconscious Bias and Primary Schools Davenport, Carol Makale - EJ1287259
2020 A Study of the Lexical Complexity of Homogeneous Texts Using Stochastic Modeling and Analysis Zhang, Yanhui Makale - EJ1287216
2020 The End of LIFE: Thoughts on the Marginalization of Powerful Service-Learning in Higher Education Solano, Gina L. Makale - EJ1287190
2020 STEM as Opportunity to Get TSLN Right: Science Education for Economically Productive Creativity Tan, Michael Makale - EJ1285725
2020 'Closing the Gap': Problems with Its Philosophy and Research -- A Keynote Address Prepared for BPS Education Section Conference, September 2019 Raven, John Makale - EJ1283719
2020 Developing the Systems Thinking Skills of Pre-Service Science Teachers through an Outdoor ESD Course Karaarslan Semiz, Güliz; Teksöz, Gaye Makale - EJ1281797
2020 Liberating Sovereign Potential: A Working Education Capacity Building Model for Native Nations RedCorn, Alex Makale - EJ1281673
2020 Athletic Trainers' Knowledge Regarding Health Care Delivery Systems and Administration in the American Health Care System Eberman, Lindsey E.; Winkelmann, Zachary K.; Edler, Jessica R.; Neil, Elizabeth R. Makale - EJ1281341
2020 Chapter 9 On Concepts: The General and the Particular Webb, Sheila Makale - EJ1281065
2020 High Reliability: A Primer for Athletic Training Educators Noller, Christine; Berry, David C. Makale - EJ1278774
2020 Balancing the Disruptions to the Teaching and Learning Equilibrium-Responsive Pedagogic Approaches to Teaching Online during the COVID-19 Pandemic in General Chemistry Classes at an Arabian Gulf University Wilson, Kenesha Makale - EJ1278077
2020 Programmatic Involvement and Emerging Educational Outcomes: An Exploratory Study McKim, Aaron J.; McKendree, R. Bud Makale - EJ1277368
2020 Tracking the Evolution of Chinese Learners' Multilingual Motivation through a Longitudinal Q Methodology Zheng, Yongyan; Lu, Xiuchuan; Ren, Wei Makale - EJ1277356
2020 A Green Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Reaction Abraham, Liza Makale - EJ1277152
2020 'Making Every Second Count': Utilizing TikTok and Systems Thinking to Facilitate Scientific Public Engagement and Contextualization of Chemistry at Home Hayes, Clare; Stott, Katherine; Lamb, Katie J.; Hurst, Glenn A. Makale - EJ1277096
2020 Evaluation Use Theory, Practice, and Future Research: Reflections on the Alkin and King 'AJE' Series Patton, Michael Quinn Makale - EJ1275020
2020 Community-Based System Dynamics for Mobilizing Communities to Advance School Health Ballard, Ellis; Farrell, Allison; Long, Michael Makale - EJ1274227
2020 The Impact of System Specifics on Systems Thinking Mambrey, Sophia; Timm, Justin; Landskron, Jana Julia; Schmiemann, Philipp Makale - EJ1273799
2020 Lessons from a Pandemic: Educating for Complexity, Change, Uncertainty, Vulnerability, and Resilience Talanquer, Vicente; Bucat, Robert; Tasker, Roy; Mahaffy, Peter G. Makale - EJ1273389
2020 A Spiritual Perspective on Senge's Five Disciplines: Harmony and Alibaba Mak, Carry; Snell, Robin Stanley; Hong, Jacky Makale - EJ1273362
2020 From the Fifth Discipline to the New Revolution: What We Have Learnt from Senge's Ideas over the Last Three Decades Bui, Hong T. M. Makale - EJ1273335
2020 Teachers' and Educators' Perspectives on Systems Thinking and Its Implementation in Dutch Biology Education Gilissen, Melde G. R.; Knippels, Marie-Christine P. J.; Verhoeff, Roald P.; van Joolingen, Wouter R. Makale - EJ1273223
2020 Multilingualism and Affective Attitudes: The Sociocognitive Profiles of First-Year Learners of L2 German Ruck, Julia Makale - EJ1273200
2020 What Do Students Think They Should Know about Vertebrate Fish? Cascarosa, Esther; Mazas, Beatriz; Peña, Begoña Martínez; Quílez, María José Gil Makale - EJ1273153
2020 Unravelling the Holistic Nature of Ecosystems: Biology Teachers' Conceptions of Ecosystem Borders Schizas, Dimitrios; Papatheodorou, Efimia; Vezagkou, Traiani; Stamou, George Makale - EJ1271582
2020 Variability in Peer-Peer Scaffolding during Writing Tasks in L2 English Saadat, Mahboobeh; Alavi, Sahar Zahed Makale - EJ1271039
2020 Modeling AMO Factors Affecting English Teachers' Performance Using System Dynamics Mohammadi, Moloud; Faskhodi, Arefe Amini Makale - EJ1270230
2020 Thinking in Systems to Uncover Faculty Mental Models Situated in Curricular Change Reeping, David; McNair, Lisa Makale - EJ1269855
2020 ChEMIST Table: A Tool for Designing or Modifying Instruction for a Systems Thinking Approach in Chemistry Education York, Sarah; Orgill, MaryKay Makale - EJ1269296
2020 Using State Space Grids to Analyze Teacher-Student Interaction over Time Turner, Julianne C.; Christensen, Andrea L. Makale - EJ1268702
2020 Students' Perceptions of Socio-Scientific Issue-Based Learning and Their Appropriation of Epistemic Tools for Systems Thinking Ke, Li; Sadler, Troy D.; Zangori, Laura; Friedrichsen, Patricia J. Makale - EJ1268207
2020 Bringing Systems Thinking into the Classroom Gilissen, Melde G. R.; Knippels, Marie-Christine P. J.; van Joolingen, Wouter R. Makale - EJ1268198
2020 Organising Inclusive Schools Kinsella, William Makale - EJ1267831
2020 Designing Instruction for Strategic Planning in a Complex, Multi-Sector System Regenold, Tracey A.; Murphy, Sheila E. Makale - EJ1267235
2020 Integrating Systems: The History of Systems from von Bertalanffy to Profound Learning Carr-Chellman, Davin J.; Carr-Chellman, Ali Makale - EJ1267233
2020 Education Systems and Technology in 1990, 2020, and Beyond Frick, Theodore W. Makale - EJ1267226
2020 Fostering System-Level Perspective Taking When Designing for Change in Educational Systems Weiner, Steven; Warr, Melissa; Mishra, Punya Makale - EJ1267219
2020 Cultivating Ordinary Voices of Dissent: The Challenge for the Social Studies Pike, Graham Makale - EJ1266423
2020 Feedback Loop Reasoning and Knowledge Sources for Elementary Students in Three Countries Hokayem, Hayat; Jin, Hui; Yamaguchi, Etsuji Makale - EJ1265056
2020 Factors Affecting University Choice Behaviour in the UK Higher Education Heathcote, Dean; Savage, Simon; Hosseinian-Far, Amin Makale - EJ1264644
2020 Green Tycoon: A Mobile Application Game to Introduce Biorefining Principles in Green Chemistry Lees, Matthew; Wentzel, Michael T.; Clark, James H.; Hurst, Glenn A. Makale - EJ1263635
2020 Parents' Perceptions of Constraints Impacting the Development of Walking in Children with CHARGE Syndrome Foster, Elizabeth Ann; Silliman-French, Lisa; Grenier, Michelle Makale - EJ1263381
2020 Examining Micro-Change within and among Science Teachers' Identities: A Multiple Case Study Hathcock, Stephanie J.; Garner, Joanna K.; Kaplan, Avi Makale - EJ1262364
2020 Dynamics of Factors Underlying Willingness to Communicate in a Second Language Syed, Hassan; Kuzborska, Irena Makale - EJ1261194
2020 Student Food Insecurity and the Social Equity Pillar of Campus Sustainability White, Stacey Swearingen Makale - EJ1260544
2020 The Effect of Exergame Education on Balance in Children Demir, Abdurrahman; Akin, Manolya Makale - EJ1260150
2020 Systems Thinking Leadership: New Explorations for School Improvement Shaked, Haim; Schechter, Chen Makale - EJ1258745
2020 Green Economy Game: A Modular Approach for Sustainable Development Education Wilian Gatti Junior; Beaumie Kim; Liping Liu; Xingru Lai Makale - EJ1258702
2020 Inclusive Education: Thinking beyond Systems Robinson-Pant, Anna Makale - EJ1258304
2020 Fostering Systems Thinking in Student Teachers of Biology and Geography -- An Intervention Study Fanta, Daniela; Braeutigam, Julia; Riess, Werner Makale - EJ1257668
2020 How Does One Recognize Contextual Mitigating Factors (CMFs) as a Basis to Understand and Arrive at Better Approaches to Research Designs? Martínez, Alejandro José Gallard; Pitts, Wesley B.; Brkich, Katie Milton; de Robles, S. Lizette Ramos Makale - EJ1257238
2020 Technology-Supported Professional Development for Collaborative Design of COVID-19 Instructional Materials Sadler, Troy D.; Friedrichsen, Pat; Zangori, Laura; Ke, Li Makale - EJ1257193
2020 Playing with Complex Systems? The Potential to Gain Geographical System Competence through Digital Gaming Lux, Joelle-Denise; Budke, Alexandra Makale - EJ1255162
2020 Teacher-Student Interactions and Teacher Interpersonal Styles: A State Space Grid Analysis Pennings, Helena J. M.; Hollenstein, Tom Makale - EJ1254526
2020 Comparing First- and Third-Person Perspectives in Early Elementary Learning of Honeybee Systems Peppler, Kylie; Thompson, Naomi; Danish, Joshua; Moczek, Armin; Corrigan, Seth Makale - EJ1254155
2020 Process over Product: The Next Evolution of Our Quest for Technology Integration Kopcha, Theodore J.; Neumann, Kalianne L.; Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Anne; Pitman, Elizabeth Makale - EJ1253000
2020 Investigating Network Coherence to Assess Students' Conceptual Understanding of Energy Podschuweit, Sören; Bernholt, Sascha Makale - EJ1251683
2020 Further Exploring the Dynamicity, Situatedness, and Emergence of the Self: The Key Role of Context Serafini, Ellen J. Makale - EJ1251244
2020 The Dynamism of Strategic Learning: Complexity Theory in Strategic L2 Development Amerstorfer, Carmen M. Makale - EJ1251191
2020 Tracking the Dynamic Nature of Learner Individual Differences: Initial Results from a Longitudinal Study Jung, Daniel; DiBartolomeo, Megan; Melero-García, Fernando; Giacomino, Lindsay; Gurzynski-Weiss, Laura; Henderson, Carly; Hidalgo, Marian Makale - EJ1251172
2020 Working Memory and Second Language Development: A Complex, Dynamic Future? Jackson, Daniel O. Makale - EJ1251168
2020 Growing Our Own Timber! Lived Experiences of Five School Principals in Using a Systems Thinking Approach for School Development Bhengu, Thamsanqa Thulani; Mchunu, Bongani Sibusiso; Bayeni, Sibusiso Douglas Makale - EJ1251152
2020 Improvement of a Sustainable World through the Application of Innovative Didactic Tools in Green Chemistry Teaching: A Review Gawlik-Kobylinska, Malgorzata; Walkowiak, Wladyslaw; Maciejewski, Pawel Makale - EJ1250826
2020 The Contribution of Maternal Executive Functions and Active Coping to Dyadic Affective Dynamics: Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Mothers Zaidman-Zait, Anat Makale - EJ1250641
2020 Mexican-Origin Family Members' Unique and Shared Family Perspectives of Familism Values and Their Links with Parent-Youth Relationship Quality Padilla, Jenny; Jager, Justin; Updegraff, Kimberly A.; McHale, Susan M.; Umaña-Taylor, Adriana J. Makale - EJ1249848
2020 When Linguistic Elements Contribute to Conceptual Dynamics: The Case of Chinese Students' Pre-Instructional Ideas about the Earth Tang, Xiaowei; Yang, Liu; Levin, Daniel M. Makale - EJ1247988
2020 Digitalization in Practice: The Fifth Discipline Advantage Hoe, Siu Loon Makale - EJ1247633
2020 Fostering Students Geographic Systems Thinking by Enriching Causal Diagrams with Scale. Results of an Intervention Study Cox, Marjolein; Elen, Jan; Steegen, An Makale - EJ1247502
2020 Environmental Competencies for Healthcare Educators and Trainees: A Scoping Review Parker, Gillian; Berta, Whitney; Shea, Christine; Miller, Fiona Makale - EJ1247342
2020 Sustainable Learning and Education: A Curriculum for the Future Hays, Jay; Reinders, Hayo Makale - EJ1246480
2020 The Use of Animation Film in Forming Representations about the Planet Earth and the Solar System Vere?, Sanda; Magda?, Ioana Makale - EJ1244675
2020 The Effect of Deduction and Induction Methods Used in Modelling Current Environmental Issues with System Dynamics Approach in Science Education Nuhoglu, Hasret Makale - EJ1244209
2020 Using Faculty Professional Development to Foster Organizational Change: A Social Learning Framework Bond, M. Aaron; Blevins, Samantha J. Makale - EJ1243319
2020 The Effectiveness of a Systems Engineering Course in Developing Systems Thinking Camelia, Fanny; Ferris, Timothy L. J.; Behrend, Monica B. Makale - EJ1242136
2020 Model-Based Systems Thinking: Assessing Engineering Student Teams Lavi, Rea; Dori, Yehudit Judy; Wengrowicz, Niva; Dori, Dov Makale - EJ1242103
2020 Modeling in the Classroom: Making Relationships and Systems Visible Wilson, Kristy J.; Long, Tammy M.; Momsen, Jennifer L.; Speth, Elena Bray Makale - EJ1241182
2020 Higher Education Policy Dynamics in Turbulent Times -- Access to Higher Education for Refugees in Europe Jungblut, Jens; Vukasovic, Martina; Steinhardt, Isabel Makale - EJ1240902
2020 Connecting the Dots to See the Whole: Learner Variables, Wellbeing and Coping Strategies in Student Narratives Sadeghi, Karim; Abolfazli Khonbi, Zainab Makale - EJ1240680
2020 Developing Interdisciplinary Thinking in a Food and Nutritional Security, Hunger, and Sustainability Graduate Course Knobloch, Neil A.; Charoenmuang, Mingla; Cooperstone, Jessica L.; Patil, Bhimanagouda S. Makale - EJ1240519
2020 A Multidimensional Development Study of Written English Complexity of High-Level Non-English Major Students Guo, Yazhen; Chen, Haiyuan Makale - EJ1239137
2020 Pedagogy and Identity in the Community College Developmental Writing Classroom: A Qualitative Study in Three Cases D'Antonio, Monica Makale - EJ1233633
2020 Performance Effects of Structural and Behavioural Debriefings in Transparent Simulations Capelo, Carlos; Pereira, Renato; Ferreira Dias, João Makale - ED626728
2020 Employing Computational Linguistics Technologies to Identify Limited Patient Health Literacy: Findings from the ECLIPPSE Study Schillinger, Dean; Balyan, Renu; Crossley, Scott A.; McNamara, Danielle S.; Liu, Jennifer Y.; Karter, Andrew J. Makale - ED616066
2020 Informal Learning and Institution-Wide Language Provision: University Language Learners in the 21st Century. New Language Learning and Teaching Environments Toffoli, Denyze Makale - ED615356
2020 A Hundred Years of Adult Education in Saudi Arabia Alzahrani, Yassir G.; James, Waynne B. Makale - ED613275
2020 Understanding Participation in CALL Vocabulary Tasks through Complexity Theory Dickinson, Paul Makale - ED611099
2020 Cross-Theoretical Explorations of Interlocutors and Their Individual Differences. Language Learning & Language Teaching. Volume 53 Gurzynski-Weiss, Laura, Ed. Makale - ED609892
2020 Exploring technology integration in a kindergarten setting through the prism of systems thinking: A phenomenological study - Anaokulu ortamında teknoloji entegrasyonunun düşünme sistemleri prizması bakımından incelenmesi: Fenomenolojik araştırma ELINA BOICHUK Yüksek Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 655849
2020 Implementation of systems thinking skills module for the context of energy - Sistemsel düşünme becerisi modülünün enerji bağlamında uygulanması HEDİYE CAN Doktora Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 625109
2020 Algebra Students Build Stock/Flow Models to Study Non-linear, Dynamic Feedback System Problems Fisher, D.M. Makale - -
2019 Implementing a Whole-of-Curriculum Approach to Student Wellbeing Brooker, Abi; McKague, Meredith; Phillips, Lisa Makale - EJ1355868
2019 Thoughts on the Launching of a New Journal: A Complex Dynamic Systems Perspective Larsen-Freeman, Diane Makale - EJ1352647
2019 Instructor Priorities for Undergraduate Organic Agriculture Education Jabbour, Randa; Pellissier, Makenzie E. Makale - EJ1336638
2019 Family Therapy Goes Digital: Integrating Hybrid Digital Teaching into a Family Therapy Course Saunders, Arielle A.; Carlos, Jetlexis Makale - EJ1300003
2019 Modeling and Simulation in an Educational Context: Teaching and Learning Sciences Brigas, Carlos Jorge Makale - EJ1266627
2019 Understanding the Nature of Variations in Postgraduate Learners' Willingness to Communicate in English Syed, Hassan; Kuzborska, Irena Makale - EJ1243776
2019 Systems Thinking and Arts Integration through Library Educational Programming on a STEM Campus Valk, Alison Makale - EJ1240492
2019 Student Insights: Developing T-Shaped Professionals through Work-Integrated Learning Martin, Andrew J.; Rees, Malcolm Makale - EJ1238481
2019 The Mystery Method Reconsidered--A Tool for Assessing Systems Thinking in Education for Sustainable Development Benninghaus, Jens Christian; Mühling, Andreas; Kremer, Kerstin; Sprenger, Sandra Makale - EJ1238216
2019 Learning Dispositif and Emotional Attachment: A Preliminary International Analysis Huston, Simon; Huston, Elena; Kozlowski, Marek Makale - EJ1238189
2019 Systems Thinking in Chemistry Education: Theoretical Challenges and Opportunities Pazicni, Samuel; Flynn, Alison B. Makale - EJ1237517
2019 Integrating Green and Sustainable Chemistry into Undergraduate Teaching Laboratories: Closing and Assessing the Loop on the Basis of a Citrus Biorefinery Approach for the Biocircular Economy in Brazil Zuin, Vânia G.; Segatto, Mateus L.; Zandonai, Dorai P.; Grosseli, Guilherme M.; Stahl, Aylon; Zanotti, Karine; Andrade, Rosivania S. Makale - EJ1237515
2019 Not Just an Academic Exercise: Systems Thinking Applied to Designing Safer Alternatives Schwarzman, Megan R.; Buckley, Heather L. Makale - EJ1237511
2019 Roles of Systems Thinking within Green Chemistry Education: Reflections from Identified Challenges in a Disadvantaged Context Mammino, Liliana Makale - EJ1237504
2019 Integrating Green Chemistry in the Curriculum: Building Student Skills in Systems Thinking, Safety, and Sustainability Aubrecht, Katherine B.; Bourgeois, Marie; Brush, Edward J.; MacKellar, Jennifer; Wissinger, Jane E. Makale - EJ1237503
2019 The End of Simple Problems: Repositioning Chemistry in Higher Education and Society Using a Systems Thinking Approach and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals as a Framework Michalopoulou, Eleni; Shallcross, Dudley E.; Atkins, Ed; Tierney, Aisling; Norman, Nicholas C.; Preist, Chris; O'Doherty, Simon; Saunders, Rebecca; Birkett, Alexander; Willmore, Chris; Ninos, Ioannis Makale - EJ1237502
2019 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a Thematic Framework for an Introductory Chemistry Curriculum Petillion, Riley J.; Freeman, Tamara K.; McNeill, W. Stephen Makale - EJ1237501
2019 Using a Systems Thinking Approach and a Scratch Computer Program to Improve Students' Understanding of the Brønsted-Lowry Acid-Base Model Kim, Sungki; Choi, Hee; Paik, Seoung-Hey Makale - EJ1237500
2019 Systems Thinking: Adopting an Emergy Perspective as a Tool for Teaching Green Chemistry Perosa, Alvise; Gonella, Francesco; Spagnolo, Sofia Makale - EJ1237497
2019 Systems Thinking in Science Education and Outreach toward a Sustainable Future Blatti, Jillian L.; Garcia, John; Cave, Danyal; Monge, Felix; Cuccinello, Anthony; Portillo, Jennifer; Juarez, Betsy; Chan, Ellen; Schwebel, Frieda Makale - EJ1237496
2019 Systems Thinking and Green Chemistry: Powerful Levers for Curricular Change and Adoption Hutchison, James E. Makale - EJ1237492
2019 Introducing Chemistry through the Lens of Earth's Systems: What Role Can Systems Thinking Play in Developing Chemically and Environmentally Literate Citizens? Kornfeld, Jeannie; Stokoe, Scott Makale - EJ1237491
2019 Promoting Systems Thinking Using Project- and Problem-Based Learning Nagarajan, Subhalakshmi; Overton, Tina Makale - EJ1237488
2019 Integrating Systems Thinking into Teaching Emerging Technologies Fowler, Whitney C.; Ting, Jeffrey M.; Meng, Siqi; Li, Lu; Tirrell, Matthew V. Makale - EJ1237487
2019 The Dark Side of Biomass Valorization: A Laboratory Experiment to Understand Humin Formation, Catalysis, and Green Chemistry Pfab, Evan; Filiciotto, Layla; Luque, Rafael Makale - EJ1237483
2019 Turning Challenges into Opportunities for Promoting Systems Thinking through Chemistry Education Ho, Felix M. Makale - EJ1237481
2019 Total Chemical Footprint of an Experiment: A Systems Thinking Approach to Teaching Rovibrational Spectroscopy Cooper, Paul D.; Walser, Jacob Makale - EJ1237479
2019 Introduction to Systems Thinking for the Chemistry Education Community Orgill, MaryKay; York, Sarah; MacKellar, Jennifer Makale - EJ1237477
2019 Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles Using Potato Extract for Dye Degradation: A Green Chemistry Experiment Sharma, R. K.; Yadav, Subham; Gupta, Radhika; Arora, Gunjan Makale - EJ1237467
2019 Industry-Informed Workshops to Develop Graduate Skill Sets in the Circular Economy Using Systems Thinking Summerton, Louise; Clark, James H.; Hurst, Glenn A.; Ball, Peter D.; Rylott, Elizabeth L.; Carslaw, Nicola; Creasey, Julia; Murray, Jane; Whitford, Jeffrey; Dobson, Brian; Sneddon, Helen F.; Ross, Joe; Metcalf, Pete; McElroy, C. Robert Makale - EJ1237465
2019 Identifying Systems Thinking Components in the School Science Curricular Standards of Four Countries Chiu, Mei-Hung; Mamlok-Naman, Rachel; Apotheker, Jan Makale - EJ1237459
2019 Situating Sustainable Development within Secondary Chemistry Education via Systems Thinking: A Depth Study Approach Eaton, Andrew C.; Delaney, Seamus; Schultz, Madeleine Makale - EJ1237458
2019 International Perspectives on Green and Sustainable Chemistry Education via Systems Thinking Hurst, Glenn A.; Slootweg, J. Chris; Balu, Alina M.; Climent-Bellido, Maria S.; Gomera, Antonio; Gomez, Paulette; Luque, Rafael; Mammino, Liliana; Spanevello, Rolando A.; Saito, Kei; Ibanez, Jorge G. Makale - EJ1237457
2019 Graphical Tools for Conceptualizing Systems Thinking in Chemistry Education Aubrecht, Katherine B.; Dori, Yehudit Judy; Holme, Thomas A.; Lavi, Rea; Matlin, Stephen A.; Orgill, MaryKay; Skaza-Acosta, Heather Makale - EJ1237455
2019 Future Directions for Systems Thinking in Chemistry Education: Putting the Pieces Together Flynn, Alison B.; Orgill, MaryKay; Ho, Felix M.; York, Sarah; Matlin, Stephen A.; Constable, David J. C.; Mahaffy, Peter G. Makale - EJ1237453
2019 Integrating Open-Source Tools for Embedded Software Teaching: A Case Study Rafique, Muhammad Usman; Mohammed, Aquil Mirza; Li, Shuai; Khan, Ameer Tamoor; Kadry, Seifedine Makale - EJ1236921
2019 From a Lecturer to a Researcher: A Three-Stage Process of Science Teachers' Professional Development in Mainland China Lin, Jing Makale - EJ1236358
2019 Schools, Mindfulness, and Metacognition: A View from Developmental Psychology Shute, Rosalyn H. Makale - EJ1235972
2019 Supporting Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Knowledge Development and Design Thinking in an Informal, Pre-Engineering Program: A Workplace Simulation Project Cross Francis, Dionne; Tan, Verily; Nicholas, Celeste Makale - EJ1235520
2019 Changes in Students' Mental Models from Computational Modeling of Gene Regulatory Networks Dauer, Joseph T.; Bergan-Roller, Heather E.; King, Gretchen P.; Kjose, McKenzie; Galt, Nicholas J.; Helikar, Tomáš Makale - EJ1234981
2019 Hegemony, Counter-Hegemony and Food Systems Literacy: Transforming the Global Industrial Food System Rose, Nicholas; Lourival, Izo Makale - EJ1234890
2019 Developing a Green Chemistry Focused General Chemistry Laboratory Curriculum: What Do Students Understand and Value about Green Chemistry? Armstrong, Laura B.; Rivas, Mariana C.; Zhou, Zeyi; Irie, Lauren M.; Kerstiens, Geri A.; Robak, MaryAnn T.; Douskey, Michelle C.; Baranger, Anne M. Makale - EJ1234639
2019 Discovery-Based S[subscript N]Ar Experiment in Water Using Micellar Catalysis Landstrom, Evan B.; Nichol, Meghan; Lipshutz, Bruce H.; Gainer, Morgan J. Makale - EJ1234592
2019 An Identity Systems Perspective on High Ability in Self-Regulated Learning Kaplan, Avi; Neuber, Amanda; Garner, Joanna K. Makale - EJ1234068
2019 Hopeful Discourse: Elementary Children's Activist Responses to Modern-Day Slavery Grounded in Systems Thinking Curwen, Margaret Sauceda; Ardell, Amy; MacGillivray, Laurie Makale - EJ1233952
2019 Factors Influencing Pre-Service Preschool Teachers' Engineering Thinking: Model Development and Test Avsec, Stanislav; Sajdera, Jolanta Makale - EJ1233177
2019 The Use of Causal Diagrams to Foster Systems Thinking in Geography Education: Results of an Intervention Study Cox, Marjolein; Elen, Jan; Steegen, An Makale - EJ1231876
2019 State Higher Education Interest Group Densities: An Application of the Energy-Stability-Area Model to Higher Education Tandberg, David A.; Wright-Kim, Jeremy Makale - EJ1230049
2019 Reading Dynamic Patterns of Silence as a Communication Strategy and Impediment in the EFL Classroom Interaction Fadilah, Eka; Widiati, Utami; Latief, Mohammad Adnan Makale - EJ1230047
2019 Teachers' Understanding of the Interconnectedness of Soil and Climate Change When Developing a Systems Thinking Concept Map for Teaching and Learning de Sousa, Luiza Olim; Hay, Emerentia Antoinette; Liebenberg, Danica Makale - EJ1230036
2019 Learning Experiences from a Time-Geographic Approach--Commodity Chains, Globalization, Everyday Life, and Sustainability in Context Westermark, Åsa; Jansund, Bodil Makale - EJ1229995
2019 Questioning 'Integrated' Disaster Risk Reduction and 'All of Society' Engagement: Can 'Preparedness Pedagogy' Help? Kitagawa, Kaori Makale - EJ1229134
2019 Quest in a Digital School: The Potential and Peculiarities of Mobile Technology Implementation Soboleva, Elena V. Makale - EJ1228734
2019 Systems Thinking for Principals of Learning-Focused Schools Shaked, Haim; Schechter, Chen Makale - EJ1228602
2019 The Migratory Patterns of Birds of Prey Fuller, Kirsten; Abi-El-Mona, Issam Makale - EJ1228480
2019 A Reflective Conversation with Joe Renzulli: What Hath the Last 20-30 Years Wrought in Terms of Gifted Education? Shaughnessy, Michael F. Makale - EJ1228104
2019 Exploring Systems Thinking in School Principals' Decision-Making Shaked, Haim; Schechter, Chen Makale - EJ1227930
2019 An Agentive Focus May Limit Learning about Complex Causality and Systems Dynamics: A Study of Seventh Graders' Explanations of Ecosystems Cuzzolino, Megan Powell; Grotzer, Tina A.; Tutwiler, M. Shane; Torres, Eric W. Makale - EJ1227062
2019 Representationalism and Power: The Individual Subject and Distributed Cognition in the Field of Educational Technology Shutkin, David Makale - EJ1225228
2019 Willingness to Communicate and Second Language Speech Fluency: An Investigation of Affective and Cognitive Dynamics Nematizadeh, Shahin; Wood, David Makale - EJ1225135
2019 Explaining Motivation in Language Learning: A Framework for Evaluation and Research Bower, Kim Makale - EJ1224894
2019 Teaching Personal Epistemology and Decision Making in a Global Leadership Course Anderson-Meger, Jennifer; Dixon, Pamela Makale - EJ1224407
2019 International Learning Communities: What Happens When Leaders Seek to Learn across National Boundaries? Mehta, Jal; Peterson, Amelia Makale - EJ1223055
2019 The Effects of Symmetric and Asymmetric Social Networks on Second Language Communication Paul, Jing Z.; Friginal, Eric Makale - EJ1222561
2019 Challenges and Benefits of Student Sustainability Research Projects in View of Education for Sustainability Ceulemans, Griet; Severijns, Nathal Makale - EJ1221526
2019 How Teachers Learn to Lead: Programs Build Knowledge and Skills Teachers Need to Be Influential beyond Their Classrooms Berg, Jill Harrison Makale - EJ1221242
2019 Students' Reasoning Processes While Constructing Causal Diagrams Cox, Marjolein; Elen, Jan; Steegen, An Makale - EJ1221190
2019 Identifying the Challenging Characteristics of Systems Thinking Encountered by Undergraduate Students in Chemistry Problem-Solving of Gas Laws Chen, Ya-Chun; Wilson, Kimberley; Lin, Huann-shyang Makale - EJ1221006
2019 STEAM as an Innovative Educational Technology Shatunova, Olga; Anisimova, Tatyana; Sabirova, Fairuza; Kalimullina, Olga Makale - EJ1220702
2019 A Case for Disrupting the System of Legal Education Gonzales, Kathy Makale - EJ1219288
2019 New, Old Wisdom--Sprituality, Creativity and Science Reimagined: Ancestral Wisdom for These Times Meyer, Meleanna Aluli; Kamaka, Martina Leialoha Makale - EJ1217472
2019 The Emerging Role of the Registrar in Enrollment Management Parks, Rodney; Taylor, Alexander Makale - EJ1216945
2019 An Autobiographical Study of Language Teacher's Perceived Psychological Dynamics: Methodological Issues and Insights Saleem, Mehvish Makale - EJ1216771
2019 National Geoscience Faculty Survey 2016: Prevalence of Systems Thinking and Scientific Modeling Learning Opportunities Lally, Diane; Forbes, Cory T.; McNeal, Karen S.; Soltis, Nicholas A. Makale - EJ1216305
2019 On the Possible Interactions of Varied EFL Activities and Learning Styles with EFL Students' Motivational Changes Kruk, Mariusz; Zawodniak, Joanna Makale - EJ1210584
2019 Systems Thinking in Geography: Can High School Students Do It? Cox, Marjolein; Elen, Jan; Steegen, An Makale - EJ1210190
2019 An Education for Sustainable Development Self-Efficacy Scale for Primary Pre-Service Teachers: Construction and Validation Malandrakis, George; Papadopoulou, Penelope; Gavrilakis, Costas; Mogias, Athanasios Makale - EJ1209739
2019 Strengthening Child Inclusion in the Classroom in Rural Schools of Pakistan and Afghanistan: What Did We Learn by Testing the System Dynamics Protocol for Community Engagement? Trani, Jean-François; Bakhshi, Parul; Mozaffari, Alan; Sohail, Munib; Rawab, Hashim; Kaplan, Ian; Ballard, Ellis; Hovmand, Peter Makale - EJ1209663
2019 Systems Research in Education: Designs and Methods Magrath, Bronwen; Aslam, Monazza; Johnson, David Makale - EJ1209630
2019 A System Dynamic Model of Student Enrolment at the Private Higher Education Sector in Syria Al Hallak, Louna; Ayoubi, Rami M.; Moscardini, Alfredo; Loutfi, Mohamed Makale - EJ1209613
2019 Preservice Geography Students' Exposure to Systems Thinking and Cooperative Learning in Environmental Education Raath, Schalk; Hay, Anette Makale - EJ1209604
2019 School Principals' Systems Thinking: Antecedents and Consequences Benoliel, Pascale; Shaked, Haim; Nadav, Nechama; Schechter, Chen Makale - EJ1209577
2019 Closing the Circuit on Function Concepts Pérez, Arnulfo; Braaten, Bailey; MacConnell, Robert Makale - EJ1209137
2019 Organizational Learning in Stakeholder Relations Rupcic, Nataša Makale - EJ1208661
2019 Effect of Fading Scaffolds on the Mastery of Scientific Abilities in Inquiry-Based Laboratory Exercises of a College-Level Environmental Science Course Mora, Germán Makale - EJ1208611
2019 Developing Undergraduate Students' Systems Thinking Skills with an Integrate Module Gilbert, Lisa A.; Gross, Deborah S.; Kreutz, Karl J. Makale - EJ1208567
2019 Failure of Research-Based Learning Implementation in Basic Education Rattanaprom, Wattana Makale - EJ1208452
2019 Infant Educators' Beliefs about Infant Language Development in Long Day Care Settings Degotardi, Sheila; Gill, Amy Makale - EJ1204279
2019 Teaching Systems Thinking in the Context of the Water Cycle Lee, Tammy D.; Gail Jones, M.; Chesnutt, Katherine Makale - EJ1204007
2019 Systems Thinking of Pre- and In-Service Science and Engineering Teachers Lavi, Rea; Dori, Yehudit Judy Makale - EJ1203465
2019 Systems Thinking and Mathematical Problem Solving Salado, Alejandro; Chowdhury, Ahsan Habib; Norton, Anderson Makale - EJ1203320
2019 Children's Creativity: A Theoretical Framework and Systematic Review Kupers, Elisa; Lehmann-Wermser, Andreas; McPherson, Gary; van Geert, Paul Makale - EJ1202668
2019 Secondary Students' Understanding of Ecosystems: A Learning Progression Approach Jin, Hui; Shin, Hyo Jeong; Hokayem, Hayat; Qureshi, Farah; Jenkins, Thomas Makale - EJ1202165
2019 Can the Relationship between Rapid Automatized Naming and Word Reading Be Explained by a Catastrophe? Empirical Evidence from Students with and without Reading Difficulties Sideridis, Georgios D.; Simos, Panagiotis; Mouzaki, Angeliki; Stamovlasis, Dimitrios; Georgiou, George K. Makale - EJ1199706
2019 A Neocolonial Warp of Outmoded Hierarchies, Curricula and Disciplinary Technologies in Trinidad's Educational System Williams, Hakim Mohandas Amani Makale - EJ1198519
2019 Identity and Motivation in a Changing World: A Complex Dynamic Systems Perspective Avi Kaplan; Joanna K. Garner; Benjamin Brock Makale - ED661959
2019 Exploring the Effects of Structural Transparency and Exploratory Guidance in Simulation-Based Learning Environments Capelo, Carlos; Lorga, Ana Makale - ED608650
2019 Rubric of Equity-Minded Coaching Domains and Practices. Coaching for Change Community College Research Initiatives, 201 Makale - ED608098
2019 Understanding Strategy Change: Contextual, Individual, and Metacognitive Factors Alibali, Martha W.; Brown, Sarah A.; Menendez, David Makale - ED605649
2019 Collaborative Gestures among High School Students Conjointly Proving Geometric Conjectures Walkington, Candace; Wang, Min; Nathan, Mitchell J. Makale - ED594607
2019 Analysis of pre-service science teachers systems thinking skills in the context of carbon cycle - Fen bilimleri öğretmen adaylarının karbon döngüsü konusundaki sistemsel düşünme becerilerinin analizi DENİZ TURAN Yüksek Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 591915
2019 Lise öğrencilerinin kelebeğin yaşam döngüsü bağlamında sistem düşünme becerileri - High school students systems thinking skills in the context of the life cycle of a butterfly SEDA ÇAKMAK Yüksek Lisans Biyoloji = Biology ; Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 564656
2019 The relationship between the systems thinking skills and writing skills of English preparatory schools students - İngilizce hazırlık okulu öğrencilerinin sistemsel düşünme becerileri ile yazma becerileri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi DUYGU NAZİME HARMAN Yüksek Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 559763
2018 Using Causal Diagrams to Foster Systems Thinking in Geography Education Marjolein Cox; An Steegen; Jan Elen Makale - EJ1258942
2018 Sacred Text Motivation for General L2 Learners: A Mixed Methods Study Bahari, Akbar Makale - EJ1244575
2018 Using the Arts to Foster Students' Interest, Engagement, and Learning in a Distance-Learning Environment Arantes do Amaral, João Alberto; Brito, Suzana Costa Makale - EJ1244473
2018 Using a Systemic Design Paradigm to Develop Sustainability Leadership and Build Organizational Interdisciplinary Sustainability Platforms Lees, David W.; Uri, Therese Makale - EJ1219287
2018 Changes in Thoughts and Actions as Requirements for a Sustainable Future: A Review of Recent Research on the Finnish Educational System and Sustainable Development Hofman-Bergholm, Maria Makale - EJ1218199
2018 Complexities of Learning Organizations -- Addressing Key Methodological and Content Issues Rupcic, Nataša Makale - EJ1199094
2018 Education for Sustainability Policies: Ramifications for Practice Moore, Deborah; Almeida, Sylvia Christine; Barnes, Melissa M. Makale - EJ1199074
2018 First Grade Classroom-Level Adversity: Associations with Teaching Practices, Academic Skills, and Executive Functioning Abry, Tashia; Granger, Kristen L.; Bryce, Crystal I.; Taylor, Michelle; Swanson, Jodi; Bradley, Robert H. Makale - EJ1198574
2018 Supervision, Systems Thinking, and the Impact of American School Reform Efforts on Instructional Leadership Mette, Ian M.; Riegel, Lisa Makale - EJ1197104
2018 Strengthening Sustainability Leadership Competencies through University Internships Meza Rios, Maria Margarita; Herremans, Irene Marie; Wallace, Jean E.; Althouse, Norm; Lansdale, David; Preusser, Manuel Makale - EJ1196500
2018 Meeting the Food Waste Challenge in Higher Education Ahmed, Selena; Byker Shanks, Carmen; Lewis, Martin; Leitch, Alicia; Spencer, Caitlin; Smith, Erin M.; Hess, Dani Makale - EJ1196493
2018 A Systemic Approach to Processes of Power in Learning Organizations: Part I - Literature, Theory, and Methodology of Triple Loop Learning Flood, Robert L.; Romm, Norma R. A. Makale - EJ1196364
2018 Blank Slate: Using Systems Thinking to Develop an Integrated LAM Curriculum Latham, Kiersten F. Makale - EJ1195978
2018 What Are the Unique Characteristics of Integrating Mobile Applications in Learning? Shafriri, Yuval; Levy, Dalit Makale - EJ1195276
2018 Affordances of New Mobile Technologies: Promoting Learner Agency, Autonomy, and Self-Regulated Learning Pellerin, Martine Makale - EJ1195161
2018 Research Administration Organizations: Results from an Investigation into the Five Disciplines Silva, Angela J. Makale - EJ1194941
2018 Cross-Case Analysis of Engineering Education Experiences in Inclusive STEM-Focused High Schools in the United States Peters-Burton, Erin E.; Johnson, Todd Makale - EJ1193468
2018 Resilience in the Context of Development: Introduction to the Special Issue Cutuli, J. J.; Herbers, Janette E. Makale - EJ1193065
2018 Making Medicines: A Case Study in Innovative Academia-Industry Educational Partnerships McClain, Elizabeth K.; Johnson-Moton, Yolanda; Larsen, Bryan; Ellis, Rebecca J. Bartlett; Niederhoffer, Eric Makale - EJ1192918
2018 Recurring Patterns in the Development of High School Biology Students' System Thinking over Time Tripto, Jaklin; Assaraf, Orit Ben Zvi; Amit, Miriam Makale - EJ1190501
2018 The Impact of Reflective Practices of English Language Teachers on the Development of a Sense of Agency Tutunis, Birsen; Hacifazlioglu, Ozge Makale - EJ1188969
2018 Discursive Narratives of Comprehensive Education Politics in Finland Kosunen, Sonja; Hansen, Petteri Makale - EJ1188452
2018 Systems Thinking among Enrollees in a Principal Preparation Program Shaked, Haim; Schechter, Chen Makale - EJ1187573
2018 A History of Achievement Testing in the United States or: Explaining the Persistence of Inadequacy Hutt, Ethan; Schneider, Jack Makale - EJ1187507
2018 Student Academic Monitoring and Support in Higher Education: A Systems Thinking Perspective Paideya, Vino; Dhunpath, Rubby Makale - EJ1187285
2018 Nonlinear Dynamic Motivation-Oriented Telecollaborative Model of Language Learning via Formulaic Sequences to Foster Learner Autonomy Bahari, Akbar Makale - EJ1186396
2018 Enhancing Automatic Control Learning through Arduino-Based Projects Omar, Hanafy M. Makale - EJ1186321
2018 Every Child, Every Classroom, Every Day: From Vision to Action in Literacy Learning Fountas, Irene C.; Pinnell, Gay Su Makale - EJ1183278
2018 Not in Our Journals--Digital Media Technologies and the LGBTQI Community Subramony, Deepak Prem Makale - EJ1183206
2018 Vapor Cartesian Diver Grebenev, Igor V.; Lebedeva, Olga V.; Polushkina, Svetlana V. Makale - EJ1182528
2018 Building Systems from Scratch: An Exploratory Study of Students Learning about Climate Change Puttick, Gillian; Tucker-Raymond, Eli Makale - EJ1182432
2018 Systems Thinking within the Scope of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)--A Heuristic Competence Model as a Basis for (Science) Teacher Education Schuler, Stephan; Fanta, Daniela; Rosenkraenzer, Frank; Riess, Werner Makale - EJ1182340
2018 The System of Teaching Literacy in Company Schools of the Russian Army: The 1850-1860S Experience Natolochnaya, Olga V.; Korolev, Aleksey A.; Ustinova, Oksana V.; Zulfugarzade, Teimur E. Makale - EJ1181919
2018 Positioning (Mis)Aligned: The (Un)Making of Intercultural Asynchronous Computer-Mediated Communication Wu, Zhiwei Makale - EJ1181217
2018 All the Right Noises: Background Variability Helps Early Word Learning Twomey, Katherine E.; Ma, Lizhi; Westermann, Gert Makale - EJ1180855
2018 Toward Valuing with Critical Systems Heuristics Gates, Emily F. Makale - EJ1179422
2018 Population Ecology (Organizational Ecology): An Experiential Exercise Demonstrating How Organizations in an Industry Are Born, Change, and Die MacMillan, Karen; Komar, Jennifer Makale - EJ1178862
2018 Leading Today's Kindergartens: Practices of Strategic Leadership in Hong Kong's Early Childhood Education Chan, Chi Wai Makale - EJ1178824
2018 The Effects of Post-Compulsory Education and Training Systems on Literacy and Numeracy Skills: A Comparative Analysis Using PISA 2000 and the 2011 Survey of Adult Skills Pensiero, Nicola; Green, Andy Makale - EJ1178169
2018 Islamized Ideologies in the Pakistani Education System: The Need for Religious Literacy Ashraf, Muhammad Azeem Makale - EJ1176444
2018 Learning from Peer Feedback on Student-Generated Multiple Choice Questions: Views of Introductory Physics Students Kay, Alison E.; Hardy, Judy; Galloway, Ross K. Makale - EJ1176400
2018 System Competence Modelling: Theoretical Foundation and Empirical Validation of a Model Involving Natural, Social and Human-Environment Systems Mehren, Rainer; Rempfler, Armin; Buchholz, Janine; Hartig, Johannes; Ulrich-Riedhammer, Eva M. Makale - EJ1176374
2018 The WEBSIM FISHBANKS Simulation Laboratory: Analysis of Its Ripple Effects Arantes do Amaral, João Alberto; Hess, Aurélio Makale - EJ1175054
2018 Developing Seventh Grade Students' Understanding of Complex Environmental Problems with Systems Tools and Representations: A Quasi-Experimental Study Doganca Kucuk, Zerrin; Saysel, Ali Kerem Makale - EJ1174891
2018 Vocalization Subsystem Responses to a Temporarily Induced Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis Croake, Daniel J.; Andreatta, Richard D.; Stemple, Joseph C. Makale - EJ1173954
2018 The Changing Landscape of Early Childhood Education: Implications for Policy and Practice Haslip, Michael J.; Gullo, Dominic F. Makale - EJ1173585
2018 Higher Education Provision Using Systems Thinking Approach--Case Studies Dhukaram, Anandhi Vivekanandan; Sgouropoulou, Cleo; Feldman, Gerald; Amini, Ardavan Makale - EJ1170456
2018 Program Planning in Health Professions Education Schmidt, Steven W.; Lawson, Luan Makale - EJ1170017
2018 Literacy Skills Gaps: A Cross-Level Analysis on International and Intergenerational Variations Kim, Suehye Makale - EJ1168300
2018 Relationships in Early Childhood Education--Beyond the Professional into the Personal within the Teacher-Child Dyad: Relationships 'That Ripple in the Pond' Albin-Clark, Jo; Shirley, Ian; Webster, Maggie; Woolhouse, Clare Makale - EJ1168123
2018 Facilitating an Elementary Engineering Design Process Module Hill-Cunningham, P. Renee; Mott, Michael S.; Hunt, Anna-Blair Makale - EJ1167948
2018 The Impact of a Professional Development Model for a Mobilized Science Curriculum: A Case Study of Teacher Changes Looi, Chee-Kit; Sun, Daner; Kim, Mi Song; Wen, Yun Makale - EJ1165272
2018 Embodied Cognition and Curriculum Construction Wang, Mei-qian; Zheng, Xu-dong Makale - EJ1164884
2018 Contexts and Pragmatics Learning: Problems and Opportunities of the Study Abroad Research Taguchi, Naoko Makale - EJ1163826
2018 Holistic School Leadership: Development of Systems Thinking in School Leaders Shaked, Haim; Schechter, Chen Makale - EJ1162845
2018 Transformative Learning in Medical Education: Context Matters, a South Australian Longitudinal Study Greenhill, Jenenne; Richards, Janet Noreen; Mahoney, Sarah; Campbell, Narelle; Walters, Lucie Makale - EJ1162335
2018 Modeling the Effects of Students' Interactions with Immersive Simulations Using Markov Switching Systems Hoernle, Nicholas; Gal, Kobi; Grosz, Barbara; Protopapas, Pavlos; Rubin, Andee Makale - ED593246
2018 Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century. Consensus Study Report Leshner, Alan, Ed.; Scherer, Layne, Ed. Makale - ED585221
2018 Systems thinking skills of preschool children in early childhood education contexts of Turkey and Germany - Türkiyedeki ve Almanyadaki erken çocukluk eğitsel bağlamlarındaki okul öncesi çocuklarının sistemsel düşünme becerileri ŞEBNEM FERİVER GEZER Doktora Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 509565
2018 Assessing pre-service science teachers systems thinking skills using real life scenarios - Fen bilimleri öğretmen adaylarının sistemsel düşünme becerilerinin gerçek yaşam öyküleri kullanılarak değerlendirilmesi MELİKE ÖZTAŞ Yüksek Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 502093
2018 Ortaokul öğrencilerinde kompleks kavramların öğretimi sırasında sistemik düşünme becerilerinin geliştirilmesi - Development of system thinking skills during teaching of complex concepts in middle school students BÜŞRA BAŞAK ÖZYURT SOYTÜRK Doktora Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 490670
2018 Reflections on teaching system dynamics modeling to secondary school students for over 20 years Fisher, D. M. Makale - -
2017 The Draw-an-Ecosystem Task as an Assessment Tool in Environmental Science Education Robert M. Sanford; Joseph K. Staples; Sarah A. Snowman Makale - EJ1421542
2017 Ecological Understanding of Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety: Emerging Patterns and Dynamic Systems Kasbi, Saba; Elahi Shirvan, Majid Makale - EJ1243401
2017 Why an Indirect Measure of L2 Learner's Willingness to Communicate in L2 Writing Requires Cautious Inferencing Kim, Peter Makale - EJ1176708
2017 Trade-Off or Connected Growers: Implications on Accuracy and Complexity in L2 Writing Gonzalez, Jordan Makale - EJ1176706
2017 Exploring the Dynamism between Propositional Complexity and Error Rate: A Case Study Van Horn, Jordan Makale - EJ1176705
2017 Exploring the Variability of the Preposition 'In' in Written Communication Ahmed, Shafinaz Makale - EJ1176702
2017 Exploring the Dynamics of Willingness to Communicate in Written Communication: A Case Study Choe, Ann Tai Makale - EJ1176701
2017 A Display of Patterns of Change in Learners' Motivation: Dynamics Perspective Sel?uk, Özge; Erten, Ismail Hakki Makale - EJ1171147
2017 Mainstreaming Use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in an African Context Mays, Tony John Makale - EJ1165494
2017 The Dynamics of Project-Based Learning Extension Courses: The 'Laboratory of Social Projects' Case Study Arantes do Amaral, Joao Alberto Makale - EJ1164653
2017 Games as Distributed Teaching and Learning Systems Gee, Elisabeth; Gee, James Paul Makale - EJ1162938
2017 Promoting Community Socio-Ecological Sustainability through Technology: A Case Study from Chile Aguayo, Claudio; Eames, Chris Makale - EJ1162396
2017 Learning Outcomes in Sustainability Education among Future Elementary School Teachers Foley, Rider W.; Archambault, Leanna M.; Hale, Annie E.; Dong, Hsiang-Kai Makale - EJ1162085
2017 Comparison of Power, Velocity and Force Parameters during Loaded Squat Jump Exercise in the Handball and Arm Wrestling Players Can, Ibrahim Makale - EJ1161931
2017 Open Education and the Sustainable Development Goals: Making Change Happen Lane, Andy Makale - EJ1161793
2017 Student Learning of Complex Earth Systems: Conceptual Frameworks of Earth Systems and Instructional Design Scherer, Hannah H.; Holder, Lauren; Herbert, Bruce Makale - EJ1161357
2017 Addressing Complex Problems: Using Authentic Audiences and Challenges to Develop Adaptive Leadership and Socially Responsible Agency in Leadership Learners Andenoro, Anthony C.; Sowcik, Matthew J.; Balser, Teresa C. Makale - EJ1158402
2017 Project Robot: A Software Simulation for Systems Engineering Education Arnold, Ross D.; Wade, Jon P. Makale - EJ1157983
2017 Using a Complexity Approach to Study the Interpersonal Dynamics in Teacher-­Student Interactions: A Case Study of Two Teachers Pennings, Helena J. M. Makale - EJ1157228
2017 Student Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teaching Systems Thinking: Effects of Different Interventions Rosenkränzer, Frank; Hörsch, Christian; Schuler, Stephan; Riess, Werner Makale - EJ1157118
2017 Mechanism for Promoting Motivation, Confidence, and Autonomy through Synchronic Communication Sessions in Virtual Learning Environments Valencia, Jorge Andrick Parra; Dallos, Adriana Rocío Lizcano; Ballesteros, Eliécer Pineda Makale - EJ1156263
2017 Can a Non-Cognitive Learning Companion Increase the Effectiveness of a Meta-Cognitive Learning Strategy? VanLehn, Kurt; Zhang, Lishan; Burleson, Winslow; Girard, Sylvie; Hidago-Pontet, Yoalli Makale - EJ1156063
2017 Vocabulary and Experiences to Develop a Center of Mass Model Kaar, Taylor; Pollack, Linda B.; Lerner, Michael E.; Engels, Robert J. Makale - EJ1155524
2017 Scaffolding Young Children: The Utility of Mediation in a Classification Test Mata, Sara; van Geert, Paul; van der Aalsvoort, Geerdina Makale - EJ1154787
2017 Visualizing Teacher Education as a Complex System: A Nested Simplex System Approach Ludlow, Larry; Ell, Fiona; Cochran-Smith, Marilyn; Newton, Avery; Trefcer, Kaitlin; Klein, Kelsey; Grudnoff, Lexie; Haigh, Mavis; Hill, Mary F. Makale - EJ1152299
2017 Visible Parts, Invisible Whole: Swedish Technology Student Teachers' Conceptions about Technological Systems Hallström, Jonas; Klasander, Claes Makale - EJ1152229
2017 A Note on Systems Intelligence in Knowledge Management Sasaki, Yasuo Makale - EJ1151914
2017 Implementation of a Localized Task-Based Course in an EFL Context: A Study of Students' Evolving Perceptions Kim, Youjin; Jung, Yeonjoo; Tracy-Ventura, Nicole Makale - EJ1151667
2017 Using Systems Thinking in the Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Complex Educational Innovations, with Examples from the InTeGrate Project Kastens, Kim A.; Manduca, Cathryn A. Makale - EJ1151426
2017 Beyond 'Inert' Ideas to Teaching General Chemistry from Rich Contexts: Visualizing the Chemistry of Climate Change (VC3) Mahaffy, Peter G.; Holme, Thomas A.; Martin-Visscher, Leah; Martin, Brian E.; Versprille, Ashley; Kirchhoff, Mary; McKenzie, Lallie; Town, Marcy Makale - EJ1151405
2017 Designing Instruction for Critical Thinking: A Case of a Graduate Course on Evaluation of Training Darabi, Aubteen; Arrington, Thomas Logan Makale - EJ1150794
2017 An Integrated Approach to Disability Policy Development, Implementation, and Evaluation Shogren, Karrie A.; Luckasson, Ruth; Schalock, Robert L. Makale - EJ1150562
2017 Emergent Multicompetence at the Primary Level: A Dynamic Conception of Multicompetence Hofer, Barbara Makale - EJ1150017
2017 Amerindian and Translingual Literacies across Time and Space Coronel-Molina, Serafín M.; Cowan, Peter M. Makale - EJ1148336
2017 Towards Dynamic and Interdisciplinary Frameworks for School-Based Mental Health Promotion O'Toole, Catriona Makale - EJ1148299
2017 Insidious Incentives: A Critical Exercise to Explore Knowing, Context, and Multiple Views Stepanovich, Paul L.; Hopkins, Pamela J.; Stark, Ernest Makale - EJ1147340
2017 Urban Middle School Students, Twenty-First Century Skills, and STEM-ICT Careers: Selected Findings from a Front-End Analysis Cohen, Jonathan D.; Renken, Maggie; Calandra, Brendan Makale - EJ1145829
2017 Teaching for Tomorrow: An Exploratory Study of Prekindergarten Teachers' Underlying Assumptions about How Children Learn Flynn, Erin E.; Schachter, Rachel E. Makale - EJ1145334
2017 Probing Teachers' Lesson Planning: Promoting Metacognition Eilam, Billie Makale - EJ1143716
2017 Sustainability, the Next Generation Science Standards, and the Education of Future Teachers Egger, Anne E.; Kastens, Kim A.; Turrin, Margaret K. Makale - EJ1143211
2017 Teaching Sustainability through System Dynamics: Exploring Stocks and Flows Embedded in Dynamic Computer Models of an Agricultural Land Management System Pallant, Amy; Lee, Hee-Sun Makale - EJ1143185
2017 Exploring the Dynamic Long-Term Interaction between Cognitive and Psychosocial Resources in Adult Second Language Development at Varying Proficiency Serafini, Ellen J. Makale - EJ1143160
2017 Reasoning with Causal Cycles Rehder, Bob Makale - EJ1141029
2017 Characterizing Articulation in Apraxic Speech Using Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging Hagedorn, Christina; Proctor, Michael; Goldstein, Louis; Wilson, Stephen M.; Miller, Bruce; Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Narayanan, Shrikanth S. Makale - EJ1140836
2017 From Systemic Exclusion to Systemic Inclusion: A Critical Look at Museums Taylor, Chris Makale - EJ1140725
2017 The Effect of Geogebra on Students' Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge: The Case of Applications of Derivative Ocal, Mehmet Fatih Makale - EJ1140506
2017 Contradictions, Dialectical Oppositions and Shifts in Teaching Mathematics Stouraitis, Konstantinos; Potari, Despina; Skott, Jeppe Makale - EJ1140419
2017 Structure-Function Relations in Physiology Education: Where's the Mechanism? Lira, Matthew E.; Gardner, Stephanie M. Makale - EJ1139056
2017 Systems Thinking among School Middle Leaders Shaked, Haim; Schechter, Chen Makale - EJ1138871
2017 Finding the Key to Successful L2 Learning in Groups and Individuals Lowie, Wander; van Dijk, Marijn; Chan, Huiping; Verspoor, Marjolijn Makale - EJ1137969
2017 A System Evaluation Theory Analyzing Value and Results Chain for Institutional Accreditation in Oman Paquibut, Rene Ymbong Makale - EJ1136954
2017 The Design and Development of the Dragoon Intelligent Tutoring System for Model Construction: Lessons Learned Wetzel, Jon; VanLehn, Kurt; Butler, Dillan; Chaudhari, Pradeep; Desai, Avaneesh; Feng, Jingxian; Grover, Sachin; Joiner, Reid; Kong-Sivert, Mackenzie; Patade, Vallabh; Samala, Ritesh; Tiwari, Megha; van de Sande, Brett Makale - EJ1134399
2017 How Is the Body's Systemic Nature Manifested amongst High School Biology Students? Tripto, Jaklin; Assaraf, Orit Ben; Snapir, Zohar; Amit, Miriam Makale - EJ1134050
2017 The Need to Introduce System Thinking in Teaching Climate Change Roychoudhury, Anita; Shepardson, Daniel P.; Hirsch, Andrew; Niyogi, Devdutta; Mehta, Jignesh; Top, Sara Makale - EJ1132081
2017 Using Doubly Latent Multilevel Analysis to Elucidate Relationships between Science Teachers' Professional Knowledge and Students' Performance Mahler, Daniela; Großschedl, Jörg; Harms, Ute Makale - EJ1131065
2017 Understanding the Complexity of Teacher Reflection in Action Research Luttenberg, Johan; Meijer, Paulien; Oolbekkink-Marchand, Helma Makale - EJ1129473
2017 Will SOAR Really Help Organization Development Soar? McLean, Gary N. Makale - EJ1127924
2017 Changing Patterns of Scaffolding and Autonomy during Individual Music Lessons: A Mixed Methods Approach Kupers, Elisa; van Dijk, Marijn; van Geert, Paul Makale - EJ1127907
2017 Visualization in Mechanics: The Dynamics of an Unbalanced Roller Cumber, Peter S. Makale - EJ1127859
2017 From Content-Centred to Learning-Centred Approaches: Shifting Educational Paradigm in Higher Education Rege Colet, Nicole Mary Makale - EJ1126391
2017 International Learning Communities: What Can Be Learned across National Boundaries? Peterson, Amelia; Mehta, Jal David Makale - ED604556
2017 Towards a Dynamic Approach to Analysing Student Motivation in ESP Courses Schug, Daniel; Le Cor, Gwen Makale - ED578665
2017 Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Literacy: Existing Technologies and Continuing Challenges Jacovina, Matthew E.; McNamara, Danielle S. Makale - ED577131
2017 Reorganizing Algebraic Thinking: An Introduction to Dynamic System Modeling Fisher, D. M. Makale - -
2016 Sources of Systems Thinking in School Leadership Shaked, Haim; Schechter, Chen Makale - EJ1277834
2016 Latina/o Adolescents' Funds of Knowledge Related to Engineering Wilson-Lopez, Amy; Mejia, Joel Alejandro; Hasbún, Indhira María; Kasun, G. Sue Makale - EJ1255069
2016 Democracy and the Challenges of Correctional Education Carver, Leland J.; Harrison, Laura M. Makale - EJ1185208
2016 Whole-Class Self-Referential Feedback from University EFL Contexts to the World: Extending the Social Life of Information by Looping It Forward Falout, Joseph; Murphey, Tim; Fukuda, Tetsuya; Fukada, Yoshifumi Makale - EJ1180756
2016 Valuing IKS in Successive South African Physical Sciences Curricula Taylor, Dale L.; Cameron, Ann Makale - EJ1147784
2016 Classroom-Oriented Research from a Complex Systems Perspective Larsen-Freeman, Diane Makale - EJ1134375
2016 Examining Game Design Features for Identity Exploration and Change Foster, Aroutis; Shah, Mamta Makale - EJ1133269
2016 Prairie Restoration Project: Alternatives for Identifying Gifted Students Salisbury, Katie E.; Rule, Audrey C.; Vander Zanden, Sarah M. Makale - EJ1130814
2016 The Preparation of Cognitively Agile Principals for Turnaround Schools: A Leadership Preparation Programme Study Reyes-Guerra, Daniel; Pisapia, John; Mick, Annie Makale - EJ1128675
2016 A Dynamic Ensemble for Second Language Research: Putting Complexity Theory into Practice Hiver, Phil; Al-Hoorie, Ali H. Makale - EJ1126639
2016 Emerging Multilingual Awareness in Educational Contexts: From Theory to Practice Jessner, Ulrike; Allgäuer-Hackl, Elisabeth; Hofer, Barbara Makale - EJ1126258
2016 Envisioning Complexity: Towards a New Conceptualization of Educational Research for Sustainability Pipere, Anita Makale - EJ1124335
2016 Holistic School Leadership: Systems Thinking as an Instructional Leadership Enabler Shaked, Haim; Schechter, Chen Makale - EJ1124010
2016 Staying on the Journey: Maintaining a Change Momentum with PB4L 'School-Wide' Boyd, Sally Makale - EJ1123366
2016 Identification of the Competencies Needed to Apply Social Marketing to Extension Programming: Results of a Delphi Study Warner, Laura A.; Stubbs, Eric; Murphrey, Theresa Pesl; Huynh, Phuong Makale - EJ1122939
2016 An Assessment on Self-Efficacy of Candidate Turkish and Primary School Teachers for Teaching Profession Lule Mert, Esra Makale - EJ1121815
2016 The Food Code in the Yakut Culture: Semantics and Functions Gabysheva, Luiza Lvovna Makale - EJ1121239
2016 Promoting Student Teachers' Content Related Knowledge in Teaching Systems Thinking: Measuring Effects of an Intervention through Evaluating a Videotaped Lesson Rosenkränzer, Frank; Kramer, Tim; Hörsch, Christian; Schuler, Stephan; Rieß, Werner Makale - EJ1120978
2016 On Systems Thinking and Ways of Building It in Learning Abdyrova, Aitzhan; Galiyev, Temir; Yessekeshova, Maral; Aldabergenova, Saule; Alshynbayeva, Zhuldyz Makale - EJ1120625
2016 Engaging Undergraduates in Soil Sustainability Decision-Making through an InTeGrate Module Fortner, Sarah K.; Scherer, Hannah H.; Murphy, Martha A. Makale - EJ1119781
2016 The Consistency of Lyric Artistic Thinking Abramzon, Tatiana E.; Rudakova, Svetlana V.; Zaitseva, Tatiana B.; Koz'ko, Natalia A.; Tulina, Ekaterina V. Makale - EJ1119367
2016 Integrating Sustainable Development Concept into Science Education Program Is Not Enough; We Need Competent Science Teachers for Education for Sustainable Development--Turkish Experience Karaarslan, Güliz; Teksöz, Gaye Makale - EJ1118309
2016 An Experience-Based Learning Framework: Activities for the Initial Development of Sustainability Competencies Caniglia, Guido; John, Beatrice; Kohler, Martin; Bellina, Leonie; Wiek, Arnim; Rojas, Christopher; Laubichler, Manfred D.; Lang, Daniel Makale - EJ1117958
2016 Connecting Curriculum, Capabilities and Careers Thomas, Ian; Depasquale, James Makale - EJ1117956
2016 Digital Learning in Schools: Conceptualizing the Challenges and Influences on Teacher Practice Blundell, Christopher; Lee, Kar-Tin; Nykvist, Shaun Makale - EJ1117823
2016 Interactions between Three Phonological Subsystems of Young Multilinguals: The Influence of Language Status Kopecková, Romana; Marecka, Marta; Wrembel, Magdalena; Gut, Ulrike Makale - EJ1114784
2016 Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities: Personal Aspects of Their Developmental Disability Kedrova, Irina A.; Matantseva, Tatiana N. Makale - EJ1114590
2016 Taking Control: Stealth Assessment of Deterministic Behaviors within a Game-Based System Snow, Erica L.; Likens, Aaron D.; Allen, Laura K.; McNamara, Danielle S. Makale - EJ1114535
2016 Learning Science by Constructing Models: Can Dragoon Increase Learning without Increasing the Time Required? VanLehn, Kurt; Chung, Greg; Grover, Sachin; Madni, Ayesha; Wetzel, Jon Makale - EJ1114516
2016 Understanding of Relation Structures of Graphical Models by Lower Secondary Students van Buuren, Onne; Heck, André; Ellermeijer, Ton Makale - EJ1113111
2016 Using a Touch-Based, Computer-Assisted Learning System to Promote Literacy and Math Skills for Low-Income Preschoolers McManis, Mark H.; McManis, Lilla Dale Makale - EJ1113038
2016 Seeing the System: Dynamics and Complexity of Technology Integration in Secondary Schools Howard, Sarah K.; Thompson, Kate Makale - EJ1111511
2016 The Winning Number: An Heuristic Approach with the Geogebra's Help Alves, Francisco Regis Vieira Makale - EJ1110306
2016 Can Dual Processing Theory Explain Physics Students' Performance on the Force Concept Inventory? Wood, Anna K.; Galloway, Ross K.; Hardy, Judy Makale - EJ1109974
2016 The Art of Gamification; Teaching Sustainability and System Thinking by Pervasive Game Development Nordby, Anders; Øygardslia, Kristine; Sverdrup, Ulrik; Sverdrup, Harald Makale - EJ1107121
2016 Systems Intelligence Inventory Törmänen, Juha; Hämäläinen, Raimo P.; Saarinen, Esa Makale - EJ1106945
2016 Transforming Professional Learning into Practice Sahin, Iclal; Yildirim, Ali Makale - EJ1105846
2016 The Degrees of Freedom Concept--Extending the Domain Biernacki, J. J. Makale - EJ1104542
2016 Faculty Perceptions of Administrator Influence on Academic Quality in For-Profit Vocational Higher Education Booton, Carol M. Makale - EJ1104512
2016 Decision Making and Systems Thinking: Educational Issues Yurtseven, M. Kudret; Buchanan, Walter W. Makale - EJ1103428
2016 A Complexity Approach to Investigating the Effectiveness of an Intervention for Lower Grade Teachers on Teaching Science Wetzels, Annemie; Steenbeek, Henderien; Van Geert, Paul Makale - EJ1102643
2016 Devising an Instrument for Determining Students' Preparedness for an Education through Science Learning Approach within the Topic of Natural Hazards Cerulli, D.; Holbrook, J.; Mander, Ü. Makale - EJ1100160
2016 New and Effective Approaches to Adult Basic Skills Advocacy Rosen, David J. Makale - EJ1098803
2016 Beyond the Central Dogma: Model-Based Learning of How Genes Determine Phenotypes Reinagel, Adam; Speth, Elena Bray Makale - EJ1097017
2016 Making Sense of Dynamic Systems: How Our Understanding of Stocks and Flows Depends on a Global Perspective Fischer, Helen; Gonzalez, Cleotilde Makale - EJ1094317
2016 Robotic Construction Kits as Computational Manipulatives for Learning in the STEM Disciplines Sullivan, Florence R.; Heffernan, John Makale - EJ1093859
2016 Emergence, Learning Difficulties, and Misconceptions in Chemistry Undergraduate Students' Conceptualizations of Acid Strength Tümay, Halil Makale - EJ1090545
2016 Linking a Conceptual Framework on Systems Thinking with Experiential Knowledge Garavito-Bermúdez, Diana; Lundholm, Cecilia; Crona, Beatrice Makale - EJ1090164
2016 Promoting Post-Formal Thinking in a U.S. History Survey Course: A Problem-Based Approach Wynn, Charles T.; Mosholder, Richard S.; Larsen, Carolee A. Makale - EJ1088871
2016 Language Awareness Research: Where We Are Now Svalberg, Agneta M-L. Makale - EJ1088574
2016 Instructors' Use of Technology in Post-Secondary Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching: A Local Study Jesso, A. T.; Kondratieva, M. F. Makale - EJ1088138
2016 Defining Computational Thinking for Mathematics and Science Classrooms Weintrop, David; Beheshti, Elham; Horn, Michael; Orton, Kai; Jona, Kemi; Trouille, Laura; Wilensky, Uri Makale - EJ1087675
2016 Make Task Constraints Work for You: Teaching Object-Control Skills to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Colombo-Dougovito, Andrew M.; Block, Martin Makale - EJ1086303
2016 Efficient Word Reading: Automaticity of Print-Related Skills Indexed by Rapid Automatized Naming through Cusp-Catastrophe Modeling Sideridis, Georgios D.; Simos, Panagiotis; Mouzaki, Angeliki; Stamovlasis, Dimitrios Makale - EJ1086300
2016 Virtual HRD and National Culture: An Information Processing Perspective Chung, Chih-Hung; Angnakoon, Putthachat; Li, Jessica; Allen, Jeff Makale - EJ1086192
2016 Practice Makes Pedagogy--John Dewey and Skills-Based Sustainability Education Tarrant, Seaton Patrick; Thiele, Leslie Paul Makale - EJ1086027
2016 Clarifying and Capturing 'Trust' in Relation to Science Education: Dimensions of Trustworthiness within Schools and Associations with Equitable Student Achievement Smetana, Lara K.; Wenner, Julianne; Settlage, John; McCoach, D. Betsy Makale - EJ1084574
2016 Integrated STEM: A New Primer for Teaching Technology Education Asunda, Paul A.; Mativo, John Makale - EJ1083032
2016 Special Educators as Intervention Specialists: Dynamic Systems and the Complexity of Intensifying Intervention for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Farmer, Thomas W.; Sutherland, Kevin S.; Talbott, Elizabeth; Brooks, Debbie S.; Norwalk, Kate; Huneke, Michelle Makale - ED619219
2016 Ongoing Faculty Development: Merging the Instructional Design Process with Faculty Development Mourlam, Daniel Makale - ED595630
2016 The Application of Systems Thinking When Teaching about the Water Cycle Lee, Tammy; Jones, M. Gail; Glass, Bonnie; Chesnutt, Katherine Makale - ED594891
2016 Sistem dinamikleri yaklaşımı kullanılarak tedarik zinciri modellemesi - Modeling of a supply chain system using system dynamics approach MURAT YEGENGİL Doktora Endüstri ve Endüstri Mühendisliği = Industrial and Industrial Engineering 620735
2016 Science teachers as esd educators: An outdoor esd model for developing systems thinking skills - Sürdürülebilirlik için eğitim eğitmeni olarak fen bilgisi öğretmenleri: Sistemsel düşünme becerilerini geliştirmek için açık alanda sürdürülebilirlik için eğitim modeli GÜLİZ KARAARSLAN Doktora Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 439199
2016 Biyoloji öğretmen adaylarının sistem düşüncesi ve biyolojik mantık yaklaşımlarına yönelik algı ve becerilerinin değerlendirilmesi - Evaluation of the perceptions and skills for systems thinking and biological logic approaches of the pre-service biology teachers ÖZLEM TAŞDELEN Doktora Biyoloji = Biology ; Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 429457
2015 Emerging Multilingual Awareness in Educational Contexts: From Theory to Practice Jessner, Ulrike; Allgäuer-Hackl, Elisabeth; Hofer, Barbara Makale - EJ1162039
2015 Mobile Robot Lab Project to Introduce Engineering Students to Fault Diagnosis in Mechatronic Systems Gómez-de-Gabriel, Jesús Manuel; Mandow, Anthony; Fernández-Lozano, Jesús; García-Cerezo, Alfonso Makale - EJ1144883
2015 Emotion as the Amplifier and the Primary Motive: Some Theories of Emotion with Relevance to Language Learning Oxford, Rebecca L. Makale - EJ1135030
2015 An Outline of Processability Theory and Its Relationship to Other Approaches to SLA Pienemann, Manfred Makale - EJ1134919
2015 A Workforce Development Systems Model for Unemployed Job Seekers Holland, Brian Makale - EJ1119655
2015 The Use of System Thinking Concepts in Order to Assure Continuous Improvement of Project Based Learning Courses Arantes do Amaral, Joao Alberto; Gonçalves, Paulo Makale - EJ1108312
2015 How Well Do Students in Secondary School Understand Temporal Development of Dynamical Systems? Forjan, Matej; Grubelnik, Vladimir Makale - EJ1107838
2015 Model Optimization Planting Pattern Agroforestry Forest Land Based on Pine Tree Rajati, Tati Makale - EJ1086385
2015 Implementation of Innovation to Improving Leadership Skill of TVET Student Hassan, Nur Farha; Sanusi, Amanina binti Muhamad Makale - EJ1083820
2015 Brief Report: Development of a Robotic Intervention Platform for Young Children with ASD Warren, Zachary; Zheng, Zhi; Das, Shuvajit; Young, Eric M.; Swanson, Amy; Weitlauf, Amy; Sarkar, Nilanjan Makale - EJ1082513
2015 Understanding the Earth Systems: Expressions of Dynamic and Cyclic Thinking among University Students Batzri, Or; Ben Zvi Assaraf, Orit; Cohen, Carmit; Orion, Nir Makale - EJ1081890
2015 Exploring the Evolution of a Teacher Professional Learning Community: A Longitudinal Case Study at a Taiwanese High School Chen, Peiying; Wang, Ting Makale - EJ1081726
2015 Preparing to Prescribe: How Do Clerkship Students Learn in the Midst of Complexity? McLellan, Lucy; Yardley, Sarah; Norris, Ben; de Bruin, Anique; Tully, Mary P.; Dornan, Tim Makale - EJ1081269
2015 Network Statistical Models for Language Learning Contexts: Exponential Random Graph Models and Willingness to Communicate Gallagher, H. Colin; Robins, Garry Makale - EJ1079175
2015 'Cast Your Net Widely': Three Steps to Expanding and Refining Your Problem before Action Learning Application Reese, Simon R. Makale - EJ1079101
2015 Sustainability: What the Entrepreneurship Educators Think Wyness, Lynne; Jones, Paul; Klapper, Rita Makale - EJ1078821
2015 A Moral Experience Feedback Loop: Modeling a System of Moral Self-Cultivation in Everyday Life Sherblom, Stephen A. Makale - EJ1077756
2015 Designing On-Demand Education for Simultaneous Development of Domain-Specific and Self-Directed Learning Skills Taminiau, E. M. C.; Kester, L.; Corbalan, G.; Spector, J. M.; Kirschner, P. A.; Van Merriënboer, J. J. G. Makale - EJ1074738
2015 Multiple Possibilities: The Multi-Literate Lives of Three Children Wood, Jeffrey Makale - EJ1074504
2015 Comparing Virtual and Physical Robotics Environments for Supporting Complex Systems and Computational Thinking Berland, Matthew; Wilensky, Uri Makale - EJ1074449
2015 Beyond Tempera Paint: Authentically Exploring Visual Art in Early Childhood Shulsky, Debra; Kirkwood, Donna Makale - EJ1074337
2015 A Learning Progression for Feedback Loop Reasoning at Lower Elementary Level Hokayem, Hayat; Ma, Jingjing; Jin, Hui Makale - EJ1074237
2015 The Development of Subordinate Clauses in German and Swedish as L2s: A Theoretical and Methodological Camparison Baten, Kristof; Håkansson, Gisela Makale - EJ1072084
2015 Designing and Developing Assessments of Complex Thinking in Mathematics for the Middle Grades Graf, Edith Aurora; Arieli-Attali, Meirav Makale - EJ1068227
2015 Curriculum Development for Enhancing Grade Nine Students' Systems Thinking Hernthaisong, Preeyanan; Sitti, Somsong; Sonsupap, Kanyarat Makale - EJ1067224
2015 Reasons for Demotivation across Years of Study: Voices from Iranian English Major Students Hassaskhah, Jaleh; Mahdavi Zafarghandi, Amir; Fazeli, Maryam Makale - EJ1065228
2015 Challenging Students' Perceptions of Sustainability Using an Earth Systems Science Approach Clark, Ian F.; Zeegers, Yvonne Makale - EJ1065205
2015 Should We Use Wood for Energy? An Education for Sustainable Development Case Study Ireland, Jessica J. T.; Monroe, Martha C. Makale - EJ1065042
2015 Multilingualism, Perceived Positive Language Interaction (PPLI), and Learner Beliefs: What Do Turkish Students Believe? Thompson, Amy S.; Aslan, Erhan Makale - EJ1064736
2015 Computational Technique for Teaching Mathematics (CTTM): Visualizing the Polynomial's Resultant Alves, Francisco Regis Vieira Makale - EJ1064383
2015 Variation in Sustainability Competency Development According to Age, Gender, and Disciplinary Affiliation: Implications for Teaching Practice and Overall Program Structure Remington-Doucette, Sonya; Musgrove, Sheryl Makale - EJ1064047
2015 Systemic Engagement: Universities as Partners in Systemic Approaches to Community Change McNall, Miles A.; Barnes-Najor, Jessica V.; Brown, Robert E.; Doberneck, Diane M.; Fitzgerald, Hiram E. Makale - EJ1061866
2015 A Complexity Approach toward Mind-Brain-Education (MBE); Challenges and Opportunities in Educational Intervention and Research Steenbeek, Henderien W.; van Geert, Paul L. C. Makale - EJ1060259
2015 Simulations of Technology-Induced and Crisis-Led Stochastic and Chaotic Fluctuations in Higher Education Processes: A Model and a Case Study for Performance and Expected Employment Ahmet, Kara Makale - EJ1060182
2015 Conceptions of How a Learning or Teaching Curriculum, Workplace Culture and Agency of Individuals Shape Medical Student Learning and Supervisory Practices in the Clinical Workplace Strand, Pia; Edgren, Gudrun; Borna, Petter; Lindgren, Stefan; Wichmann-Hansen, Gitte; Stalmeijer, Renée E. Makale - EJ1058279
2015 Professional Learning for Using Data: Examining Teacher Needs and Supports Jimerson, Jo Beth; Wayman, Jeffrey C. Makale - EJ1056726
2015 Towards an Integrated Academic Assessment: Closing Employers' Expectations? Lim, Ngat-Chin Makale - EJ1055981
2015 Sandboxes for Model-Based Inquiry Brady, Corey; Holbert, Nathan; Soylu, Firat; Novak, Michael; Wilensky, Uri Makale - EJ1054739
2015 Professional Development of the Early Childhood Education Teaching Workforce in the United States: An Overview Gomez, Rebecca E.; Kagan, Sharon Lynn; Fox, Emily A. Makale - EJ1054498
2015 A System Dynamics Model for Long-Term Planning of the Undergraduate Education in Brazil Strauss, Luísa Mariele; Borenstein, Denis Makale - EJ1054267
2015 How Language Learners Can Improve Their Emotional Functioning: Important Psychological and Psychospiritual Theories Oxford, Rebecca L. Makale - EJ1053276
2015 Site-Based Management versus Systems-Based Thinking: The Impact of Data-Driven Accountability and Reform Mette, Ian M.; Bengtson, Ed Makale - EJ1052130
2015 Assessing an Introduction to Systems Thinking Monroe, Martha C.; Plate, Richard R.; Colley, Lara Makale - EJ1051703
2015 The Flipped Classroom of Operations Management: A Not-for-Cost-Reduction Platform Asef-Vaziri, A. Makale - EJ1050726
2015 Problem-Based Learning Supported by Semantic Techniques Lozano, Esther; Gracia, Jorge; Corcho, Oscar; Noble, Richard A.; Gómez-Pérez, Asunción Makale - EJ1050572
2015 Children's and Adolescents' Thoughts on Pollution: Cognitive Abilities Required to Understand Environmental Systems Rodríguez, Manuel; Kohen, Raquel; Delval, Juan Makale - EJ1047407
2015 Taking Control: Stealth Assessment of Deterministic Behaviors within a Game-Based System Snow, Erica L.; Likens, Aaron D.; Allen, Laura K.; McNamara, Danielle S. Makale - ED565448
2014 A Learning Approach to the Ethical Organization Smith, George E.; Barnes, Kathleen J.; Harris, Claudia Makale - EJ1364611
2014 Fostering Intentional Learning with Systems Dynamic Modeling Lee, Chwee Beng; Rooney, Paul; Parada, Roberto H. Makale - EJ1277679
2014 Ecological Leadership: Going beyond System Leadership for Diffusing School-Based Innovations in the Crucible of Change for 21st Century Learning Toh, Yancy; Jamaludin, Azilawati; Hung, Wei Loong David; Chua, Paul Meng-Huat Makale - EJ1180504
2014 Student Conceptions about Energy Transformations: Progression from General Chemistry to Biochemistry Wolfson, Adele J.; Rowland, Susan L.; Lawrie, Gwendolyn A.; Wright, Anthony H. Makale - EJ1166877
2014 Analysis of Spatial Concepts, Spatial Skills and Spatial Representations in New York State Regents Earth Science Examinations Kastens, Kim A.; Pistolesi, Linda; Passow, Michael J. Makale - EJ1163899
2014 Learning and Understanding System Stability Using Illustrative Dynamic Texture Examples Liu, Huaping; Xiao, Wei; Zhao, Hongyan; Sun, Fuchun Makale - EJ1156503
2014 Reading under Cover of the Veil: Oral and Textual Literacies in Antebellum America Jones, Sandra Elaine Makale - EJ1150873
2014 Identifying Systems of Interaction in Mathematical Engagement Brown, Bruce J. L. Makale - EJ1149072
2014 Dynamic Scaffolding in a Cloud-Based Problem Representation System: Empowering Pre-Service Teachers' Problem Solving Lee, Chwee Beng; Ling, Keck Voon; Reimann, Peter; Diponegoro, Yudho Ahmad; Koh, Chia Heng; Chew, Derwin Makale - EJ1121683
2014 Capturing the Complexity: Content, Type, and Amount of Instruction and Quality of the Classroom Learning Environment Synergistically Predict Third Graders' Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Outcomes Connor, Carol McDonald; Spencer, Mercedes; Day, Stephanie L.; Giuliani, Sarah; Ingebrand, Sarah W.; McLean, Leigh; Morrison, Frederick J. Makale - EJ1054579
2014 Visual Criterion for Understanding the Notion of Convergence if Integrals in One Parameter Alves, Francisco Regis Vieira Makale - EJ1053263
2014 Pedagogy with Information and Communications Technologies in Transition Webb, Mary Makale - EJ1053017
2014 Building a Framework for Engineering Design Experiences in High School Denson, Cameron D.; Lammi, Matthew Makale - EJ1051752
2014 Infant Externalizing Behavior as a Self-Organizing Construct Lorber, Michael F.; Del Vecchio, Tamara; Slep, Amy M. Smith Makale - EJ1051747
2014 Evaluation of Student Models on Current Socio-Scientific Topics Based on System Dynamics Nuhoglu, Hasret Makale - EJ1050495
2014 Dynamic Development of Complexity and Accuracy: A Case Study in Second Language Academic Writing Rosmawati Makale - EJ1047217
2014 What Gets a Cell Excited? Kinky Curves Kay, Alan R. Makale - EJ1047168
2014 Facilitating Learners' Web-Based Information Problem-Solving by Query Expansion-Based Concept Mapping Huang, Yueh-Min; Liu, Ming-Chi; Chen, Nian-Shing; Kinshuk; Wen, Dunwei Makale - EJ1047101
2014 Explicit Knowledge and Processes from a Usage-Based Perspective: The Developmental Trajectory of an Instructed L2 Learner Roehr-Brackin, Karen Makale - EJ1044982
2014 Measuring Moral Thinking from a Neo-Kohlbergian Perspective Thoma, Stephen J. Makale - EJ1043623
2014 Teaching Poverty with Geographic Visualization and Geographic Information Systems (GIS): A Case Study of East Buffalo and Food Access Gjesfjeld, Christopher D.; Jung, Jin-Kyu Makale - EJ1042960
2014 Transdisciplinarity and Art Integration: Toward a New Understanding of Art-Based Learning across the Curriculum Marshall, Julia Makale - EJ1040721
2014 Students' Conceptions as Dynamically Emergent Structures Brown, David E. Makale - EJ1040089
2014 Exploration of Tensions in a Mobile-Technology Supported Fieldtrip: An Activity Theory Perspective Lai, Chih-Hung; Chen, Fei-Ching; Yang, Jie-Chi Makale - EJ1039593
2014 The Benefit of Being Naïve and Knowing It: The Unfavourable Impact of Perceived Context Familiarity on Learning in Complex Problem Solving Tasks Beckmann, Jens F.; Goode, Natassia Makale - EJ1039422
2014 Meaningful Understanding and Systems Thinking in Organic Chemistry: Validating Measurement and Exploring Relationships Vachliotis, Theodoros; Salta, Katerina; Tzougraki, Chryssa Makale - EJ1039262
2014 Children's Digital Literacy Practices in Unequal South African Settings Lemphane, Polo; Prinsloo, Mastin Makale - EJ1038515
2014 Motivational Dynamics in Language Learning: Change, Stability, and Context Waninge, Freerkien; Dörnyei, Zoltán; De Bot, Kees Makale - EJ1038032
2014 On the Stability of a Can of Soda Benesh, G. A.; Olafsen, J. S. Makale - EJ1037531
2014 On the Embedded Complementarity of Agent-Based and Aggregate Reasoning in Students' Developing Understanding of Dynamic Systems Stroup, Walter M.; Wilensky, Uri Makale - EJ1037517
2014 Translating Knowledge into Action at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) Lund, Trine; Francis, Charles; Pederson, Kristin; Lieblein, Geir; Rahman, Md. Hafizur Makale - EJ1035491
2014 Dynamics of Complexity and Accuracy: A Longitudinal Case Study of Advanced Untutored Development Polat, Brittany; Kim, Youjin Makale - EJ1034326
2014 Making Materials Based on TeX and CAS/DGS--Reports on CADGME 2012 Conference Working Group Kaneko, Masataka; Yamashita, Satoshi; Kitahara, Kiyoshi; Maeda, Yoshifumi; Usui, Hisashi; Takato, Setsuo Makale - EJ1033863
2014 Novel Word Retention in Sequential Bilingual Children Kan, Pui Fong Makale - EJ1031454
2014 Does Teaching Students How to Explicitly Model the Causal Structure of Systems Improve Their Understanding of These Systems? Jensen, Eva Makale - EJ1030871
2014 Presidents' Mindsets toward Resource Development at California Community Colleges Bakhit, Kathy Makale - EJ1030375
2014 The Anatomy of Online Offerings Hoskins, Barbara J. Makale - EJ1030362
2014 It's a Profane Life: Giorgio Agamben on the Freedom of Im-Potentiality in Education Lewis, Tyson Edward Makale - EJ1028533
2014 Balancing Broad Ideas with Context: An Evaluation of Student Accuracy in Describing Ecosystem Processes after a System-Level Intervention Jordan, Rebecca C.; Brooks, Wesley R.; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy; Eberbach, Catherine; Sinha, Suparna Makale - EJ1027400
2014 Transforming the Roles of a Public Extension Agency to Strengthen Innovation: Lessons from the National Agricultural Extension Project in Bangladesh Chowdhury, Ataharul Huq; Odame, Helen Hambly; Leeuwis, Cees Makale - EJ1026588
2014 Social Ecology of Asthma: Engaging Stakeholders in Integrating Health Behavior Theories and Practice-Based Evidence through Systems Mapping Gillen, Emily M.; Hassmiller Lich, Kristen; Yeatts, Karin B.; Hernandez, Michelle L.; Smith, Timothy W.; Lewis, Megan A. Makale - EJ1020343
2014 Undertaking an Ecological Approach to Advance Game-Based Learning: A Case Study Shah, Mamta; Foster, Aroutis Makale - EJ1018721
2014 Student Engagement in Learning Vocabulary with CALL Stroud, Robert Makale - ED565152
2014 Annual Proceedings of Selected Papers on The Practice of Education Communications and Technology Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (37th, Jacksonville, Florida, 2014). Volume 2 Simonson, Michael, Ed. Makale - ED562048
2013 High School Students' Understanding of the Human Body System Assaraf, Orit Ben-Zvi; Dodick, Jeff; Tripto, Jaklin Makale - EJ998618
2013 Double Loop Learning in the Indian Two-Wheeler Service Sector Bagodi, Virupaxi; Mahanty, Biswajit Makale - EJ1364583
2013 SunBay Digital Mathematics: A Scalable Collaboration Fueyo, Vivian; Roy, George; Vahey, Phillip Makale - EJ1218763
2013 New Conceptual Frameworks for Student Engagement Research, Policy, and Practice Lawson, Michael A.; Lawson, Hal A. Makale - EJ1152728
2013 Directed Motivational Currents: Using Vision to Create Effective Motivational Pathways Muir, Christine; Dörnyei, Zoltán Makale - EJ1135840
2013 Dynamic Systems Modeling in Educational System Design & Policy Groff, Jennifer Sterling Makale - EJ1128221
2013 The CEFR and the Dynamics of Second Language Learning: Trends and Challenges Lowie, Wander Makale - EJ1121287
2013 Mapping What Young Students Understand and Value Regarding Sustainable Development Manni, Annika; Sporre, Karin; Ottander, Christina Makale - EJ1104864
2013 Leveraging Multi-University Collaboration to Develop Portable and Adaptable Online Course Content Frolik, Jeff; Flikkema, Paul G.; Weller, Tom; Haden, Carol; Shiroma, Wayne; Franklin, Rhonda Makale - EJ1076100
2013 Winter Counts as Transformative Inquiry: The Role of Creative Imagery as an Expression of Adaptive Change Stanger, Nicholas R. G.; Tanaka, Michele T. D.; Tse, Vanessa V.; Starr, Lisa J. Makale - EJ1074506
2013 Forecasting: Exercises to Enhance Learning from Business Simulations Clark, Timothy S.; Kent, Brian M. Makale - EJ1061628
2013 Next-Generation Environments for Assessing and Promoting Complex Science Learning Quellmalz, Edys S.; Davenport, Jodi L.; Timms, Michael J.; DeBoer, George E.; Jordan, Kevin A.; Huang, Chun-Wei; Buckley, Barbara C. Makale - EJ1054440
2013 A Question of Resistance to Home Education and the Culture of School-Based Education Després, Blane Makale - EJ1053776
2013 Native-American & Euro-American Cultures: A Comparative Look at the Intersection between Language & Worldview Hain-Jamall, Doe A. S. Makale - EJ1045945
2013 Situating Systems Thinking between Past & Future: Hannah Arendt's Discourse on the Multicultural 'World' Thoeun, Chanthou Makale - EJ1045833
2013 One Educational Technology Colleague's Journey from Dotcom Leadership to University E-Learning Systems Leadership: Merging Design Principles, Systemic Change and Leadership Thinking Chow, Anthony S. Makale - EJ1040187
2013 Exploding the Ivory Tower: Systemic Change for Higher Education Watson, William R.; Watson, Sunnie Lee Makale - EJ1040120
2013 A New 'Idea of Nature' for Chemical Education Earley, Joseph E., Sr. Makale - EJ1039681
2013 Seeing Wholes: The Concept of Systems Thinking and Its Implementation in School Leadership Shaked, Haim; Schechter, Chen Makale - EJ1038625
2013 An Exploratory Study on How Primary Pupils Approach Systems Koski, Marja-Ilona; de Vries, Marc Makale - EJ1037943
2013 The Developmental Origin of Metacognition Brinck, Ingar; Liljenfors, Rikard Makale - EJ1032590
2013 Leadership of Education Psychological Services: Fit for Purpose? Booker, Roger Makale - EJ1031887
2013 The Science of the Individual Rose, L. Todd; Rouhani, Parisa; Fischer, Kurt W. Makale - EJ1026628
2013 Service Learning to Promote Brain-Based Learning in Undergraduate Teaching Nwokah, Eva E.; Leafblad, Stefanie Makale - EJ1026150
2013 Impacts of a Prekindergarten Program on Children's Mathematics, Language, Literacy, Executive Function, and Emotional Skills Weiland, Christina; Yoshikawa, Hirokazu Makale - EJ1025273
2013 Incorporating Sustainability and 21st-Century Problem Solving into Physics Courses Rogers, Michael; Pfaff, Tom; Hamilton, Jason; Erkan, Ali Makale - EJ1024164
2013 Research and Reflections on the Spiritual Development of Young Jewish Children Schein, Deborah L. Makale - EJ1022109
2013 Threshold Concepts, Systems and Learning for Sustainability Sandri, Orana Jade Makale - EJ1020943
2013 Modeling Social Dimensions of Oral Health among Older Adults in Urban Environments Metcalf, Sara S.; Northridge, Mary E.; Widener, Michael J.; Chakraborty, Bibhas; Marshall, Stephen E.; Lamster, Ira B. Makale - EJ1019700
2013 Modeling the Impact of Simulated Educational Interventions on the Use and Abuse of Pharmaceutical Opioids in the United States: A Report on Initial Efforts Wakeland, Wayne; Nielsen, Alexandra; Schmidt, Teresa D.; McCarty, Dennis; Webster, Lynn R.; Fitzgerald, John; Haddox, J. David Makale - EJ1019644
2013 Physical Student-Robot Interaction with the ETHZ Haptic Paddle Gassert, R.; Metzger, J.; Leuenberger, K.; Popp, W. L.; Tucker, M. R.; Vigaru, B.; Zimmermann, R.; Lambercy, O. Makale - EJ1016549
2013 'Digital Futures in Teacher Education': Exploring Open Approaches towards Digital Literacy Gruszczynska, Anna; Merchant, Guy; Pountney, Richard, Makale - EJ1016248
2013 Analyzing Change in Students' Gene-to-Evolution Models in College-Level Introductory Biology Dauer, Joseph T.; Momsen, Jennifer L.; Speth, Elena Bray; Makohon-Moore, Sasha C.; Long, Tammy M. Makale - EJ1014633
2013 White Hats Chasing Black Hats: Careers in IT and the Skills Required to Get There. Advisory from Professionals Fulton, Eric; Lawrence, Cameron; Clouse, Shawn Makale - EJ1014291
2013 Understanding and Advancing Campus Sustainability Using a Systems Framework Posner, Stephen M.; Stuart, Ralph Makale - EJ1014222
2013 Enhancing the Motor Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Pool-Based Approach Lee, Jihyun; Porretta, David L. Makale - EJ1012151
2013 Dyadic Flexibility in Early Parent-Child Interactions: Relations with Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Child Negativity and Behaviour Problems Lunkenheimer, Erika S.; Albrecht, Erin C.; Kemp, Christine J. Makale - EJ1011273
2013 Using Systems Thinking to Evaluate Formative Feedback in UK Higher Education: The Case of Classroom Response Technology Pagano, Rosane; Paucar-Caceres, Alberto Makale - EJ1011120
2013 The Potential of Systems Thinking in Teacher Reform as Theorized for the Teaching Brain Framework Rodriguez, Vanessa Makale - EJ1009654
2013 Variability in Chinese as a Foreign Language Learners' Development of the Chinese Numeral Classifier System Zhang, Jie; Lu, Xiaofei Makale - EJ1009603
2013 Cultivating Teachers' Morality and the Pedagogy of Emotional Rationality Kim, Minkang Makale - EJ1008549
2013 Visualization Mapping Approaches for Developing and Understanding OER Connolly, Teresa Makale - EJ1008097
2013 A (Pan-Canadian) Cluster Randomized Control Effectiveness Trial of the ABRACADABRA Web-Based Literacy Program Savage, Robert; Abrami, Philip C.; Piquette, Noella; Wood, Eileen; Deleveaux, Gia; Sanghera-Sidhu, Sukhbinder; Burgos, Giovani Makale - EJ1007934
2013 Evaluating the Pedagogical Potential of Hybrid Models Levin, Tzur; Levin, Ilya Makale - EJ1006187
2013 From Tulip Bulbs to Sub-Prime Mortgages Examining the Sub-Prime Crisis: The Case for a Systemic Approach Stephens, Alan A.; Atwater, J. Brian; Kannan, Vijay R. Makale - EJ1005971
2013 Mental Models: A Robust Definition Rook, Laura Makale - EJ1005963
2013 Engineering Design Thinking Lammi, Matthew; Becker, Kurt Makale - EJ1005688
2013 Distance Learning and Skill Acquisition in Engineering Sciences: Present State and Prospects Potkonjak, Veljko; Jovanovic, Kosta; Holland, Owen; Uhomoibhi, James Makale - EJ1004040
2013 Silence in the Second Language Classrooms of Japanese Universities King, Jim Makale - EJ1003601
2012 Modeling Earth's Climate Pallant, Amy; Lee, Hee-Sun; Pryputniewicz, Sara Makale - EJ999975
2012 Enhancing Teachers' ICT Capacity for the 21st Century Learning Environment: Three Cases of Teacher Education in Korea Kim, Hyeonjin; Choi, Hyungshin; Han, Jeonghye; So, Hyo-Jeong Makale - EJ999553
2012 Communicating Science Concepts through Art: 21st-Century Skills in Practice Buczynski, Sandy; Ireland, Kathleen; Reed, Sherri; Lacanienta, Evelyn Makale - EJ996843
2012 Building Sustainability Change Management and Leadership Skills in Students: Lessons Learned from 'Sustainability and the Campus' at the University of Michigan Shriberg, Michael; Harris, Kathryn Makale - EJ994862
2012 Assessing System Thinking through Different Concept-Mapping Practices Brandstadter, Kristina; Harms, Ute; Grossschedl, Jorg Makale - EJ993987
2012 Bob McMurray: Award for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology American Psychologist, 201 Makale - EJ993676
2012 A New View on Giftedness? Nolte, Marianne Makale - EJ992862
2012 Two-Eyed Seeing into Environmental Education: Revealing Its 'Natural' Readiness to Indigenize McKeon, Margaret Makale - EJ990626
2012 Sibling Relationships and Influences in Childhood and Adolescence McHale, Susan M.; Updegraff, Kimberly A.; Whiteman, Shawn D. Makale - EJ990585
2012 The Pied Piper of Neo Liberalism Calls the Tune in the Republic of Ireland: An Analysis of Education Policy Text from 2000-2012 Simmie, Geraldine Mooney Makale - EJ989476
2012 Science Education in Tanzania: Challenges and Policy Responses Semali, Ladislaus M.; Mehta, Khanjan Makale - EJ988660
2012 Data and the Shift in Systems, Services, and Literacy Mitchell, Erik T. Makale - EJ988128
2012 Sustainability Learning through Gaming: An Exploratory Study Fabricatore, Carlo; Lopez, Ximena Makale - EJ985423
2012 Expressing Uncertainty in Computer-Mediated Discourse: Language as a Marker of Intellectual Work Jordan, Michelle E.; Schallert, Diane L.; Park, Yangjoo; Lee, SoonAh; Chiang, Yueh-hui Vanessa; Cheng, An-Chih Janne; Song, Kwangok; Chu, Hsiang-Ning Rebecca; Kim, Taehee; Lee, Haekyung Makale - EJ985356
2012 Dynamic Assessment of Phonological Awareness for Children with Speech Sound Disorders Gillam, Sandra Laing; Ford, Mikenzi Bentley Makale - EJ984139
2012 Family Medicine's Waltz with Systems Downing, Raymond Makale - EJ983626
2012 Large-Scale Economic Change and Youth Development: The Case of Urban China Yoshikawa, Hirokazu; Way, Niobe; Chen, Xinyin Makale - EJ983500
2012 Learning Switching Control: A Tank Level-Control Exercise Pasamontes, M.; Alvarez, J. D.; Guzman, J. L.; Berenguel, M. Makale - EJ982762
2012 Modeling Physical Systems Using Vensim PLE Systems Dynamics Software Widmark, Stephen Makale - EJ982386
2012 Geometry + Technology = Proof Lyublinskaya, Irina; Funsch, Dan Makale - EJ981841
2012 Between 'Homo Sociologicus' and 'Homo Biologicus': The Reflexive Self in the Age of Social Neuroscience Pickel, Andreas Makale - EJ979479
2012 Embracing the Learning Paradigm to Foster Systems Thinking Habron, Geoffrey; Goralnik, Lissy; Thorp, Laurie Makale - EJ979335
2012 Exploring Key Sustainable Development Themes through Learning Activities Cruickshank, Heather; Fenner, Richard Makale - EJ977600
2012 Developing Competencies in Science and Maths in Bulgaria Walsh, Ed Makale - EJ977153
2012 WebLab of a DC Motor Speed Control Didactical Experiment Bauer, Karine; Mendes, Luciano Makale - EJ977104
2012 Do Theory and Pedagogy Have an Impact on Provisions for Outdoor Learning? A Comparison of Approaches in Australia and Norway Sandseter, Ellen Beate Hansen; Little, Helen; Wyver, Shirley Makale - EJ976508
2012 Mapping Control and Affiliation in Teacher-Student Interaction with State Space Grids Mainhard, M. Tim; Pennings, Helena J. M.; Wubbels, Theo; Brekelmans, Mieke Makale - EJ975367
2012 Linking Local Food Systems and the Social Economy? Future Roles for Farmers' Markets in Alberta and British Columbia Wittman, Hannah; Beckie, Mary; Hergesheimer, Chris Makale - EJ974607
2012 Identity Construction and Career Development Interventions with Emerging Adults Guichard, Jean; Pouyaud, Jacques; de Calan, Cecile; Dumora, Bernadette Makale - EJ971808
2012 More Individuality in the Society of Individuals? The Need for Association and Action in Creative Democracy Robbins, Christopher G. Makale - EJ970836
2012 The Strategic Thinking Skills of Hong Kong School Leaders: Usage and Effectiveness Pang, Nicholas Sun-Keung; Pisapia, John Makale - EJ968098
2012 'I'm a Greek Kiwi': Constructing 'Greekness' in Discourse Angouri, Jo Makale - EJ967712
2012 Coloured Language: Identity Perception of Children in Bilingual Programmes Martin, Beth Makale - EJ965753
2012 Learning and Innovation Competence in Agricultural and Rural Development Pant, Laxmi Prasad Makale - EJ964734
2012 Moving from 'Context Matters' to Engaged Partnerships with Families Reschly, Amy L.; Christenson, Sandra L. Makale - EJ963631
2012 System Dynamics in Medical Education: A Tool for Life Rubin, David M.; Richards, Christopher L.; Keene, Penelope A. C.; Paiker, Janice E.; Gray, A. Rosemary T.; Herron, Robyn F. R.; Russell, Megan J.; Wigdorowitz, Brian Makale - EJ962552
2012 Lean vs Agile in the Context of Complexity Management in Organizations Putnik, Goran D.; Putnik, Zlata Makale - EJ961545
2012 Introducing Whole-Systems Design to First-Year Engineering Students with Case Studies Blizzard, Jackie; Klotz, Leidy; Pradhan, Alok; Dukes, Michael Makale - EJ960483
2012 Systems Thinking Tools for Improving Evidence-Based Practice: A Cross-Case Analysis of Two High School Leadership Teams Kensler, Lisa A. W.; Reames, Ellen; Murray, John; Patrick, Lynne Makale - EJ960347
2012 What Can Be Learned from Computer Modeling? Comparing Expository and Modeling Approaches to Teaching Dynamic Systems Behavior van Borkulo, Sylvia P.; van Joolingen, Wouter R.; Savelsbergh, Elwin R.; de Jong, Ton Makale - EJ959346
2012 Use of Self in the Context of Youth Work Fusco, Dana Makale - EJ959213
2012 What Develops in Moral Development? A Model of Moral Sensibility Sherblom, Stephen A. Makale - EJ958585
2012 Academic Literacies and Systemic Functional Linguistics: How Do They Relate? Coffin, Caroline; Donohue, James P. Makale - EJ957179
2012 The Challenges of Teaching and Learning about Science in the Twenty-First Century: Exploring the Abilities and Constraints of Adolescent Learners Anderman, Eric M.; Sinatra, Gale M.; Gray, DeLeon L. Makale - EJ957173
2012 System Thinking and Feeding Relations: Learning with a Live Ecosystem Model Eilam, Billie Makale - EJ956163
2012 'No No, You Cannot Say that!' Perceptions and Experiences of Parents of Preschool Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Sweden Olsson, Ingrid; Roll-Pettersson, Lise Makale - EJ955519
2012 Ecology of Mind: A Batesonian Systems Thinking Approach to Curriculum Enactment Bloom, Jeffrey W. Makale - EJ1177340
2012 Educator Perspectives on Earth System Science Literacy: Challenges and Priorities LaDue, Nicole; Clark, Scott K. Makale - EJ1164219
2012 Geoscience Education and Global Development Locke, Sharon; Libarkin, Julie; Chang, Chun-Yen Makale - EJ1164210
2012 The Racial, Ethnic, and Social Class Achievement Gaps: A Systems Analysis Gaynor, Alan Kibbe Makale - EJ1066773
2012 Study of the Entrepreneurship in Universities as Learning Organization Based on Senge Model Nejad, Bahareh Azizi; Abbaszadeh, Mir Mohammad Seiied; Hassani, Mohammad; Bernousi, Iraj Makale - EJ1066746
2012 Learning about Ecological Systems by Constructing Qualitative Models with DynaLearn Leiba, Moshe; Zuzovsky, Ruth; Mioduser, David; Benayahu, Yehuda; Nachmias, Rafi Makale - EJ1058347
2012 Dealing with Change in Hong Kong Schools Using Strategic Thinking Skills Pang, Nicholas Sun-Keung; Pisapia, John Makale - ED567089
2011 Using Websites Wisely Coiro, Julie; Fogleman, Jay Makale - EJ972028
2011 A Simulation Model that Decreases Faculty Concerns about Adopting Web-Based Instruction Song, Hae-Deok; Wang, Wei-Tsong; Liu, Chao-Yueh Makale - EJ963209
2011 Taking the Grading Conversation Public Reeves, Douglas B. Makale - EJ963107
2011 Successfully Applying Team Teaching with Adult Learners Laughlin, Kevin; Nelson, Peggy; Donaldson, Susan Makale - EJ961997
2011 The Feasibility of Systems Thinking in Biology Education Boersma, Kerst; Waarlo, Arend Jan; Klaassen, Kees Makale - EJ961399
2011 A Qualitative Study of Agricultural Literacy in Urban Youth: What Do Elementary Students Understand about the Agri-Food System? Hess, Alexander J.; Trexler, Cary J. Makale - EJ956096
2011 Assessing Agricultural Literacy Elements of Project Food Land and People in K-5 Using the Food and Fiber Systems Literacy Standards Powell, David V.; Agnew, David M. Makale - EJ955684
2011 Comparison between Mothers and Fathers in Coping with Autistic Children: A Multivariate Model Kaniel, Shlomo; Siman-Tov, Ayelet Makale - EJ953045
2011 Web-Assisted Education: From Evaluation to Learning Stefansson, Gunnar; Sigurdardottir, Asta Jenny Makale - EJ952150
2011 Lexical Activation in Bilinguals' Speech Production Is Dynamic: How Language Ambiguous Words Can Affect Cross-Language Activation Hermans, Daan; Ormel, E.; van Besselaar, Ria; van Hell, Janet Makale - EJ950434
2011 Pre Service Teachers' Usage of Dynamic Mathematics Software Bulut, Mehmet; Bulut, Neslihan Makale - EJ946637
2011 Action Research to Support the Sustainability of Strategic Planning Antheil, Jane H.; Spinelli, Stephen, Jr. Makale - EJ944313
2011 Skill Acquisition in Physical Education: A Speculative Perspective Smith, Wayne W. Makale - EJ944195
2011 Science and Technology Education in the STES Context in Primary Schools: What Should It Take? Zoller, Uri Makale - EJ941471
2011 Building Dynamic Conceptual Physics Understanding Trout, Charlotte; Sinex, Scott A.; Ragan, Susan Makale - EJ937871
2011 University Students' 'Education of Youth' Associations Simsek, Cengiz Makale - EJ936317
2011 Literacy as Social Reproduction and Social Transformation: The Challenge of Diasporic Communities in the Contemporary Period Collins, James Makale - EJ936144
2011 A Quantitative Method for the Analysis of Nomothetic Relationships between Idiographic Structures: Dynamic Patterns Create Attractor States for Sustained Posttreatment Change Fisher, Aaron J.; Newman, Michelle G.; Molenaar, Peter C. M. Makale - EJ934614
2011 Effective Classroom Instruction: Implications of Child Characteristics by Reading Instruction Interactions on First Graders' Word Reading Achievement Connor, Carol McDonald; Morrison, Frederick J.; Schatschneider, Christopher; Toste, Jessica R.; Lundblom, Erin; Crowe, Elizabeth C.; Fishman, Barry Makale - EJ932552
2011 Circles of Influence: An Analysis of Charter School Location and Racial Patterns at Varying Geographic Scales Gulosino, Charisse; d'Entremont, Chad Makale - EJ931644
2011 Learning Organization Disciplines in Higher Education Institutions: An Approach to Human Resource Development in Jordan Khasawneh, Samer Makale - EJ931515
2011 Context Therapy: A New Intervention Approach for Children with Cerebral Palsy Darrah, Johanna; Law, Mary C.; Pollock, Nancy; Wilson, Brenda; Russell, Dianne J.; Walter, Stephen D.; Rosenbaum, Peter; Galuppi, Barb Makale - EJ930326
2011 Adolescents' Development of Skills for Agency in Youth Programs: Learning to Think Strategically Larson, Reed W.; Angus, Rachel M. Makale - EJ927861
2011 Exploring Novel Tools for Assessing High School Students' Meaningful Understanding of Organic Reactions Vachliotis, Theodoros; Salta, Katerina; Vasiliou, Petroula; Tzougraki, Chryssa Makale - EJ925962
2011 Vertical Integration of System-on-Chip Concepts in the Digital Design Curriculum Tang, Ying; Head, L. M.; Ramachandran, R. P.; Chatman, L. M. Makale - EJ925543
2011 Applying Contemporary Developmental and Movement Science Theories and Evidence to Early Intervention Practice Hickman, Robbin; McCoy, Sarah Westcott; Long, Toby M.; Rauh, Mitchell J. Makale - EJ923674
2011 Tracking Real-Time Neural Activation of Conceptual Knowledge Using Single-Trial Event-Related Potentials Amsel, Ben D. Makale - EJ923613
2011 (Un)Planned Failure: Unsuccessful Succession Planning in an Urban District Peters, April L. Makale - EJ923546
2011 Building and Rebuilding a Statewide Support System for Literacy Coaches Walpole, Sharon; McKenna, Michael C.; Morrill, Julie K. Makale - EJ923013
2011 Teaching Higher Order Thinking in the Introductory MIS Course: A Model-Directed Approach Wang, Shouhong; Wang, Hai Makale - EJ922441
2011 An Earth-System Approach to Understanding the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Robeck, Edward Makale - EJ920565
2011 The Interaction between Pubertal Timing and Peer Popularity for Boys and Girls: An Integration of Biological and Interpersonal Perspectives on Adolescent Depression Teunissen, Hanneke A.; Adelman, Caroline B.; Prinstein, Mitchell J.; Spijkerman, Renske; Poelen, Evelien A. P.; Engels, Rutger C. M. E.; Scholte, Ron H. J. Makale - EJ919842
2011 Mindbrain and Play-Literacy Connections Roskos, Kathleen A.; Christie, James F. Makale - EJ919237
2011 Scaffolding--How to Increase Development? van Kuyk, Jef J. Makale - EJ919209
2011 Technical Adequacy of Response to Intervention Decisions VanDerHeyden, Amanda M. Makale - EJ918897
2011 Can We, Can't We, Can We, Can't We, Can We Help Him Join the Dance? The Need for Multimodal Processing in the Move towards Meaningful Communication Hart, Carolyn Makale - EJ918385
2011 Small Print: Reflections on Multilingual Literacies in the Global South Blommaert, Jan Makale - EJ918319
2011 Rethinking Communication in Innovation Processes: Creating Space for Change in Complex Systems Leeuwis, Cees; Aarts, Noelle Makale - EJ915994
2011 A Problem-Solving Approach to Management of Instructional Systems Design Tennyson, Robert D.; Sisk, Margaret F. Makale - EJ913795
2011 The Urgent Need for New Approaches in School Evaluation to Enable Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence MacKinnon, Niall Makale - EJ913427
2011 Evidence, Policy and Guidance for Practice: A Critical Reflection on the Case of Social Housing Landlords and Antisocial Behaviour in Scotland Anderson, Isobel Makale - EJ1131700
2011 Towards Transformation: The Power of Phonetic Symbols Embedded in the Multimedia Learning Management System Por, Fei Ping; Fong, Soon Fook Makale - EJ1080339
2011 Incorporating a Systems Approach into Civil and Environmental Engineering Curricula: Effect on Course Redesign, and Student and Faculty Attitudes Hayden, Nancy J.; Rizzo, Donna M.; Dewoolkar, Mandar M.; Neumann, Maureen D.; Lathem, Sandra; Sadek, Adel Makale - EJ1076088
2011 Building an Evaluation Strategy for an Integrated Curriculum in Chemical Engineering McCarthy, Joseph J.; Parker, Robert S.; Abatan, Adetola; Besterfield-Sacre, Mary Makale - EJ1076076
2011 Systems Thinking Evidence from Colleges of Business and Their Universities Seiler, John H.; Kowalsky, Michelle Makale - EJ1056568
2011 Computer Algebra, Virtual Learning Environment and Meaningful Learning: Is It Possible? Abar, Celina A. A. P.; Barbosa, Lisbete Madsen Makale - EJ1054954
2011 'Everybody thinking differently': K-12 is a leverage point Fisher, D. M. Makale - -
2010 Leading for Innovative Practice: Melding Theories of Organizational Change, Adult Learning, and Conditions of Learning Mirci, Philip S.; Hensley, Phyllis A. Makale - EJ965159
2010 Creating Learning Organizations: A Systems Perspective Bui, Hong; Baruch, Yehuda Makale - EJ923075
2010 The Dynamics of Emergent Self-Organisation: Reconceptualising Child Development in Teacher Education Kim, Minkang; Sankey, Derek Makale - EJ910394
2010 Model-Driven Design: Systematically Building Integrated Blended Learning Experiences Laster, Stephen Makale - EJ909840
2010 Four Case Studies, Six Years Later: Developing System Thinking Skills in Junior High School and Sustaining Them over Time Ben-Zvi-Assaraf, Orit; Orion, Nir Makale - EJ907275
2010 Standards, Equity, and Advocacy: Employment Conditions of ESOL Teachers in Adult Basic Education and Literacy Systems Sun, Yilin Makale - EJ905811
2010 A Dynamic Metacognitive Systems Account of Chinese University Students' Knowledge about EFL Reading Zhang, Lawrence Jun Makale - EJ905526
2010 Visions Lost and Dreams Forgotten: Environmental Education, Systems Thinking, and Possible Futures in American Public Schools Cassell, John A.; Nelson, Thomas Makale - EJ904907
2010 A Schooling for Sustainability Framework Stone, Michael K. Makale - EJ904898
2010 Get Your Mojo Working: Complexity's Call for Magnetic and Magical Leaders Joyce, Paula Makale - EJ904158
2010 Repeated Speech Errors: Evidence for Learning Humphreys, Karin R.; Menzies, Heather; Lake, Johanna K. Makale - EJ902061
2010 Bilingual Intertextuality: The Joint Construction of Bi-Literacy Practices between Parent and Child Liu, Yu; Vadeboncoeur, Jennifer A. Makale - EJ901735
2010 Kin and Youths in the Social Networks of Youth-Headed Households in Namibia Ruiz-Casares, Monica Makale - EJ899750
2010 Modeling a Neural Network as a Teaching Tool for the Learning of the Structure-Function Relationship Salinas, Dino G.; Acevedo, Cristian; Gomez, Christian R. Makale - EJ897965
2010 Serendipity in Teaching and Learning: The Importance of Critical Moments Giordano, Peter J. Makale - EJ897948
2010 Dynamic Patterns in Development of Accuracy and Complexity: A Longitudinal Case Study in the Acquisition of Finnish Spoelman, Marianne; Verspoor, Marjolijn Makale - EJ893585
2010 Learning from Animation Enabled by Collaboration Rebetez, Cyril; Betrancourt, Mireille; Sangin, Mirweis; Dillenbourg, Pierre Makale - EJ893412
2010 The Interactions between Problem Solving and Conceptual Change: System Dynamic Modelling as a Platform for Learning Lee, Chwee Beng Makale - EJ892526
2010 Perceptions of the Effectiveness of System Dynamics-Based Interactive Learning Environments: An Empirical Study Qudrat-Ullah, Hassan Makale - EJ892518
2010 The 'Life at the Poles' Study Unit: Developing Junior High School Students' Ability to Recognize the Relations between Earth Systems Assaraf, Orit Ben-Zvi; Orpaz, Idit Makale - EJ891388
2010 The Interfaculty Graduate Environmental Sciences Program of the American University of Beirut: An ESD Initiative in the Arab World Zurayk, Rami; El-Fadel, Mutasem; Nuwayhid, Iman Makale - EJ891240
2010 Developmental Family Processes and Interparental Conflict: Patterns of Microlevel Influences Schermerhorn, Alice C.; Chow, Sy-Miin; Cummings, E. Mark Makale - EJ889603
2010 System Thinking Skills at the Elementary School Level Assaraf, Orit Ben-Zvi; Orion, Nir Makale - EJ887584
2010 Effect of an Interactive Web-Based Instruction in the Performance of Undergraduate Anatomy and Physiology Lab Students Gopal, Tamilselvi; Herron, Sherry S.; Mohn, Richard S.; Hartsell, Taralynn; Jawor, Jodie M.; Blickenstaff, Jacob C. Makale - EJ884431
2010 Promoting Systems Thinking through Biology Lessons Riess, Werner; Mischo, Christoph Makale - EJ884069
2010 Mapping Pedagogical Opportunities Provided by Mathematics Analysis Software Pierce, Robyn; Stacey, Kaye Makale - EJ883932
2010 A Developing Qualitative Model Diagnosing the Learning Behavior of Undergraduate Computing Students Warwick, Jon Makale - EJ883253
2010 'Economists Who Think like Ecologists': Reframing Systems Thinking in Games for Learning DeVane, Ben; Durga, Shree; Squire, Kurt Makale - EJ882669
2010 Re-Imagining Specialized STEM Academies: Igniting and Nurturing 'Decidedly Different Minds', by Design Marshall, Stephanie Pace Makale - EJ882059
2010 Learning through Literature: The Case of 'The Arabian Nights' Styles, Morag Makale - EJ880811
2010 Justification Enlightenment and Combining Constructions of Knowledge Kidron, Ivy; Dreyfus, Tommy Makale - EJ880131
2010 Service-Learning and Integrated Course Redesign: Principles of Management and the Campus Kitchen Metaproject Flannery, Brenda L.; Pragman, Claudia H. Makale - EJ879099
2010 The Regression Hypothesis as a Framework for First Language Attrition Keijzer, Merel Makale - EJ873548
2010 Patterns of Use of an Agent-Based Model and a System Dynamics Model: The Application of Patterns of Use and the Impacts on Learning Outcomes Thompson, Kate; Reimann, Peter Makale - EJ866197
2010 The Power of Scripting: DGS Meets Programming Richter-Gebert, Jürgen; Kortenkamp, Ulrich Makale - EJ1056063
2010 Leading Change in the System of Scholarly Communication: A Case Study of Engaging Liaison Librarians for Outreach to Faculty Malenfant, Kara J. Makale - EJ1055421
2010 Voyager Reading Programs. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report What Works Clearinghouse, 201 Makale - ED508797
2009 Good Hope in Chaos: Beyond Matching to Complexity in Career Development Pryor, R. G. L.; Bright, J. E. H. Makale - EJ935195
2009 Shaping Their Own Destiny: Understanding Scotland's Approach to Adult Literacy Education. Perspectives on Practice Goulet, Gail; St. Clair, Ralf Makale - EJ905802
2009 A Design Based Research of an Earth Systems Based Environmental Curriculum Assaraf, Orit Ben-Zvi; Orion, Nir Makale - EJ905655
2009 The ISI Classroom Observation System: Examining the Literacy Instruction Provided to Individual Students Connor, Carol McDonald; Morrison, Frederick J.; Fishman, Barry J.; Ponitz, Claire Cameron; Glasney, Stephanie; Underwood, Phyllis S.; Piasta, Shayne B.; Crowe, Elizabeth Coyne; Schatschneider, Christopher Makale - EJ883325
2009 Some Esoteric Aspects of SEM that Its Practitioners Should Want to Know Rozeboom, William W. Makale - EJ870817
2009 Does Prior Knowledge Matter? Do Lamarckian Misconceptions Exist? A Critique of Geraedts and Boersma (2006) Enderle, Patrick J.; Smith, Mike U.; Southerland, Sherry Makale - EJ870518
2009 Boundary Dynamics: Implications for Building Parent-School Partnerships Price-Mitchell, Marilyn Makale - EJ867966
2009 Growing Emotional Intelligence through Community-Based Arts Aguilar, Jill; Bedau, Dani; Anthony, Chris Makale - EJ867907
2009 Knowledge Theories Can Inform Evaluation Practice: What Can a Complexity Lens Add? Hawe, Penelope; Bond, Lyndal; Butler, Helen Makale - EJ866604
2009 A Professional Development Climate Course for Sustainable Agriculture in Australia George, David; Clewett, Jeff; Birch, Colin; Wright, Anthony; Allen, Wendy Makale - EJ866075
2009 A Response to Scott's Concerns about the Relevance of Environmental Education Research: Applying Social-Ecological Systems Thinking and Consilience to Defining Research Goals Krasny, Marianne E. Makale - EJ866062
2009 A Multi-Level Model of Moral Functioning Revisited Reed, Don Collins Makale - EJ865648
2009 Using Innovative Outliers to Detect Discrete Shifts in Dynamics in Group-Based State-Space Models Chow, Sy-Miin; Hamaker, Ellen L.; Allaire, Jason C. Makale - EJ865106
2009 Individual Differences: Interplay of Learner Characteristics and Learning Environment Dornyei, Zoltan Makale - EJ864017
2009 Using Threshold Autoregressive Models to Study Dyadic Interactions Hamaker, Ellen L.; Zhang, Zhiyong; van der Maas, Han L. J. Makale - EJ863078
2009 Linear and Logarithmic Speed-Accuracy Trade-Offs in Reciprocal Aiming Result from Task-Specific Parameterization of an Invariant Underlying Dynamics Bongers, Raoul M.; Fernandez, Laure; Bootsma, Reinoud J. Makale - EJ860082
2009 International Multidisciplinary Research and Education: A Mountain Geography Perspective Bishop, Michael P. Makale - EJ857372
2009 Complexity Framework for Sustainability: An Analysis of Five Papers Putnik, Goran D. Makale - EJ857086
2009 Envisioning Helps Promote Sustainability in Academia: A Case Study at the University of Vermont Pollock, Noah; Horn, Eileen; Costanza, Robert; Sayre, Matt Makale - EJ853288
2009 A Feedback Learning and Mental Models Perspective on Strategic Decision Making Capelo, Carlos; Dias, Joao Ferreira Makale - EJ852817
2009 The Logarithmic-to-Linear Shift: One Learning Sequence, Many Tasks, Many Time Scales Siegler, Robert S.; Thompson, Clarissa A.; Opfer, John E. Makale - EJ850422
2009 Authentic Science Experiences as a Vehicle for Assessing Orientation towards Science and Science Careers Relative to Identity and Agency: A Response to 'Learning from the Path Followed by Brad' Chinn, Pauline W. U. Makale - EJ850248
2009 A Comparison of Linear and Systems Thinking Approaches for Program Evaluation Illustrated Using the Indiana Interdisciplinary GK-12 Dyehouse, Melissa; Bennett, Deborah; Harbor, Jon; Childress, Amy; Dark, Melissa Makale - EJ845929
2009 Computerized Simulation in the Social Sciences: A Survey and Evaluation Garson, G. David Makale - EJ845458
2009 Interaction in Instrumental Learning: The Influence of Interpersonal Dynamics on Parents Creech, Andrea; Hallam, Susan Makale - EJ845080
2009 Using Co-Lab to Build System Dynamics Models: Students' Actions and On-Line Tutorial Advice Bravo, Crescencio; van Joolingen, Wouter R.; de Jong, Ton Makale - EJ843014
2009 Planning, Evaluating and Improving Tiers of Support in Beginning Reading Mercier Smith, Jean L.; Fien, Hank; Basaraba, Deni; Travers, Patricia Makale - EJ842576
2009 ThinkeringSpace: Designing for Collaboration Moura, Heloisa; Fahnstrom, Dale; Prygrocki, Greg; McLeish, T. J. Makale - EJ842514
2009 Designing IS Curricula for Practical Relevance: Applying Baseball's 'Moneyball' Theory Surendra, Nanda C.; Denton, James W. Makale - EJ839113
2009 Three Views of Systems Theories and Their Implications for Sustainability Education Porter, Terry; Cordoba, Jose Makale - EJ838062
2009 An Investigation of the Potential of Interactive Simulations for Developing System Thinking Skills in Elementary School: A Case Study with Fifth-Graders and Sixth-Graders Evagorou, Maria; Korfiatis, Kostas; Nicolaou, Christiana; Constantinou, Costas Makale - EJ833089
2009 Neocolonialism in Education: Cooperative Learning in an Asian Context Nguyen, Phuong-Mai; Elliott, Julian G.; Terlouw, Cees; Pilot, Albert Makale - EJ827166
2009 Learning and Organizational Effectiveness: A Systems Perspective Andreadis, Nicholas Makale - EJ825064
2009 Why Don't Well-Educated Adults Understand Accumulation? A Challenge to Researchers, Educators, and Citizens Cronin, Matthew A.; Gonzalez, Cleotilde; Sterman, John D. Makale - EJ821958
2009 Systemic Wisdom, the 'Selving' of Nature, and Knowledge Transformation: Education for the 'Greater Whole' Bonnett, Michael Makale - EJ821591
2009 Developmental Shifts in Children's Sensitivity to Visual Speech: A New Multimodal Picture-Word Task Jerger, Susan; Damian, Markus F.; Spence, Melanie J.; Tye-Murray, Nancy; Abdi, Herve Makale - EJ818409
2009 A Novel Approach to Teaching and Understanding Transformations of Matter in Dynamic Earth Systems Clark, Scott K.; Sibley, Duncan F.; Libarkin, Julie C.; Heidemann, Merle Makale - EJ1164785
2009 Understanding Digital Learning from the Perspective of Systems Dynamics Kok, Ayse Makale - EJ1098042
2009 A Comparison of the Use of Strategic Thinking Skills of Aspiring School Leaders in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Shanghai, and the United States: An Exploratory Study Pisapia, John; Pang, Nicholas Sun-Keung; Hee, Tie Fatt; Lin, Ying; Morris, John D. Makale - EJ1065663
2008 The Interplay of Context and Concepts in Primary School Children's Systems Thinking Hipkins, Rosemary; Bull, Ally; Joyce, Chris Makale - EJ938375
2008 Sustainability Education's Gift: Learning Patterns and Relationships Williams, Dilafruz Makale - EJ911254
2008 Sustainable Development, Systems Thinking and Professional Practice Martin, Stephen Makale - EJ911252
2008 Supply Chain Development: Insights from Strategic Niche Management Caniels, Marjolein C. J.; Romijn, Henny A. Makale - EJ860487
2008 Confronting Complexity: Insights from the Details of Behavior over Multiple Timescales Samuelson, Larissa K.; Horst, Jessica S. Makale - EJ849993
2008 Enhancing Personal Outcomes: Organizational Strategies, Guidelines, and Examples Schalock, Robert L.; Verdugo, Miquel A.; Bonham, Gordon S.; Fantova, Fernando; Van Loon, Jos Makale - EJ835312
2008 Getting Down and Dirty: Values in Education for Sustainability Lewis, Elaine; Mansfield, Caroline; Baudains, Catherine Makale - EJ833927
2008 Systems Thinking in Action: A District Perspective Ford, Leslie Goldring Makale - EJ831113
2008 Building Capacity for Professional Learning Communities through a Systems Approach: A Toolbox for Superintendents Wells, Caryn; Keane, William G. Makale - EJ831111
2008 Sup wit Eval Ext? Patton, Michael Quinn Makale - EJ824999
2008 Sustainable University Research and Development: Inspecting Sustainability in Higher Education Research Beringer, Almut; Adomssent, Maik Makale - EJ821820
2008 Exploring Quality in a University Department: Perspectives and Meanings Houston, Don; Robertson, Tom; Prebble, Tom Makale - EJ820091
2008 Reinventing Family Therapy: Teaching Family Intervention as a New Treatment Modality Josephson, Allan M. Makale - EJ816500
2008 Enhancing Systems-Thinking Skills with Modelling Hung, Woei Makale - EJ814832
2008 Modeling Learner Variability in CALL Heift, Trude Makale - EJ812466
2008 Bridging the Educational Research-Teaching Practice Gap: Conceptual Understanding, Part 2--Assessing and Developing Student Knowledge Schonborn, Konrad J.; Anderson, Trevor R. Makale - EJ812261
2008 The Faculty Perspective on Holistic and Systems Thinking in American and Australian Mechanical Engineering Programmes Kellam, N. N.; Maher, M. A.; Peters, W. H. Makale - EJ810720
2008 Tracking Low-Skill Adult Students Longitudinally: Using Research to Guide Policy and Practice Prince, David Makale - EJ810306
2008 Time and Identity: A Framework for Research and Theory Formation Lichtwarck-Aschoff, Anna; van Geert, Paul; Bosma, Harke; Kunnen, Saskia Makale - EJ810147
2008 The Use of Complex Adaptive Systems as a Generative Metaphor in an Action Research Study of an Organisation Brown, Callum Makale - EJ808870
2008 Using System Dynamics as an Evaluation Tool: Experience from a Demonstration Program Fredericks, Kimberly A.; Deegan, Michael; Carman, Joanne G. Makale - EJ806399
2008 Bridging the Educational Research-Teaching Practice Gap. Conceptual Understanding, Part 1: The Multifaceted Nature of Expert Knowledge Anderson, Trevor R.; Schonborn, Konrad J. Makale - EJ804674
2008 Librarians as Agents of Change: Working with Curriculum Committees Using Change Agency Theory Travis, Tiffini A. Makale - EJ798686
2008 Introduction: Second Language Development as a Dynamic Process De Bot, Kees Makale - EJ794004
2008 A DST Model of Multilingualism and the Role of Metalinguistic Awareness Jessner, Ulrike Makale - EJ794002
2008 Behavioral Assembly Required: Particularly for Quantitative Courses Mazen, Abdelmagid Makale - EJ793603
2008 Alive and Well: Optimizing the Fitness of an Organization Wayne, David Makale - EJ793228
2008 Communicating Knowing through Communities of Practice: Exploring Internal Communicative Processes and Differences among CoPs Iverson, Joel O.; McPhee, Robert D. Makale - EJ791242
2008 Designing Effective Supports for Causal Reasoning Jonassen, David H.; Ionas, Ioan Gelu Makale - EJ791104
2008 Snowflakes, Living Systems, and the Mystery of Giftedness Dai, David Yun; Renzulli, Joseph S. Makale - EJ789297
2008 Teacher-Student Support, Effortful Engagement, and Achievement: A 3-Year Longitudinal Study Hughes, Jan N.; Luo, Wen; Kwok, Oi-Man; Loyd, Linda K. Makale - EJ787138
2008 Systems Modelling and the Development of Coherent Understanding of Cell Biology Verhoeff, Roald P.; Waarlo, Arend Jan; Boersma, Kerst Th. Makale - EJ785998
2008 The Case for Dynamic Exercise Systems in Language Learning Galloway, David; Peterson-Bidoshi, Kristin Makale - EJ785994
2008 Mesoamerican Literacies: Indigenous Writing Systems and Contemporary Possibilities Jimenez, Robert T.; Smith, Patrick H. Makale - EJ784689
2008 Performance Assessments with Microworlds and Their Difficulty Kluge, Annette Makale - EJ784320
2008 Brain Research, Learning and Emotions: Implications for Education Research, Policy and Practice Hinton, Christina; Miyamoto, Koji; Della-Chiesa, Bruno Makale - EJ784238
2008 A Web-Based Curriculum-Based Measurement System for Class-Wide Ongoing Assessment Tsuei, M. -P. Makale - EJ782908
2008 Modeling Spring Mass System with System Dynamics Approach in Middle School Education Nuhoglu, Hasret Makale - EJ1102942
2007 Wobbles, Humps and Sudden Jumps: A Case Study of Continuity, Discontinuity and Variability in Early Language Development van Dijk, Marijn; van Geert, Paul Makale - EJ958328
2007 Spiritual Formation in Christian School Counseling Programs Sink, Christopher A.; Cleveland, Richard; Stern, Julian Makale - EJ929775
2007 Insurance Sector Dynamics: Towards Transformation into Learning Organization Barkur, Gopalakrishna; Varambally, K. V. M.; Rodrigues, Lewlyn L. R. Makale - EJ873330
2007 Learning to Think Systemically: What Does It Take? Zulauf, Carol Ann Makale - EJ873328
2007 An Exploration of the Relationship between Learning Organisations and the Retention of Knowledge Workers Lee-Kelley, Liz; Blackman, Deborah A.; Hurst, Jeffrey Peter Makale - EJ873311
2007 Current Approaches to Intervention in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder Sugden, David Makale - EJ854327
2007 Dynamic Instabilities as Mechanisms for Emergence Schoner, Gregor; Dineva, Evelina Makale - EJ849107
2007 The South African Education Agenda: Identifying Markers for Rewriting Agricultural Extension Curricula Worth, S. H. Makale - EJ828075
2007 Solving the Problem of Promoting Distance Library Services Wyss, Paul Alan Makale - EJ816799
2007 Using Students' Experiences to Derive Quality in an E-Learning System: An Institution's Perspective Alexander, Shirley; Golja, Tanja Makale - EJ814032
2007 Learning Elemental Structures and Dynamic Processes in Technological Systems: A Cognitive Framework Barak, M.; Williams, P. Makale - EJ813297
2007 Innovation and Emulation: Lessons from American Universities in Selling Private Rights to Public Knowledge Powell, Walter W.; Owen-Smith, Jason; Colyvas, Jeannette A. Makale - EJ810105
2007 State Space Grids: Analyzing Dynamics across Development Hollenstein, Tom Makale - EJ808278
2007 Bureaucratic Boundaries for Collective Learning in Industrial Work Kira, Mari; Frieling, Ekkehart Makale - EJ801537
2007 Conceptualizing Moral Literacy Tuana, Nancy Makale - EJ800492
2007 Using Metaphors to Teach Organization Theory Taber, Tom D. Makale - EJ797978
2007 Growing Leaders in Emergent Markets: Leadership Enhancement in the New South Africa April, Kurt A.; April, Amanda R. Makale - EJ797886
2007 Tomorrow I'll Be Me: The Effect of Time Perspective on the Activation of Idealistic versus Pragmatic Selves Kivetz, Yifat; Tyler, Tom R. Makale - EJ797046
2007 Fitness Testing of Students with Disabilities: Comparing and Modifying Fitness Tests to Provide Quality Assessments for All Students Menear, Kristi Sayers; Sims, Sandra K.; Phillips, John Makale - EJ794507
2007 Infusing Evaluative Thinking as Process Use: The Case of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Carden, Fred; Earl, Sarah Makale - EJ792380
2007 Taking an Aesthetic Stance toward Teaching and Assessment Berghoff, Beth Makale - EJ788824
2007 The Developmental Dynamics of Aggression and the Prevention of School Violence Farmer, Thomas W.; Farmer, Elizabeth M. Z.; Estell, David B.; Hutchins, Bryan C. Makale - EJ785936
2007 The Rise and Fall of Innovative Education: An Australian University Case Study Patterson, Thomas F., Jr. Makale - EJ784939
2007 Applying Chaos Theory to Careers: Attraction and Attractors Pryor, Robert G. L.; Bright, Jim E. H. Makale - EJ780083
2007 Scaffolding Interaction in Parent-Child Dyads: Multimodal Analysis of Parental Scaffolding with Task and Non-Task Oriented Children Salonen, Pekka; Lepola, Janne; Vauras, Marja Makale - EJ778200
2007 Temporal Envelope Changes of Compression and Speech Rate: Combined Effects on Recognition for Older Adults Jenstad, Lorienne M.; Souza, Pamela E. Makale - EJ776849
2007 Instructional Design Approaches for Improving a Course in Productivity and Work Measurement Lowry, Pamela Makale - EJ775981
2007 Evaluation of the Relationship Development Intervention Program Gutstein, Steven E.; Burgess, Audrey F.; Montfort, Ken Makale - EJ773647
2007 Re-Examining Empathy: A Relational-Feminist Point of View Freedberg, Sharon Makale - EJ772490
2007 Tremor Frequency Profile as a Function of Level of Mental Retardation Sprague, Robert L.; Deutsch, Katherine M.; Newell, Karl M. Makale - EJ765999
2007 A Change Management, Systems Thinking, or Organizational Development Approach to the No Child Left Behind Act Galloway, Dominique L. Makale - EJ765946
2007 Transformative Processes in Marriage: An Analysis of Emerging Trends Fincham, Frank D.; Stanley, Scott M.; Beach, Steven R. H. Makale - EJ758725
2007 The Dynamic Interdependence of Developmental Domains across Emerging Adulthood Sneed, Joel R.; Hamagami, Fumiaki; McArdle, John J.; Cohen, Patricia; Chen, Henian Makale - EJ758243
2007 A Theory and Dynamic Model of Dyadic Interaction: Concerns, Appraisals, and Contagiousness in a Developmental Context Steenbeek, Henderien W.; van Geert, Paul L. C. Makale - EJ754283
2007 Implications of Globalization for Training in Counseling Psychology: Presidential Address Nutt, Roberta L. Makale - EJ748394
2007 Users' Information Behaviour--A Gender Perspective Steinerová, Jela; Šušol, Jaroslav Makale - EJ1104701
2007 Paradigm Shifts That Nurture Improved Middle School Reading Instruction Podsiadlik, Edward Makale - EJ1099093
2007 Evolving a Learning Community through Systems Thinking Singh, Vinita Makale - EJ1066264
2007 Voyager Universal Literacy System[R]. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report What Works Clearinghouse, 200 Makale - ED497837
2006 Political Governance and Conflict Management: Why Developing Polities and the Poor Need a Stronger State Structure? Forje, John W. Makale - EJ903185
2006 Quantitative Assessment of a Senge Learning Organization Intervention Kiedrowski, P. Jay Makale - EJ873285
2006 Including Student Voice in the Design Process Griffith, Amy Stevens; Gill, Peggy B. Makale - EJ853380
2006 Theology and Imagination: From Theory to Practice Gallagher, Michael Paul Makale - EJ818021
2006 Conducting Policy-Relevant Developmental Psychopathology Research Petersen, Anne C. Makale - EJ813533
2006 Multimedia Arts Learning in an Activity System: New Literacies for At-Risk Children Betts, J. David Makale - EJ807863
2006 Systems Analysis of the UAE Education System Gaad, Eman; Arif, Mohammed; Scott, Fentey Makale - EJ801584
2006 The Process of Systemic Change Duffy, Francis M.; Reigeluth, Charles M.; Solomon, Monica; Caine, Geoffrey; Carr-Chellman, Alison A.; Almeida, Luis; Frick, Theodore; Thompson, Kenneth; Koh, Joyce; Ryan, Christopher D.; DeMars, Shane Makale - EJ774635
2006 Foundations for Systemic Change Kemp, Jerrold E.; Lee, Sunnie; Pascoe, Daniel; Beabout, Brian; Watson, William; Moore, Stephanie Makale - EJ774603
2006 Promoting Beginning Reading Success through Meaningful Assessment of Early Literacy Skills Coyne, Michael D.; Harn, Beth A. Makale - EJ761857
2006 In Search of Air Pollution Beckendorf, Kirk Makale - EJ758429
2006 Mathematics and Mathematics Education as Triadic Communication? A Semiotic Framework Exemplified Ongstad, Sigmund Makale - EJ748135
2006 Using 'HOCS-Centered Learning' as a Pathway to Promote Science Teachers' Metacognitive Development Leou, Mary; Abder, Pamela; Riordan, Megan; Zoller, Uri Makale - EJ748055
2006 The Emergence of Complexity, Fluency, and Accuracy in the Oral and Written Production of Five Chinese Learners of English Larsen-Freeman, Diane Makale - EJ746956
2006 Best Practices: A Cross-Site Evaluation DeJong, Judith A.; Hall, Philip S. Makale - EJ746471
2006 Effect of Temporal Constraints on Hemispheric Asymmetries during Spatial Frequency Processing Peyrin, Carole; Mermillod, Martial; Chokron, Sylvie; Marendaz, Christian Makale - EJ746385
2006 Moving toward a Grand Theory of Development: In Memory of Esther Thelen Spencer, John P.; Clearfield, Melissa; Corbetta, Daniela; Ulrich, Beverly; Buchanan, Patricia; Schoner, Gregor Makale - EJ746106
2006 Learning to Read 'Properly' by Moving between Parallel Literacy Classes Robertson, Leena Helavaara Makale - EJ742945
2006 On the Costs and Benefits of Faces and Words: Process Characteristics of Feature Search in Highly Meaningful Stimuli Wenger, Michael J.; Townsend, James T. Makale - EJ742395
2006 Transient and Enduring Spatial Representations under Disorientation and Self-Rotation Waller, David; Hodgson, Eric Makale - EJ742336
2006 Conceptualising the Family-Friendly Career: The Contribution of Career Theories and a Systems Approach Collin, Audrey Makale - EJ740258
2006 Learning to See the (W)holes Burns, Barbara A.; Jordan, Thomas M. Makale - EJ738690
2006 A Methodology for Assessing Learning in Complex and Ill-Structured Task Domains Spector, J. Michael Makale - EJ738626
2006 The Voyager Universal Literacy System: Results from a Study of Kindergarten Students in Inner-City Schools Frechtling, Joy A.; Zhang, Xiaodong; Silverstein, Gary Makale - EJ733704
2006 The Ministering Community as Context for Religious Education: A Case Study of St. Gabriel's Catholic Parish Fleischer, Barbara J Makale - EJ729536
2006 Skills-Building Assessment of Service-Focused Wellness Assistantships Segrist, Kathy; Schoonaert, Kelly Makale - EJ729513
2006 Biomolecular Modeling in a Process Dynamics and Control Course Gray, Jeffrey J. Makale - EJ1083642
2006 Cognitive Perspectives on SLA: The Associative-Cognitive CREED Ellis, Nick C. Makale - EJ1069076
2006 Forum Guide to Decision Support Systems: A Resource for Educators. NFES 2006-807 National Center for Education Statistics, 200 Makale - ED493913
2005 Some Systems Thinking Concepts for Environmental Educators during the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development Cloud, Jaimie P. Makale - EJ885071
2005 Revisiting the Roots of Learning Organization: A Synthesis of the Learning Organization Literature Yeo, Roland K. Makale - EJ873252
2005 Electronic Performance Support Systems and Technological Literacy Maughan, George R. Makale - EJ848437
2005 System Dynamics in Distance Education and a Call to Develop a Standard Model Shaffer, Steven C. Makale - EJ846860
2005 Engaging Communities through Vision Development: A Systems Approach to Public Relations Chance, Patty L. Makale - EJ846186
2005 Adult Perceptions of Positive and Negative Infant Emotional Expressions Bolzani Dinehart, Laura H.; Messinger, Daniel S.; Acosta, Susan I.; Cassel, Tricia; Ambadar, Zara; Cohn, Jeffrey Makale - EJ840314
2005 Managing In-House Development of a Campus-Wide Information System Shurville, Simon; Williams, John Makale - EJ808006
2005 Communities of Competence New Resources in the Workplace Smith, Elizabeth A. Makale - EJ802853
2005 Development of System Thinking Skills in the Context of Earth System Education Assaraf, Orit Ben-Zvi; Orion, Nir Makale - EJ760105
2005 New Concepts in Agroecology: A Service-Learning Course Jordan, Nicholas R.; Andow, David A.; Mercer, Kristin L. Makale - EJ756043
2005 Story Retell: A Fluency-Based Indicator of Reading Comprehension Roberts, Greg; Good, Roland; Corcoran, Stephanie Makale - EJ744402
2005 The Captains of Lives: Kaki Bukit Centre Prison School in Singapore Oh, Errol; Goh, Terrence; Tam, Kai Yung (Brian); Heng, Mary Anne Makale - EJ740060
2005 Dynamical Systems Approaches to Emotional Development Camras, Linda A.; Witherington, David C. Makale - EJ732002
2005 Social Dynamics in the Preschool Martin, Carol Lynn; Fabes, Richard A.; Hanish, Laura D.; Hollenstein, Tom Makale - EJ732001
2005 Peer Relationships and Psychopathology in Developmental Perspective: Reflections on Progress and Promise Masten, Ann S. Makale - EJ724947
2005 A Surprising Effect of Feedback on Learning Vollmeyer, Regina; Rheinberg, Falko Makale - EJ724182
2005 Systems Perspectives on External Quality Assurance: Implications for Micro-States Houston, Don; Maniku, Ahmed Ali Makale - EJ721286
2005 Model Building for Conceptual Change Jonassen, David; Strobel, Johannes; Gottdenker, Joshua Makale - EJ719396
2005 Committing to Quality Learning through Adaptive Online Assessment Challis, Di Makale - EJ717854
2005 Thinking for Speaking and Thinking for Listening: The Interaction of Thought and Language in Typical and Non-Fluent Comprehension and Production Dipper, Lucy T.; Black, Maria; Bryan, Karen L. Makale - EJ691599
2005 Sustainability, Systems Thinking and Professional Practice Martin, Stephen; Brannigan, James; Hall, Annie Makale - EJ691305
2005 Individual and Collective Reflection: How to Meet the Needs of Development in Teaching Nissila, Sade-Pirkko Makale - EJ691181
2005 Türkiye Cumhuriyeti inklâp tarihi ve Atatürkçülük dersinin sistem düşüncesi ve simülasyona dayalı öğretimi - System tought and simaltuon based instruction of the history of the Turkish Republic and Kemalism ALİ BAL Yüksek Lisans Eğitim ve Öğretim = Education and Training 159274
2004 Robot Contest as a Laboratory for Experiential Engineering Education Verner, Igor M.; Ahlgren, David J. Makale - EJ966179
2004 Perceptions of the Value of Microworld Simulation: Research Note Romme, A. Georges L. Makale - EJ952220
2004 Applying Self-Organised Learning to Develop Critical Thinkers for Learning Organisations: A Conversational Action Research Project Chng, Vivien Lee Looi; Coombs, Steven J. Makale - EJ940170
2004 Technological Metaphors and Moral Education: The Hacker Ethic and the Computational Experience Warnick, Bryan R. Makale - EJ924421
2004 An Inquiry into the Foundations of Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization Jensen, Jorgen A.; Rasmussen, Ole E. Makale - EJ873229
2004 Collective Learning: A Way over the Ridge to a New Organizational Attractor Backstrom, Tomas Makale - EJ873228
2004 Chaos, Complexity, Learning, and the Learning Organization: Towards a Chaordic Enterprise van Eijnatten, Frans M.; Putnik, Goran D. Makale - EJ873224
2004 How Research Helped Us to Move from Awareness to Action and Then to Systems Development Armstrong, Patricia; Grant, Jim Makale - EJ854451
2004 Understanding Wicked Problems: A Key to Advancing Environmental Health Promotion Kreuter, Marshall W.; De Rosa, Christopher; Howze, Elizabeth H.; Baldwin, Grant T. Makale - EJ827985
2004 Changing Residential Child Care: A Systems Approach to Consultation Training and Development Gibson, Johnnie; Leonard, Marcella; Wilson, Mena Makale - EJ822871
2004 Organisational Leadership and Chaos Theory: Let's Be Careful Galbraith, Peter Makale - EJ803003
2004 A Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Learning Organization Model in School Contexts Alavi, Seyyed Babak; McCormick, John Makale - EJ802928
2004 Extending the Use of Constructivist Approaches in Career Guidance and Counselling: Solution-Focused Strategies Miller, Judi H. Makale - EJ797614
2004 Creating a Culture of Assessment: A Catalyst for Organizational Change Lakos, Amos; Phipps, Shelley E. Makale - EJ792729
2004 Moral Leadership in the 21st Century: Everyone Is Watching--Especially the Students Quick, Paul M.; Normore, Anthony H. Makale - EJ773741
2004 A Systemic, Flexible, and Multidimensional Model for Evaluating E-Learning Programs Mungania, Peni; Hatcher, Tim Makale - EJ771814
2004 Federal Policy Mandating Safer Cigarettes: A Hypothetical Simulation of the Anticipated Population Health Gains or Losses Tengs, Tammy O.; Ahmad, Sajjad; Moore, Rebecca; Gage, Eric Makale - EJ759313
2004 Authentic Accountability Eckert, Eileen; Bell, Alexandra Makale - EJ736729
2004 Interrogation of a Dynamic Visualization during Learning Lowe, Richard Makale - EJ731649
2004 Autobiographical Memory from a Life Span Perspective Schroots, Johannes J. F.; van Dijkum, Cor; Assink, Marian H. J. Makale - EJ727356
2004 Schools as Sanctuaries Stanwood, H. Mark; Doolittle, Gini Makale - EJ725761
2004 Computers for Cognitive Development in Early Childhood--The Teacher's Role in the Computer Learning Environment Nir-Gal, Ofra; Klein, Pnina S. Makale - EJ723793
2004 Systems Thinking: A Skill to Improve Student Achievement Thornton, Bill; Peltier, Gary; Perreault, George Makale - EJ704108
2004 Studying the Dynamics of Problem Behavior across Multiple Time Scales: Prospects and Challenges. Howe, George W. Makale - EJ696745
2004 Rigidity in Parent-Child Interactions and the Development of Externalizing and Internalizing Behavior in Early Childhood Hollenstein, Tom; Granic, Isabela; Stoolmiller, Mike; Snyder, James Makale - EJ696739
2004 Teacher and Speech-Language Therapist Collaboration: Being Equal and Achieving a Common Goal? Hartas, D. Makale - EJ692493
2004 The Moral Impotence of Contemporary Experts Filion, Yves R. Makale - EJ689882
2004 The Use of Innovative ICT in the Active Pursuit of Literacy Watts, M.; Lloyd, C. Makale - EJ686060
2004 Emotions and Classroom Talk: Toward a Model of the Role of Affect in Students' Experiences of Classroom Discussions Do, Seung Lee; Schallert, Diane Lemonnier Makale - EJ685020
2004 The Progressive and Non-Formal Principles of Kibbutz Education in Israel Dror, Yuval Makale - EJ681787
2004 Harmony through Diversity: Exploring an Ecosystem Paradigm for Higher Education Patterson, Glenys Makale - EJ681033
2004 Government, Business and the Public: The Role of Environmental Education in Creating Sustainable Urban Places Ngotho, Muthoni; Fincham, Robert; Quinn, Nevil Makale - EJ680708
2003 Implications of Complexity and Chaos Theories for Organizations that Learn Smith, Peter A. C. Makale - EJ873190
2003 Stability and Transitions in Mother-Infant Face-to-Face Communication during the First 6 Months: A Microhistorical Approach Hsu, Hui-Chin; Fogel, Alan Makale - EJ775236
2003 Teaching Biotechnology through Case Studies--Can We Improve Higher Order Thinking Skills of Nonscience Majors? Dori, Yehudit J.; Tal, Revital T.; Tsaushu, Masha Makale - EJ773044
2003 The Value of an Emergent Notion of Authenticity: Examples from Two Student/Teacher-Scientist Partnership Programs Rahm, Jrene; Miller, Heather C.; Hartley, Laurel; Moore, John C. Makale - EJ772920
2003 Learning from History: Chronicling the Emergence of Human Performance Technology. O'Driscoll, Tony Makale - EJ676524
2003 Effect of Knowledge Integration Activities on Students' Perception of the Earth's Crust as a Cyclic System. Kali, Yael; Orion, Nir; Eylon, Bat-Sheva Makale - EJ675415
2003 Systems Thinking Can Improve Teacher Retention. Minarik, Melanie M.; Thornton, Bill; Perreault, George Makale - EJ674389
2003 The 'Oprahfication' of Literacy: Reading 'Oprah's Book Club.' Hall, R. Mark Makale - EJ672754
2003 Deep Ecology: Educational Possibilities for the Twenty-First Century. Capra, Fritjof Makale - EJ670185
2003 Professional Development in Higher Education. Brancato, Vera C. Makale - EJ669264
2003 Complex Systems: Boundary-Spanning Training Techniques. Adler, Terry; Black, Janice A.; Loveland, John P. Makale - EJ667391
2003 Teaching for the Future: Systems Thinking and Sustainability. Goekler, John Makale - EJ665306
2003 Sustaining Inner and Outer Worlds: A Whole-Systems Approach to Developing Sustainable Business Practices in Management. Bradbury, Hilary Makale - EJ663966
2002 Further Properties of the Sumudu Transform and Its Applications Asiru, Muniru Aderemi Makale - EJ770469
2002 Reframing the Perfectionist's Catch-22 Dilemma: A Systems Thinking Approach. Ramsey, Deborah C.; Ramsey, Philip L. Makale - EJ672964
2002 Making Text Come to Life on the Computer: Toward an Understanding of Hypermedia Literacy. Eagleton, Maya B. Makale - EJ669389
2002 Using Construction Kits, Modeling Tools and System Dynamics Simulations To Support Collaborative Discovery Learning. Milrad, Marcelo Makale - EJ663108
2002 Why Professional Development Should Challenge Teachers' Core Beliefs. Kinchin, Ian M. Makale - EJ656481
2002 Getting Valid and Useful Educational Results and Payoffs: We Are What We Say, Do, and Deliver. Kaufman, Roger; Watkins, Ryan; Guerra, Ingrid Makale - EJ653607
2002 Problem-Based Learning, Group Process and the Mid-Career Professional: Implications for Graduate Education. Fenwick, Tara J. Makale - EJ652332
2002 Exploratory Application of Systems Dynamics Modeling to School Finance Policy Analysis. Baker, Bruce D.; Richards, Craig E. Makale - EJ642935
2001 The Feldenkrais Method: A Dynamic Approach to Changing Motor Behavior. Buchanan, Patricia A.; Ulrich, Beverly D. Makale - EJ640164
2001 Mother-Infant Responsiveness: Timing, Mutual Regulation, and Interactional Context. Van Egeren, Laurie A,; Barratt, Marguerite S.; Roach, Mary A. Makale - EJ639757
2001 Student Behaviour and Performance in Using a Web-based Assessment System. Wong, Chi Keun; Wong, Wai; Yeung, Chor Hung Makale - EJ639545
2001 'Seinfeld,' Professor of Organizational Behavior: The Psychological Contract and Systems Thinking. Dent, Eric B. Makale - EJ636461
2001 The Role of Target Distinctiveness in Infant Perseverative Reaching. Diedrich, Frederick J.; Highlands, Tonia M.; Spahr, Kimberly A.; Thelen, Esther; Smith, Linda B. Makale - EJ626937
2001 Family-Centered Functional Therapy--A Choice for Children with Motor Dysfunction. Darrah, Johanna; Law, Mary; Pollock, Nancy Makale - EJ624749
2000 Literacy, Education and Arts Partnership: A Community-System Programme Integrating the Arts across the Curriculum. Wilkinson, Joyce Makale - EJ674454
2000 System Dynamics and Interactive Learning Environments: Lessons Learned and Implications for the Future. Spector, J. Michael Makale - EJ623540
2000 Literacy Education in Korea: A Sociocultural Perspective. Lee, Jeehyun; Park, Eunhye; Kim, Heejin Makale - EJ621924
2000 From Individual Differences to Dynamic Pathways of Development. Fischer, Kurt W.; Pare-Blagoev, Juliana Makale - EJ620362
2000 Learning As Acquisition and Learning As Interaction. Klabbers, Jan H. G. Makale - EJ620151
2000 Literacy Explorer: A Performance Support Tool for Novice Reading Facilitators. Bannan-Ritland, Brenda; Egerton, Emily; Page, Jen; Behrmann, Michael Makale - EJ618341
2000 Enhancing Learning Capabilities by Providing Transparency in Business Simulators. Groessler, Andreas; Maier, Frank H.; Milling, Peter M. Makale - EJ615193
2000 Designing Educational Support in System-Dynamics-based Interactive Learning Environments. Alessi, Stephen Makale - EJ615192
2000 The Leadership Attitudes and Beliefs Scale: An Instrument for Evaluating College Students' Thinking about Leadership and Organizations. Wielkiewicz, Richard M. Makale - EJ614369
2000 New Ways of Thinking about Assessment and Curriculum. Berghoff, Beth Makale - EJ612922
2000 The Methodless Method: Krishnamurti Education. Peterson, James W. Makale - EJ610376
2000 How Children Solve Environmental Problems: Using Computer Simulations To Investigate Systems Thinking. Sheehy, N. P.; Wylie, J. W.; McGuinness, C.; Orchard, G. Makale - EJ608863
2000 Micromaths: Modelling Balls, Springs and (Other Swinging) Things! Oldknow, Adrian Makale - EJ605649
2000 Enabling Systems Thinking in the 'Mesonic Millennium': The Need for Systemic Methodologies for Conceptual Learning in Undergraduate Management Education. Thurston, Elizabeth K. Makale - EJ598566
1999 Systems Thinking: A Missing Component in Higher Educational Planning? Galbraith, Peter L. Makale - EJ616562
1999 Socially Constructed Learning: A Commentary on the Concept of the Learning Organisation. Cullen, Joy Makale - EJ612465
1999 Toward Green Challenge Courses. Johnson, Karl E. Makale - EJ611931
1999 How Do I Know My Students Are Becoming Better Readers and Writers? Monitoring Literacy Learning. Winn, Judith A.; Otis-Wilborn, Amy Makale - EJ594936
1999 Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity: The Challenges of Team Leadership at a Middle School. Crispeels, Janet H.; Martin, Kathleen J.; Harari, Itamar; Strait, Cheryl C.; Rodarte, Marisol A. Makale - EJ593002
1999 Reading Recovery Effectiveness: A Five-Year Success Story in San Luis Coastal Unified School District. Brown, Wayne; Denton, Edwin; Kelly, Patricia; Neal, Judith Makale - EJ583654
1998 Questions for Collaboration: Lessons from Reggio Emilia. Fyfe, Brenda Makale - EJ602081
1998 Perceived Control and the Development of Academic Motivation. Commentary. Eccles, Jacquelynne S. Makale - EJ576019
1998 Improving Interactions in the Large Language Class. Raymond, Patricia M.; Raymond, Jacques; Pilon, Daniel Makale - EJ575484
1998 DCG & GTE: Dynamic Courseware Generation with Teaching Expertise. Vassileva, Julita Makale - EJ573904
1998 The Great ASL-MCE Debate: A Rejoinder. Paul, Peter V.; Drasgow, Erik Makale - EJ573599
1998 An Evaluation of a Multi-Sensory Speaking-Computer based System (Starcross-IDL) Designed To Teach the Literacy Skills of Reading and Spelling. Scrase, Richard Makale - EJ572179
1998 Information Arcology and Data Explorations: Scientific Content for Multiple Learning Styles and Environments. Habermann, Ted; Burton, Nancy; Frender, Kevin Makale - EJ570936
1998 Disentangling Early Language Development: Modeling Lexical and Grammatical Acquisition Using an Extension of Case-Study Methodology. Robinson, Byron F.; Mervis, Carolyn B. Makale - EJ570723
1998 Information Technology and the Clinical Curriculum: Some Predictions and Their Implications for the Class of 2003. Faughnan, John G.; Elson, Robert Makale - EJ570412
1998 From Text to Context: An Open Systems Approach to Research in Written Business Communication. Suchan, Jim; Dulek, Ron Makale - EJ570043
1998 Children's Thinking about Air Pollution: A Systems Theory Analysis. Wylie, Judith; Sheehy, Noel; McGuinness, Carol; Orchard, Gerry Makale - EJ569297
1998 Using Systems Thinking to Improve Education. Cotter, Maury Makale - EJ566045
1998 A Case of Innovative Integration of High-Performance Work Teams. Thompson, Faye; Baughan, Donna; Motwani, Jaideep Makale - EJ565985
1998 Applying Systems Thinking to Curriculum Evaluation. Jasparro, Ralph J. Makale - EJ563919
1998 Implications of Educational Theory for the Design of Instructional Multimedia. Wild, Martyn; Quinn, Clark Makale - EJ561381
1997 Using the Genogram to Teach Systems Thinking. Pistole, M. Carole Makale - EJ571587
1997 Using Ideas from Business to Encourage Critical Thinking in the Social Studies. Fenwick, Tara; Parsons, Jim Makale - EJ561938
1997 The Use of Spreadsheets in Science--An Overview. Carson, S. R. Makale - EJ561785
1997 Creating Engaging Courseware Using System Dynamics. Davidsen, Pal I.; Spector, J. Michael Makale - EJ561391
1997 Toward a Developmental Ecological Psychology. Goldfield, Eugene C. Makale - EJ555949
1997 Reflections on Why the Cows Cannot Fly. Rojas, Alicia Makale - EJ550813
1997 On Becoming a Learning Organization. Brown, Judy Sorum Makale - EJ550313
1997 A Commitment to Making the Library a Learning Organization. Riggs, Donald E. Makale - EJ549350
1997 Improving Tools To Create Learning Laboratories for Complex Problem Solving. Gonzalez, Jose J. Makale - EJ549339
1997 Restoring Public Confidence in Schools through Systems Thinking. Peck, Kyle L.; Carr, Alison A. Makale - EJ549008
1997 Adrift in the Sea of Innovations: A Response to Alexander, Murphy, and Woods. Morris, Don R. Makale - EJ548437
1997 An Ecological Approach to the On-Line Assessment of Problem-Solving Paths: Principles and Applications. Shaw, Robert E.; And Others Makale - EJ546248
1997 Using Students' Knowledge to Generate Individual Feedback: Concept for an Intelligent Educational System on Logistics. Ziems, Dietrich; Neumann, Gaby Makale - EJ546222
1997 Experiential Graduate Education: An Experiment in Transformative Learning. Laiken, Marilyn Makale - EJ545498
1997 The School as a Learning Organization. Keefe, James W.; Howard, Eugene R. Makale - EJ544317
1997 The Legacy of Public Work: Educating for Citizenship. Boyte, Harry C.; Skelton, Nan Makale - EJ539079
1996 [A Dynamic Developmental Model of Suicide.] Commentary. Campbell, Robert L. Makale - EJ549514
1996 Dynamic Social Impact Theory and the Study of Human Communication. Fink, Edward L. Makale - EJ548769
1996 Technologies for Learning: Instructional Support at Cornell's Albert R. Mann Library. Koltay, Zsuzsa; And Others Makale - EJ546281
1996 Sharing Craft Knowledge: The Soul of Principal Peer Assessment. Abbott, James E. Makale - EJ536161
1996 Institutionalization and the Reform Process: A System Dynamics Perspective. Morris, Don R. Makale - EJ535728
1996 Toward a Scientific Basis for the Craft of Teaching. Buriak, Philip; And Others Makale - EJ533758
1996 Classroom Dynamics: The Impact of a Technology-Based Curriculum Innovation on Teaching and Learning. Mandinach, Ellen B.; Cline, Hugh F. Makale - EJ530988
1996 Analysis of Current Motor Development Theory and Recently Published Infant Motor Assessments. Case-Smith, Jane Makale - EJ527685
1996 The Wizard's Curtain: A Reply from Oregon. Sandow, Dennis; Rhodes, Larry Makale - EJ526955
1996 An Apparatus Evaluation. Boyette, Todd R.; Haase, David G. Makale - EJ523643
1996 TELLTALE: Experiments in a Dynamic Hypertext Environment for Degraded and Multilingual Data. Pearce, Claudia; Nicholas, Charles Makale - EJ520311
1996 Quality Improvement: A Strategy for Planned Organizational Change. Kovel-Jarboe, Patricia Makale - EJ520157
1996 Transforming Schools into Learning Organizations. Conzemius, Anne; Conzemius, William C. Makale - EJ519301
1995 User-Centered Perspective of Information Retrieval Research and Analysis Methods. Sugar, William Makale - EJ518326
1995 Organizational Transformation Concepts and Collaborative Multi-School District Efforts to Improve Educational Programs for Students with Special Learning Needs. Brown, James M.; And Others Makale - EJ514319
1995 Cross-Cultural Teamwork in End User Computing: A Theoretical Model. Bento, Regina F. Makale - EJ512199
1995 Book Reviews. Sinnott, Jan D.; And Others Makale - EJ507210
1994 Modeling and Simulation in the Secondary School Curriculum: The Impact on Teachers. Mandinach, Ellen B.; Cline, Hugh F. Makale - EJ532929
1994 Towards Minimizing Social, Cultural, and Intellectual Disruptions Embedded in Literacy Instruction. Peat, David W. Makale - EJ497017
1994 A Paradigm Shift in Staff Development. Sparks, Dennis Makale - EJ497009
1994 Marriage between Jews and Non-Jews: Counseling Implications. Eaton, Sandra C. Makale - EJ495969
1994 Bridging Theory, Research and Practice to More Successfully Engage Substance Abusing Youth and Their Families into Therapy. Santisteban, Daniel A.; Szapocznik, Jose Makale - EJ495856
1994 Dynamic Modeling, Chaos, and Cognitive Development. Howe, Mark L.; Rabinowitz, F. Michael Makale - EJ493481
1994 Computerized Adult Reading Instruction: An Evaluation of the PALS Program. Vockell, Edward L.; Sweeney, Jackie Makale - EJ489000
1994 What Is Meant by Local Literacies? Street, Brian V. Makale - EJ488047
1994 The Attributes of the Literate Reader in a Pluralistic Society. Dagostino, Lorraine; Carifio, James Makale - EJ487819
1994 Verifying Key Theoretical Concepts in a Dynamic Model of Distance Education. Saba, Farhad; Shearer, Rick L. Makale - EJ483694
1994 Empowered Leadership: Realizing the Good News. Shields, Carolyn; Newton, Earle Makale - EJ483293
1993 Using Systems Thinking to Change Systems. Asayesh, Gelareh Makale - EJ482551
1993 Transforming Libraries into Learning Organizations--The Challenge for Leadership. Phipps, Shelley E. Makale - EJ476161
1993 General System Theory: Toward a Conceptual Framework for Science and Technology Education for All. Chen, David; Stroup, Walter Makale - EJ474994
1993 A Longitudinal Study of Intralimb Coordination in the First Year of Independent Walking: A Dynamical Systems Analysis. Clark, Jane E.; Phillips, Sally J. Makale - EJ469349
1993 A Chakra-Based Model of Group Development. Gilchrist, Roger; Mikulas, William L. Makale - EJ468381
1993 Seven Tips for Implementing TQM: A CEO's View from the Trenches. LeTarte, Clyde E. Makale - EJ467408
1993 Chaos Theory and the Study of Human Behavior: Implications for Special Education and Developmental Disabilities. Guess, Doug; Sailor, Wayne Makale - EJ465356
1993 Coaching for Leadership: Moving toward Site-Based Management. Bennett, Ken; And Others Makale - EJ463861
1993 A New View: Adult Literacy Education. Foucar-Szocki, Diane; Mitchell, Fran Makale - EJ463599
1993 A Review of Peter Senge's Examination of Learning Organizations: Implications for Vocational Special Needs Programs. Wonser, Renee L.; Damme, Susan R. Makale - EJ462072
1993 Graphic Representational Systems and Literacy Learning. McNaughton, Shirley Makale - EJ459575
1992 A Conceptual Framework for Thinking about Conceptual Frameworks: Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap. Hills, Jean; Gibson, C. Makale - EJ457225
1992 Can Schools Become Learning Organizations? Isaacson, Nancy; Bamburg, Jerry Makale - EJ454329
1992 How Systems Thinking Applies to Education. Betts, Frank Makale - EJ454328
1992 The Special Education Rescue: A Case for Systems Thinking. Case, Ann Dinsmoor Makale - EJ451473
1992 Assessment of the Relationships between the Computer Attitudes and Computer Literacy Levels of Prospective Educators. Hignite, Michael A.; Echternacht, Lonnie J. Makale - EJ447479
1992 An Evaluation of the IBM Principle of Alphabet Literacy System (PALS). Evans, Peter; And Others Makale - EJ444964
1992 Qualifications of Information Technology College Faculties: The Role of Formal Education and Professional Certification. Duncan, Doris Makale - EJ441672
1992 Stella, A Simulation Construction Kit: Cognitive Process and Educational Implications. Steed, Marlo Makale - EJ440095
1991 How Are New Behavioral Forms and Functions Introduced during Ontogenesis? Commentary. Wolff, Peter H. Makale - EJ431732
1991 Medical Knowledge Bases. Miller, Randolph A.; Giuse, Nunzia B. Makale - EJ421598
1990 Strategy Instruction: Issues for the Transfer of Knowledge. Gamlin, Peter J. Makale - EJ428588
1990 Pals--A Dream Come True. Bernal, Mary Lou Makale - EJ428341
1990 New Evidence on the Development of the Word 'Big.' Sena, Rhonda; Smith, Linda B. Makale - EJ417113
1989 Order, Chaos and All That! Glasser, L. Makale - EJ406101
1989 Motor Development as the Development of Systems: Comments on the Special Section. von Hofsten, Claes Makale - EJ402878
1989 Model-Building and the Use of Computer Simulation of Dynamic Systems. Mandinach, Ellen B. Makale - EJ398004
1989 Relativism, Radical Pedagogy, and the Ideology of Paralysis. Paine, Charles Makale - EJ397659
1989 Instructional Systems Development: Refocus on the Term 'Systems.' Nervig, Nordale N. Makale - EJ390179
1988 Extending the Educational Planning Discourse: Conceptual and Paradigmatic Explorations. Adams, Don Makale - EJ389470
1988 Teaching Model Building to High School Students: Theory and Reality. Roberts, Nancy; Barclay, Tim Makale - EJ386295
1988 Integrated Telecommunications Systems and Instructional Transaction. Saba, Farhad Makale - EJ384367
1988 Systems Thinking: When Engineering Education Calls Itself into Question. Laporta, Jean Makale - EJ380841
1988 The Development of Systems Thinking in Engineering Education: An Interdisciplinary Model. Fordyce, Derek Makale - EJ380840
1988 Systems Theory and Interdisciplinarity in Engineering Education: A Review and Critique. Fincham, Robin; Roslender, Robin Makale - EJ380837
1988 Interdisciplinarity and Systems Thinking: Some Implications for Engineering Education and Education for Industry. King, Mary C. Makale - EJ380836
1988 Weighing Huck Finn's Choices and Decisions. Demastes, William Makale - EJ379747
1988 Parent Education from a Family-Systems Perspective. Getz, Hildy; Gunn, William B. Makale - EJ378499
1988 Systems Thinking: An Experimental Course for College Freshmen. Felder, Richard M.; Soloman, Barbara A. Makale - EJ375153
1988 Research in Distance Education: A System Modeling Approach. Saba, Farhad; Twitchell, David Makale - EJ372445
1988 Modelling the Bradford Phenomenon. Burrell, Quentin L. Makale - EJ370767
1987 Starting from Scratch in a Specialized Information Center. Cline, Sharon D. Makale - EJ363849
1987 Computer Systems Simulation in Education: Description of an Experience. Toval, Ambrosio; Flores, Mariano Makale - EJ363824
1987 Paradigmatic Contexts of Models of Educational Planning and Decision Making Adams, Don Makale - EJ358029
1987 Ten Frequent Assumptions of Cultural Bias in Counseling. Pedersen, Paul Makale - EJ348818
1987 Literacy in Industrialized Countries: A Focus on Practice = L'Alphabetisation en pays industrialises: Point de Mire sur la Pratique. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Literacy in Industrialized Countries (Toronto, Ontario, October 13-15, 1987). Convergence, Volume 20, Nos. 3-4, 1987. Gayfer, Margaret, Ed. Makale - ED300531
1986 The DYNAMO Simulation Language--An Alternate Approach to Computer Science Education. Bronson, Richard Makale - EJ351446
1986 Progress Towards Change: The National Resource Center on Family Based Services. Hutchinson, Janet R. Makale - EJ347843
1986 System Dynamics Models and Institutional Pricing Decisions. Chen, Fiona Makale - EJ339012
1986 Teaching Environmental Systems Modelling Using Computer Simulation. Moffatt, Ian Makale - EJ338193
1986 Faculty Advising: Help for Student-Athletes? Kramer, Howard C. Makale - EJ337709
1986 Emergency Psychiatry and the Family: The Decision to Admit. Perlmutter, Richard A. Makale - EJ337162
1985 Systematic Self-Regulation of the Neural System Essential for Peak Performance and Wellbeing. Cassel, Russell N. Makale - EJ329293
1985 Impact on Academic Medical Center of Reduction Reimbursement of Indirect Research Costs. Kutina, Kenneth L.; And Others Makale - EJ324043
1985 Teaching an Introductory CAD Course with the System-Engineering Approach. Pao, Y. C. Makale - EJ319034
1985 Political System, Educational Policy and Lifelong Learning: The Experience of Two Federally Constituted Nations: The United States and the Federal Republic of Germany. Rivera, William M.; Dohmen, Gunther Makale - EJ317906
1984 Kinds of Thinking Taught in Current Programs. Nickerson, Raymond S. Makale - EJ306672
1983 Nicaragua. Aulestia, Juan Makale - EJ292613
1983 From Family Symptom to Family System: Review of Family Therapy Research. Russell, Candyce S.; And Others Makale - EJ287896
1983 A Low Cost Microcomputer System for Process Dynamics and Control Simulations. Crowl, D. A.; Durisin, M. J. Makale - EJ281772
1982 The Systems Approach: Its Variety of Aspects. Mattessich, Richard Makale - EJ274733
1982 A First Course in Continuous Simulation. Bronson, Richard Makale - EJ273199
1982 Organization of Experience among Family Members in the Immediate Present: A Gestalt/Systems Integration. Kaplan, Marvin L.; Kaplan, Netta R. Makale - EJ256144
1981 A Measure of Cognition within the Context of Assertion. Golden, Morrie Makale - EJ245349
1979 Computer-Assisted Policy Analysis in Higher Education: Assessing the Impacts of Charging Tuition in Community Colleges. Howard, James E.; Gardiner, Peter C. Makale - EJ214748
1979 Campus Consultation: Toward a Coherent Conceptualization. Meade, Charles J.; Hamilton, M. Kathryn Makale - EJ202818
1978 Systems Theory, Systems Technology, and Curriculum Design. Pratt, David Makale - EJ189869
1977 The World Hypotheses Scale: Rationale, Reliability and Validity Harris, Maxine; And Others Makale - EJ176596
1977 Billy Budd and Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development Hagen, Lyman B. Makale - EJ175078
1977 An Historical Analysis to Explain the Evolution of Advertising Agency Services Miracle, Gordon E. Makale - EJ169686
1977 Classroom Ideas Spooner, William E. Makale - EJ166590
1976 Further Verification of Bloom's Taxonomy Roberts, Nancy Makale - EJ153001
1976 Projecting a Teaching Hospital's Future Utilization: A Dynamic Simulation Approach Hirsch, Gary B.; And Others Makale - EJ148333
1976 Computer Simulation in Chemical Kinetics Anderson, Jay Martin Makale - EJ147146
1976 A System Pathology of an Organization: The Rise and Fall of the Old Saturday Evening Post Hall, Roger I. Makale - EJ141183
1975 The Firm as a Learning Environment Hart, Ben Makale - EJ134104
1974 Training, Stability and Control Gaines, B. R. Makale - EJ101291
1974 College Student and Dropout Problem: A Qualitative Dynamic Simulation Bossel, Hartmut Makale - EJ096621
1974 Educational Policy And System Dynamics Garet, Michael Makale - EJ093867
1973 Instructional Aids in Mathematics: A Systems Approach to Mathematics Instruction Forbes, Jack E.; Gray, James F. Makale - EJ078154
1972 Division of Chemical Education: Report of the Curriculum Committee--Statement of Purpose Cassidy, Harold Makale - EJ051542
1971 Evaluation ResearchWith Illustrations From Project SEARCH West, Lloyd W. Makale - EJ052436
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